Huashan female sword god

Chapter 246 246. The Inexplicable Enemy

Chapter 246 246. The Inexplicable Enemy
Hearing Shi Xuanyuan Youyou's words for the first time, Ling Shan couldn't help but froze, and her voice was no longer as leisurely as usual, asking: "Senior, what do you mean?"

Although she is often heartless, it doesn't mean she can be teased and don't care, especially when she is happy to be free from shackles.

Shi Xuanyuan sneered coldly, and said: "I don't think you look like a fool, why do you ask such a stupid question?"

Ming Yuetian stared closely at Shi Xuanyuan's expressionless face, with cold eyes, and asked coldly, "Are you teasing us?"

Shi Xuanyuan disapproved and asked back: "Is it not possible?"

"court death."

Ming Yuetian almost squeezed two words from between his teeth, his voice was as cold as ten thousand years of ice, but boundless anger was brewing in the cold.

Shi Xuanyuan still didn't care, and only responded with a sneer full of contempt: "It's up to you?"

Mingyuetian no longer speaks.

In many cases, hands are far more effective and desirable than words.

The murderous intent suddenly rose, the breath rose, and the ice condensed in the palm, waiting for the moment of explosion.

During the confrontation, there was silence for a moment, only an almost stagnant atmosphere, cold and pressing.

Ling Shan was also staring deeply at Shi Xuanyuan.

But when Ming Yuetian was about to make a move, Ling Shan suddenly smiled, and comforted Ming Yuetian first, "Sister, don't be impatient."

Turning to look at Shi Xuanyuan again: "I was almost deceived by senior!"

Seeing that she spoke with confidence, Ming Yuetian did not change her murderous intentions, but she also temporarily accepted her murderous behavior, waiting for the next article.

Shi Xuanyuan's expression was flat: "Oh?"

Ling Shan said to herself: "I've just thought about it carefully, and I feel that what senior said is just a trick to deceive people."

Shi Xuanyuan was noncommittal, calmly said: "How can you see it?"

Ling Shan continued: "I was planted with the evil spirit of life and death that day, so I asked someone to investigate this martial art. I am sure that although the evil spirit of life and death is indeed extremely vicious, it is definitely not an unsolvable evil. But killing people first kills the heart. Senior wanted to take our lives, but at this moment, he was out of trouble and in a bad state. Although he wanted to but was powerless, he deliberately exaggerated his words, hoping to confuse us in order to find an opportunity to take advantage of. My senior sister and I have scruples in our hearts and dare not kill you, so you have the initiative, so these words are just your words to attack your heart."

Shi Xuanyuan said calmly: "Really? But have you ever thought about it? The things you found may be fake. It may be fake news deliberately released by our ancestors to cover up people's ears. It is a fact, and you will not die soon!"

Ling Shan smiled and said: "If the ancestors of the Dao of Life and Death are so far-sighted and can keep it secret for thousands of years, then I will admit it too!"

Shi Xuanyuan also smiled: "You are very confident."

Ling Shan continued, "I guess senior's next sentence cannot be separated from the word 'but'!"

Shi Xuanyuan smiled and said: "Not bad, but...but you are too confident!"

Ling Shan made a gesture of invitation and said, "I would like to hear more about it!"

Shi Xuanyuan said slowly: "As you expected, there is indeed a solution to Jue Sha, but what I used just now is not the method to remove Sha."

Ling Shan was noncommittal: "Oh?"

Shi Xuanyuan said: "Our sect has two methods of dispelling evil spirits and dividing evil spirits. If you use the method of dispelling evil spirits, needless to say, the result will naturally be the elimination of evil spirits, and there will be no hidden worries. However, if you use the method of dividing evil spirits, the evil spirits in the victim's body will be eliminated. Then it will divide itself, the life evil will move the palm, and the death evil will be silent. Although it doesn't kill you, it will take a long time, and there will be a lot of suffering. Moreover, after dividing the evil by this method, it is the real incomprehension. And what I have done to you Yes, it is this method of dividing evil spirits."

Ling Shan nodded and said, "Yes, senior will continue to make up."

Shi Xuanyuan smiled lightly, not taking it seriously, and said: "Now you don't have to believe what I said, and one day, you will be able to feel the seeds of evil energy in the dantian by yourself, and you will know the truth of what I said today. "

Ling Shan just sneered.

She had investigated through the God of Cookery House earlier, and the news she got was that there is a law to explain life and death, which is exactly the same as what Shi Xuanyuan said in the dungeon that day, so there are different ways to explain the evil, although Shi Xuanyuan said it clearly, but she She didn't believe it, but after all, these words were not in vain, and it did make her feel vigilant.

She suspected that the stone old devil just now was just putting on a show, instead of really dispelling her evil spirits, or...he did not completely dispel her evil spirits.

But what is the real situation, she has no way of knowing if Shi Xuanyuan doesn't say it...even if Shi Xuanyuan said it, she can't believe it completely, for the time being, she can only wait for time to prove it.

Shi Xuanyuan said again: "I promised you that day, as long as you help me out of trouble, I will pass on the complete "Three Transformations of Heaven and Man" to you. Now that I fulfill the promise, I don't know, do you want to accept it?"

The demons are really moody, they don't play cards according to common sense, just now they were shouting, fighting and plotting, and now they want to give a big gift, but even if he has ulterior motives in this move, the peerless martial arts given in vain is unreasonable No, Ling Shan asked back: "Who wouldn't want a pie that fell from the sky?"

Shi Xuanyuan said: "Three Transformations of Heaven and Man, the content is extremely complicated. Although I have memorized everything in my heart, it will take half a day to write it out silently. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait in the villa for a while!"

"What my senior sister and I need most now is time."

Ling Shan felt confident, so she nodded in response.

And Shi Xuanyuan ordered the Suihan two monsters beside him, "Go and prepare the paper and ink first, and I'll come later!"

Lin Yasong and Lin Yasong didn't want to stay beside him for a long time, and they left quickly as if they had been pardoned.

With his hands behind his back, Shi Xuanyuan leisurely stepped into the secret passage.

Ling Shan's eyes narrowed slightly, wondering if he had other motives, or if he forgot to be prepared, he dared to expose the empty door behind him completely, and secretly said boldly.

"Let's go up too!" Ling Shan looked at her senior sister and said, then followed.

But Ming Yuetian called out to stop her: "Wait a minute."


Ling Shan was puzzled, followed her senior sister's eyes, and saw the cage stuck on the ground, with a flash of inspiration, she understood her thoughts in an instant, and said happily: "Haha, yes, there is also this iron cage! I am worried that I don't have any good materials , isn’t there a ready-made one? Fortunately, sister, you paid attention, otherwise you would have missed it.”

In her eyes, this cage of divine iron already belongs to her, even if Shi Xuanyuan spoke, she would fight to the end: "Sister, give me the sword quickly, I will tear down this iron cage!"

There are many sword shadows.

Soon, the iron cage, which was basically intact, was dismembered into iron bars by the edge of the Heavenly Sword, scattered all over the ground.

Ling Shan put Bi Luo away, looked around, and saw that there were subway sticks all over the place, and there were not a few of them. She said helplessly, "Forget it, let's go out first and find someone else to move it."

After such a delay, Shi Xuanyuan had already disappeared in the secluded path, and it was unknown whether he had no interest in what was going on behind him, or he hadn't noticed it at all... The possibility of the former is naturally far better than the latter.

Although there was no wind in the tunnel, the candles on the two walls were still flickering. Under the reflection, there seemed to be some shadowy things in the air. Ling Shan was suddenly a little worried. Would Old Demon Shi see that they didn't go up and block the exit?Although even if the place is blocked, it is expected to be able to be cut open with the blue sky, but I am afraid that another mechanism... For example, if the gunpowder is stored, it can directly destroy half of the passage, so even if the sky sword is in hand, it can only stare blankly up.

As soon as the thought came, he hurriedly urged Ming Yuetian to speed up.

But not long after, under the swaying light, he saw Shi Xuanyuan, it turned out that he hadn't walked out of the tunnel yet.

Shi Xuanyuan walked without haste, without arrogance or impetuosity, as if he was taking a walk usually, no wonder he has not gone out after such a delay.

Naturally, Ling Shan and the two of them would not catch up and walk in front of him at this time, so they kept a certain distance, followed step by step, and continued walking in this long and narrow path for a long time before returning to the ground.

Originally, it was like walking lightly in the wind and clouds, but as he got closer to the exit, Shi Xuanyuan's footsteps became faster. As soon as he came out of the tunnel, he opened his arms, embraced nothingness, closed his eyes, took a deep breath of the long-lost fresh air, and murmured comfortably: "Heh... …Ha ha……"

Besieged by darkness for a long time, and now once again standing under the sunshine after many years of absence, even with an extraordinary state of mind, it is somewhat difficult to control himself at this time.

Of course, Ling Shan didn't feel that way, and she didn't intend to disturb Shi Xuanyuan's rare joy of seeing the sun again, but... the exit is so big, if the person surnamed Shi doesn't move his position, why should they let them just look at it foolishly? Is he in a daze?

"Senior, hurry up, we have to go back to eat!"

Shi Xuanyuan turned his head, glanced at her displeasedly, but didn't say anything, and took two steps to the side to make room.

But when she came up, Ling Shan realized that the atmosphere was a bit different.

In such a small courtyard, even the two of them have gathered four groups of people.

Still acquaintances.

She and her senior sister are in the same group.

The two brothers of the landlord, Linyasong and Junzizhu, who were dissatisfied by the uninvited people, naturally belonged to the same group as Renxie.

Another two dials.

On one side are the swordsmen of the Xie family, headed by Xie Hanyi and assisted by two middle-aged swordsmen, all sullen and indifferent, blocking the hospital.

On one side is a masked man in black with a sword in his hand. The two companions are not here today, and he is the only one who isolates the other side... Xie Family's Divine Sword is carried on his back, but his exposed eyes roll with enthusiasm and doubts , it seemed that they paid more attention to Shi Xuanyuan than the Xie family members who were obviously hostile.

The sword stealer and the sword chaser, the battle between the two parties that day has continued to this day!
I don't know whether it was accident or necessity, people from two parties gathered here today, and with the friendly participation of the "landlord side", each guarded each other... except for Shi Xuanyuan.

At this moment, he was in a relaxed state of mind, scanning casually, completely different from the nervousness of the crowd, like standing out from the crowd, muttering: "Interesting, interesting..."

Ling Shan smiled and said, "What kind of happy day is today? Why are you all here?"

No one answered.

Keep up the confrontation.

Ling Shan was not angry either, and said to Shi Xuanyuan: "Senior, although I haven't seen the sun for many years, you still owe me a magical skill, so don't just sit around here! As for these two groups of people, old enemies Now, if they want to stare, let them stare, and when the fight starts, it won't be too late for us to watch the excitement."

Shi Xuanyuan glanced at her, and said with a soft smile: "This excitement is nothing to behold... Save the space for these few, let's go!"

But he said it to Lin Yasong and Lin Yasong, and after saying that, he wanted to take the two monsters away, turning a blind eye to the hostile posture of both sides.

"Wait a minute!"

The deep voice of the masked man called out to Shi Xuanyuan who was about to leave.

Shi Xuanyuan turned around and said, "Oh? Are you calling me?"

The masked man's voice trembled slightly, and he asked, "Exactly... dare to ask your Excellency, but, but Huashan's... sword mad... Senior Feng?"

Shi Xuanyuan said to himself: "Sword mad?"

He didn't answer directly, but seemed to be acquiescing. He sighed and asked again: "I haven't heard these two words for a long you know me?"

The masked man gritted his teeth and said, "It's really you?"

Shi Xuanyuan was still putting on airs: "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

The masked man took a deep breath and said, "I have a question, I want to ask senior!"

Shi Xuanyuan said: "Ask."

The masked man tremblingly asked: "25 years ago, the Huashan tragedy, did you do it?"

Shi Xuanyuan calmly said: "Hua Shanfeng is not crazy to deceive the master to destroy the ancestors and slaughter the same sect. Not many people know about this past, you can tell it, it seems that your status is not ordinary, but... since you already know, why bother ask?"

The masked man trembled: "Why, why? Why did you commit such an evil deed?"

Shi Xuanyuan snorted coldly: "Evil deeds? Hmph! People in my generation should do whatever they want without restraint. It's just killing a few people. What kind of evil is it?"

The masked man couldn't believe it: "Kill, kill a few people... It's just, you, how can you say it so easily?"

Shi Xuanyuan sneered: "What are you? Do I need to explain to you?"

The masked man remained silent for a while, raised his head, and said, "Damn you!"

With this dazzling effort, his eyes were covered with a layer of bloodshot eyes, even though he covered his face and couldn't see his face, he still looked a bit ferocious.

While speaking, he came with a sword and forced him to kill him, and even ignored the Xie family members who were staring at him.

The movement of the sword is thick and heavy, while the movement of the sword is light and nimble.

Upon seeing this, Shi Xuanyuan exclaimed in admiration: "What a distraction, what a sword!"

But turned into a phantom, only dodges in many ways, and does not deal with it head-on.

"Unfortunately, my mind is not stable, and my flaws are too big." His body was circling around like a shadow, accompanied by the voice, he came to a sudden stop, but he pressed him with a palm.

The masked man hastily drew back his sword and drew his sword, and was staggered in front of him, but he was grabbed at the staggered place, his fleshy palm was like an iron hand, and even if there was a sharp edge, he would not be hurt.

The masked man was shocked: "You..."

However, he felt the energy in his body disappearing rapidly, and he wanted to back off quickly, but the knife and sword seemed to be seared, and he couldn't twitch, he was gritting his teeth to give up the weapon, but Shi Xuanyuan took the initiative to let go, and even pushed him away!

The masked man asked, "What do you mean?"

Shi Xuanyuan smiled and said: "Hahaha, I'm afraid it can only be a disciple of Huashan who cares so much about the events of the past. As a disciple of Huashan, he carries the Xie Family Excalibur with him. Is it because he wants to bring disaster on the master's door? Interesting, interesting !"

The masked man gritted his teeth and said, "You, what are you talking about?"

Ling Shan, who had squinted her eyes to watch the excitement for a long time, finally spoke, without losing her smile, she seemed to be joking, but also seemed serious, and said: "This old man is right, senior, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." !"

(End of this chapter)

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