Chapter 223 223.
223. Evil Storm, Xinglin Shang 5
"Dead, dead!"

They all thought that punishment was enough, but no one thought that Shi Huichun would kill him with poisonous hands. The two men who were holding the man noticed that the body of the man trapped in his hand sank, and one of them tried to sniff, only to realize that the man's breath had been cut off. Death, suddenly frightened out of his wits, let go of his hand, and backed away.

The other person was unprepared and couldn't bear the force, and the deceased fell directly to the ground.

Everyone was astonished, but Shi Huichun had already done the same in this moment, killing the other two together.A kind old doctor can also regard human life as worthless once he becomes ruthless, and kills without blood.


The two disciples next to him yelled to stop, but it was too late.

"Kill, kill!"

Everyone retreated and ran straight out, letting three corpses lie on the ground!

Shi Huichun swept across the crowd, knocked down several people, and finally stopped in front of the door, sternly shouted: "What are you running? Whoever runs again, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Stretching out his hands, clasping the shoulders of the first two people and pushing them, they flew out in an exclamation, knocking over a group of comers behind him, blinking and wailing again and again.

People who suffer from pain can no longer take care of running. Those who are protected from beatings are frightened by its power and dare not run again for a while, looking at each other in fear. In recent years, Shi Huichun has rarely had the experience of appearing in front of others. The haggard and seemingly weak old owner can still have this trick.

Shi Huichun smiled and said: "The three of them are spies, but spies may not be the only three!"

Everyone was startled, and said that he would rather kill the wrong than let them go, that he would kill everyone here, his whole body was cold, and his heart was panicked, but at the next moment he asked as if asking for advice: "So in order to cleanse everyone? I have to ask everyone to stay in the lobby for the time being, are you willing?"

Everyone felt relieved at once, it's better to kill someone, and they nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

A group of people were confined in the lobby for the time being, before Shi Huichun summoned two disciples, saying, "Third brother, fourth child, come out with me!"

After leaving the lobby, they came to the courtyard, and as soon as they stood still, Feng Nanli asked urgently: "Master, you..."

He was full of thoughts and doubts in his heart, and he desperately wanted to ask the master to answer, but was interrupted by Shi Huichun's wave of his hand, he said slowly: "Don't ask anything, just listen: the matter of being a teacher is just as I said just now. It’s not a lie, and there’s nothing hidden about it, it’s just a simple outbreak of accumulated poison, and it’s not too long to die, and now it seems to be normal, but in fact, it’s just temporarily using secret methods to keep alive, and it won’t last long.”

"In addition, I have a few powerful enemies as a teacher, and they sent those spies just now, but now my time is approaching, and I have to meet those old friends before I die. I will go out in a while, and you stay Here, acting as a teacher to watch those people in the room, even if it is convenient, I can only let them find a corner to solve it on the spot, in short, no one is allowed to step out of the lobby."

"If I can come back tonight, all you need to do is cremate my body after I die of poison, and scatter my ashes in any river. You can do the funeral, but keep everything simple, and you have to sell it as soon as possible. I bought the Huichuntang property, the price is okay, but I must change hands within a month, and then leave Chang'an, the farther the better. And if I can't come back, then you don't have to worry about anything, let alone collect my body If you have thoughts of revenge, leave Chang'an City immediately, the sooner the better... In short, no matter whether I can come back or not, you must find a place to hide your names from now on, and you must not reveal your relationship with your teacher, otherwise you may be killed. In addition, In the box under the bed in my room, there are some of my savings over the years, you also bring them, and then you will divide them among yourself. As for your younger sisters, bosses and third children, I have already made arrangements, you don’t have to worry...that’s all Is everything clear?"

Although I also suspect that some of the four disciples are involved with Xingxiuhai, but after all, I can't be sure, so naturally it is not easy to treat those servants under house arrest. This time, the statement that they are required to guard everyone is half true, and half is to detain them. The excuse of dragging in the hall, and then hoping that they will hide their names and not expose their relationship to prevent disasters, is sincere. After all, it is only doubting who has a problem rather than confirming who is unclean.

Ximen Dun and Feng Nanli were full of anxiety, sadness and doubts, but Shi Huichun had finished what he said, and he didn't want to waste time entanglement, so he sent them back to the lobby to take care of them, while he called out Ling Shan and the others .

"The news here will not be leaked for the time being, but please ask Miss Xingye to take the little girl away as soon as possible. If it is too late, I am afraid that the masters of Xingxiu Sea will notice something wrong. Even if there is no fear, it will inevitably cause trouble."

Shi Huichun didn't want Ling Shan and the others to stay too long in Chang'an City, so he actively persuaded them.

When he was talking to the two disciples, there was some distance from the lobby, and Ling Shan didn't have the evil intention of listening to someone's last words, so she didn't have the luck to eavesdrop, otherwise she would know that he was going to find someone desperately, but, Although she didn't know that he was so anxious to persuade herself to leave and had other ideas, Ling Shan didn't refuse.

Because the purpose of coming to Chang'an is to detoxify, and now that the prescription has been obtained, Shi Huichun is mortal, so there is no need to continue to stay to see the aftermath, and in the next two months, he still has to go To find Xuanyuan Palace, you have to go to the south of the Yangtze River to go to Hangzhou, and go to the sea to Wanlian Island. If you stay in Chang'an City for a long time, it may not be too late, but the time is indeed tight, so I also agreed.

Ling Shan and the others went back to clean up.

In fact, there was nothing to pack. They just packed their luggage. They had only stayed overnight, and their luggage hadn't been unpacked, their clothes hadn't been changed, and they had nothing to pack.

They took their luggage and waited outside the courtyard.

After a while, Shi Huichun brought Shi Lvyang with red eyes.

Shi Luyang only had a bundle and a medicine box, not many things, and Shi Huichun also carried five packs of medicinal materials wrapped in light yellow mulberry paper.

"In the prescriptions prescribed by the old man, there are relatively rare medicinal materials for Ambiguity. I don't have much stock here, so I can only make up these for you. These few packs of medicine are only enough for one person for half a month... You will also use them in the future. You have to pay attention to yourself and prepare the medicine in time, so as not to delay the treatment because you can't find the medicine when the time comes!"

Shi Huichun handed over five packs of herbs and prescriptions and reminded.

That prescription was what Shi Huichun wanted to go back when they parted earlier.

Because although he wrote the prescription, it was created in the first place after all, and it is inevitable that some places are not familiar or the memory is blurred. Time was precisely what he did not wish to delay.Taking medicine is no small matter, and taking the wrong dose may cause serious problems. It is safer to take medicine according to the prescription, so I asked for the prescription when I went to call my daughter.

In addition to the prescription and medicinal materials, there is also a silver note of 5 taels, not from Butler Li, but part of his own savings, which can be regarded as another gift to Ling Shan and the others. 5 taels is a huge amount of money to ordinary people, and it is not a small amount of money to Ling Shan. Since people are willing to give it, there is no reason to push it out. Shi Lvyang still has some on her body!
After leaving Huichun Hall, Shi Huichun led them through the side door.

He was worried that there was Xingxiuhai's eyeliner outside the main entrance, and it would be safer to go through the side entrance. Although Ling Shan felt that he was a little too small and underestimated himself and his senior sister, but thinking that the old man was already in decline, it will only be two days today and tomorrow. , it is up to him to call the shots!

After sending them out, Shi Huichun stopped sending them off, and turned around and closed the door, not wanting to take another look at his daughter who was being dragged away with tears in her eyes and turning her head every step of the way.Although he was reluctant to give up, but he lived to an age where it is not too much to say a single sentence of his life, but he did not have the mentality of reluctantly saying goodbye to his little daughter. Add helplessness and sadness.

Leaving the Chang'an Medical Center, which was doomed to decline, Ling Shan did not go out of the city directly, but made an appointment to meet outside the city, and asked the maid to go to the inn to pick up a horse and get a carriage along the way. She asked her senior sister to take Shi Luyang out of the city first, and she went God of Cookery!

The purpose of going to the God of Cookery is naturally to inquire about news.

Although she followed Shi Huichun's words and said that she would give up, she still couldn't forget that she wanted to deal with some Xingxiuhai masters first, especially after the senior sister decided to make Xingxiuhai an enemy, since she had the opportunity, she would kill them no matter what. One or two people.

What's more, let's not comment on Shi Huichun's behavior, but if the prescription is effective, then they owe him two lives. Protecting Shi Lvyang is regarded as one, but there is another one?It's okay to take the lives of a few people from Xingxiu Sea who old man Shi hates.

It was only after arriving at the God of Cookery that I found out that the principal was not here. I asked a clerk, and found out that after meeting a customer at noon yesterday, he left a sentence that the accountant was in charge of the restaurant, and went out anxiously. back.

Except for the spies who were responsible for the investigation, the news about personnel affairs under the jurisdiction of the God of Cookery House was only sorted out by the chief officer and a few recorders, and then sent to the next God of Cookery House until the headquarters of the Huguo Villa in the capital. Where they sorted out the news, only the principal knew. Since the principal was not there, even if there were other people from Huguo Villa in the God of Cookery House, it would be useless to Ling Shan.

It has been almost a day and a night since I left yesterday, God knows if I am dead, even if I am fine, no one can tell when I will return, Ling Shan can't wait forever, so she can only give up the idea of ​​asking about the location of Master Xingxiuhai , After thinking about it, he found Sibao and left a letter for the accountant who was temporarily in charge to pass it on to the chief.

Since the idea of ​​killing Xingxiuhai's villains came to nothing, the rest of the kindness will be on Shi Huichun's disciples.Their lives are more precious, let alone one life is worth four, forty lives are definitely not too expensive, anyway, open your mouth, write a few words, just do whatever comes your way, and you don't have to worry about it!
Asking God of Cookery to save Shi Huichun's four disciples as much as possible is to leave a little more incense for old man Shi!

She is not worried about whether this matter can be handled well at God of Cookery——

The Central Plains, which is separated from Xiyuan by the land of Shu, is not the territory of Xingxiu Sea after all. Here, 28 Xingxiu is not a local snake, let alone a strong dragon!
And the master guards at the sub-colon of the God of Cookery in Chang'an City are not as hyped as those hired by the Tiandu Mansion back then. They are all first-class masters directly transferred from the Huguo Villa. Yu Huguo Villa's attitude and the meaning behind it, I believe that no matter how fierce the 28 constellations are, they will think about it carefully and dare not be an enemy blatantly!
It's just that since leaving the valley this time, there has been a lot of public and private use. This time is especially for drama. Ling Shan can't help wondering whether Lao Zhu in the capital will regret putting Yushi's identity on her head after receiving the news.


Shi Huichun sat under a pavilion in the backyard and waited quietly.

He had already knocked out the whereabouts of the 11 taels of silver from Butler Li.

Butler Li is a miser. This large sum of money was not used to buy real estate or land, let alone enjoy it. I hid the two bank notes together in the room and counted them every day. In the end, almost none of them fell to the ground and was taken back by Shi Huichun. It was regarded as a legacy left to the two disciples!

As for Steward Li, for the sake of taking back the more than one hundred thousand taels of silver, Shi Huichun didn't kill him, but just abolished his martial arts, and planned to throw him out to let him fend for himself after returning.

Time passed.

Shi Huichun came out of the gazebo where he had been sitting for a long time, raised his head to look up at the sun in the sky that had passed its peak, and squinted his eyes.

It's almost two hours, isn't it?Green Young and the others must have gone too far, so it's time to do it!
Without notifying his disciples, he quietly left the Huichun Hall where he had lived and lived for ten years.

This is an inconspicuous small cloth shop in Chang'an City, called Sanxingfang.

When Shi Huichun, who was disguised in a black robe and gauze hat, stepped into the door, a clerk came to greet him, and Shi Huichun said in a low voice: "There is a big deal, you can't be the master, let you tell the shopkeeper to come out!"

Shopkeeper An came out soon.

There are three owners behind the shop that has been open for nearly ten years, two are hands-off shopkeepers, and only shopkeeper An handles all the affairs of the cloth shop on weekdays. This is a rich middle-aged man with a small beard and a big belly. It's hard to imagine that such a harmless cloth shop owner would be a killer from Xingxiu Sea.

Obviously, their disguise skills are very good - at least as far as Shopkeeper An nicknamed Bi Yuewu is concerned, they have indeed assumed this identity!

"It's you?"

Shopkeeper An certainly recognized Shi Huichun—when Shi Huichun turned his back to the shop assistant and lifted up a corner of the black veil to reveal his face!
I'm just surprised that he will appear here, he shouldn't know this place, right?Then he thought about the other party's reason for coming, he got the tip yesterday that he was taken away by the people from Yubei Xiying in Huichuntang, guess if it has something to do with it!

Shi Huichun said lightly: "Shopkeeper An, won't you invite me in?"

Shopkeeper An realized that he had lost his mind. After a while, he was afraid.

Sanxingfang is a self-produced and self-marketed workshop. Cloth is sold in the front hall and weaving and dyeing in the backyard. As a result, the smell of dye here is a bit strong, so that the strong smell of the few packets of medicinal powder spilled out is directly covered up.

Cloth Zhuang's dyes are not poisonous, and the smell is not only unpleasant, but also non-toxic.

But you only need to add some special things, you don’t even need to add them to the dye, just throw them on the ground casually, and blend into the dye smell condensed around, you can form harmful poisonous smoke, which cannot kill people directly, or even directly It took effect, but as long as the internal force is activated next, the whole body will itch, and the more the internal force is activated, the more itchy and unbearable.

This is a strange poison that is not effective for ordinary people, but only for people in the martial arts world!

 ps: Thanks to alpha1 last week: 500 starting point coins for tipping, thanks for reading books that make me happy and making me happy: 200 starting point coins for tipping, thanks for tipping Yao Wang, Sky, Principal, where do I sleep

(End of this chapter)

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