Huashan female sword god

Chapter 21 Huashan Lunjian-1 [The re-examination has passed, please support]

Chapter 21 Huashan Lunjian-1 [The re-examination has passed, please support]

Aside from the huge internal change of the Yin-Yang God Sect's change of dynasty a year ago, the Huashan Discussion of Swords is the most talked about in the world recently.

Outsiders only knew that the Sword Discussion Conference was initiated by the three major sects of Huashan, Wudang and Quanzhen. They jointly posted posts and invited famous swordsmen from all over the world to participate in the conference in Huashan. Why Pai initiated this sword discussion meeting, few people knew at the beginning, but after a long time, there are different opinions.

The statement of the person in this cubicle is a relatively reliable one.

It is said that Hao Datong, one of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, traveled around and preached Taoism. One day a few months ago, he came to Huashan Mountain. It happened that a well-known Daoist Taixu from Wudang School was also a guest in Huashan Mountain. The two sat down and discussed Taoism. Located in Mount Hua, it is one of the Five Sacred Mountains, and the Five Sacred Mountains are well-known for their swordsmanship. The two men mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of swordsmanship in the world, and they naturally had different ideas.

Daoist Taixu said that he does not look at the individual user, but only discusses the sword technique. The "Baitian Sword Art" by Dugu Sword Demon in the past is the most exquisite. With a single sword in hand, it can break the world's martial arts. Hao Datong said that Dali Kingdom The country-defending swordsmanship——"Shenmaixing Swordsmanship" is the most amazing, the sword qi is continuously urged, and everything is broken.

As for Master Ling of the Huashan Sect, the host, he had no intention of participating in the discussion, but the two priests insisted on asking him to judge. He is the master of the Huashan Sword Sect, no matter how humble he is, he has no reason to say that his own swordsmanship is not as good as others, so he praised the two As soon as the swordsmanship mentioned by the Taoist master was mastered, the topic changed. Dao is his long-lost Donglai swordsmanship, which can be the pinnacle of ancient and modern swordsmanship.

In this way, two people become three people, and with words and swords, no one can convince anyone, and in the end, it is necessary to use martial arts to discuss swords.However, "Baitian Sword Art" and "Donglai Sword Art" have long been lost. Although "Shenmai Xingjian Art" has a sword manual left over, there is no one in the world who can practice it. It was decided to invite fellow practitioners to discuss the quality of the swordsmanship that exists in the world and has been practiced by others, which is why today's excitement is here!
Although this person speaks convincingly and logically, it is fabricated after all. As for whether it is spreading rumors, or whether it is a smoke bomb released by Ling Buluan and several parties on their own initiative, it is unknown!
What followed was the dull Hu Tian talking, not to mention Yu Ling and Ming Yuetian, Ling Shan was not interested in listening to it.

Because there are too many diners during this time, this room will not be an independent private room, but a few screens are simply erected on the wall to block the inside and outside, so there is no sound insulation.

What those people talked about before was related to this "Huashan Lunjian". Ling Shan was interested in eavesdropping, and Ming Yuetian endured it. I couldn't bear it anymore, and reprimanded through the screen: "Be quiet."

The voice over there stopped, then continued indifferently, and even laughed.

Ming Yuetian has never been a good tempered person, and his patience will never be unlimited. Immediately, his evil spirit surged up, and with Yuling's indifferent acquiescence, he left the table and lifted the screen in the middle to deal with these people.

The few people saw that although Yu Ling was covering her face, her figure was not bad, so they desperately tried to use alcohol to tease her. As for the two little girls, they were not taken seriously.

It's funny to say, they yelled quite a lot, but their subordinates didn't have much skill, they were either top-notch, or third- or fourth-rate, as they said, they came here purely to watch the excitement, and then, there were six people at the table, They were all captured by Ming Yuetian alone.

She is ruthless, and she doesn't know how to be merciless when she strikes. If Yuling hadn't said not to hurt people's lives, I'm afraid her "virgin killing" would have fallen on these few people. One hand was nailed to the table, and several acupuncture points on her body were sealed. She couldn't move and she couldn't scream. Her faces were distorted in pain, and she could see her devilish nature at a glance.

The surrounding screens were knocked down during the fight, and the scene of the room on this side was exposed, and the whole restaurant was silent. No one dared to speak for a long time, and it was almost audible.

Before actually seeing her, who would have imagined that such a little girl could have such martial arts and be so ruthless?

"Eat your food, look again, goug the dog's eyes!"

Ming Yuetian glanced back and snorted coldly, her voice was not loud, it seemed harsh under the current environment.The role model was still in front of them, and the others immediately lowered their heads. Those who should eat should eat, those who should drink should drink, but no one dared to speak.

They didn't eat much of the meal, the three master and apprentice got up and left. The shopkeeper only said that he invited him for this meal, and didn't even dare to accept the meal money, and only hoped that the plague god would be sent away as soon as possible.Before going out, Yuling unsealed the acupuncture points of those people with a few fingers from the air, and immediately the belated wailing in the restaurant rose to the sky.

This matter then spread in Taihua Town at a very fast speed, and it attracted the attention of some heroes and young knights who wanted to act chivalrously.

It was the ninth day of the lunar new year, and before the Sword Discussion Meeting officially started, they found a place to live in the town. It was a small courtyard in a secluded private house. The big event was coming soon, and the inns in the town were full of guests. Their houses were all rented by foreigners, so they had to live here.

Stayed for one night, ushered in the dawn of the tenth day of October, countless visitors left Taihua Town, calling friends and friends to rush to Huashan.

This time the Sword Discussion Meeting was held on the Chaoyang Peak, so many visitors went to the East Peak to watch the grand event. For a while, from the foot of Huashan Mountain to the foot of the East Peak, there were long queues of people, and there were always many birdsong and monkeys singing. The rare human noise on Huashan Mountain is better than everything.

There are ten to twenty thousand people from the rivers and lakes who came because of this grand event. If you add those dignitaries, gentry and rich people, the number will be even greater. It is impossible to let these people swarm up the mountain.There were disciples from the three sects who co-organized the Sword Discussion Association, mainly Quanzhen and Wudang disciples guarding the main road between the North Peak and the East Peak, and no one without an invitation was allowed to enter. What's more, apart from not allowing them to go up the mountain, the members of the three sects also gave them good looks, but no one really rushed up the mountain regardless of everything!
The three of Ling Shan didn't have an invitation card, so they should have been blocked under Chaoyang Peak, but Ling Shan had been a member of Huashan Mountain for more than half a year, and she ran and played with others all day long, so she was familiar with the main peaks, so naturally Know some hiking trails other than the main ones.So he took his master and sister to go around up the mountain from one side.

At that time, there were tens of thousands of people from all over the world gathered under Chaoyang Peak, while on Chaoyang Peak, although the number of people was far less than that at the bottom of the mountain, it was still quite a few, at least one or two thousand people, disciples from various sects who came to see the world with their teachers, came to the door From senior Su Lao to the head of the sect, there are figures everywhere!
The square with a wide view at the top of the peak can accommodate at least 700 people, all of whom are elites from various factions, and the circle closest to the central Sword Discourse Arena has hundreds of people sitting, all of whom are well-known in the world. Senior masters, of course, those who participate in the sword discussion and those who watch the sword discussion have their own!

(End of this chapter)

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