Chapter 3 Entry
Ling Shan had just arrived and was still in the period of information collection, so she asked, "Dad and mother, have you completed the Great Week? And senior brother, what stage is it?"

Ling Buluan said: "For your father and your mother, you have a great Qi, but you haven't fully understood it, so it's not perfect. It's considered first-class in the world! As for Chong' can tell Shan'er yourself!"

In the second half of the sentence, she turned her head and said to Dugu Wuchong, Ling Shan followed her to look over.

Dugu Wuchong said ashamedly: "This disciple has practiced internal energy for nearly ten years, and he has only mastered ten serious scriptures, and the little Zhou Tian has not yet completed it!"

Ling Shan snorted, didn't pay much attention, and said, "Since father and mother's Great Zhou is already top-notch, wouldn't it be super first-rate if the Great Zhou is completed?"

Ling Buluan nodded: "Exactly!"

Ling Shan said: "This Great Zhou Tian is more powerful than parents...there must be no such people in the world!" It was like a little girl who believed that her father was the best in the world, but refused to believe that there was someone more powerful!It's just that he pretended that he couldn't stand it anymore... I feel that my current virtue really fits the position of a green tea bitch!

Lingbuluandao is very useful, and what father would not be happy to be worshiped by his daughter?It's just that he is not someone who deliberately exalts himself in front of his daughter, so he said calmly: "It is necessary to know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. This is true! For example, Master Zhengfang of Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Taoist Master Tianxu of Wudang, I am afraid it is This kind of person who has reached the consummation of the Zhou Dynasty and has achieved great martial arts! In front of this kind of person, even if he has cultivated the purple qi inner breath for his father for decades, he may not be able to take a few moves!"

Ling Shan said with a look of disappointment, "Better than Daddy...then, aren't they invincible?"

"Cultivation is endless, even if it is the one who conspired a year ago... In short, the word invincible, you must not speak nonsense!" Ling Buluan shook his head and said, but he seemed to be deeply jealous, so he stopped talking halfway, and didn't say much!

But Ling Shan was thinking about what he meant by what he said, and who he was referring to.


Afterwards, Ling Buluan talked a lot about martial arts knowledge, or people and things in the Jianghu, and then he took a booklet from the library and handed it to Ling Shan, which he wanted to pass on.

The rather vulgar name is "Huashan Nourishing Qi Art", which is the basic qigong of the Huashan school. It is said that it is derived from the qigong derived from the unique school "Ziqi Xuangong" of the town school. Can get twice the result with half the effort.

Purple Qi is the number one among Huashan's nine kung fu, and Ziqi Xuangong is the unique school of Huashan Town School. Except for the head master and the confirmed minor master, the rest are not allowed to practice. Only by practicing this "Huashan Yang Qi Art" to perfection People are exceptions.It's a pity that since the beginning of this martial art, there is only one person who can do it. The rest of the disciples, most of them, are difficult to continue after they have achieved great success.
Huashan has a lot of basic qigong, and this technique of nourishing qi can be regarded as one of the top ones. The other disciples, including Dugu Wuchong, have never practiced it, but this time Ling Buluan passed on this qigong to Ling Shan alone. I want to hope It may not be a big deal for her daughter to inherit the mantle in the future, but she hopes that one day Ling Shan will be able to practice to perfection and obtain the qualification to practice Ziqi Mysterious Kungfu so as to improve herself. The rules of the ancestors are so roundabout, it can be called well-intentioned!
No matter how similar they are, Master Ling is not that famous hypocrite after all!
Ling Shan received the teaching, and under the guidance of Ling Buluan, she read all the characters on the first layer, so she can't wait to bid farewell to Ling Buluan and Dugu Wuchong, and go back to her room to practice. Martial arts are the foundation of the future and the foundation of happiness. Yuan, she still wants to lay down a large harem, so naturally she hopes to achieve something as soon as possible!

The key to practicing martial arts is to gather the first ray of qi from scratch, and one of the functions of basic qigong lies in this.

As for how to generate energy and gather energy, it actually lies in meditation, to eliminate distracting thoughts, and to have an empty mind. As long as there is a moment of emptiness and concentration, internal energy can be generated.

It’s just that it’s difficult for adults and children to do this. Adults have seen too many things, and their thoughts are inevitably messy and impure, while children, although pure in heart, are inevitably restless. Human nature is like this, so how can they enter samadhi ?

When Ling Buluan taught the exercises, he said that although it is difficult to enter the meditation, if the body takes some postures and maintains them during the practice, it will help to gather Qi in the meditation. The most common and simplest one is the five hearts facing the sky!
This is easier said than done!
In the life of Lingshan, I tried it when I was bored. The top of the head, two hands, one foot and four hearts are the ultimate. There is always one foot that is pressed down, and I can’t put it out. Fortunately, this life is still a girl Young and flexible, I tried it a few times and it worked out!
It's just that the hurdle of calming the mind and entering concentration is exactly as Ling Buluan said, it's difficult!
There are three other postures recorded in "Huashan Nourishing Qi Technique" besides the five-hearted posture. Ling Shan gritted her teeth and tried them one by one, but of course it was fruitless.

That's it.

The Guanhua Mountain school is one of the Five Sacred Sword Schools, and the most important thing is to practice Qigong. Dugu Wuchong started practicing it when he was six years old, but he didn't develop his Qi until he was eight years old. As Lao Ling said, it took more than a year to get angry, and it took Ling Buluan himself eleven months to achieve it. The other seven apprentices he took in, Luo Wunuo with the art investment teacher Except, the longest time for the other six people to go up the mountain was four years, and the shortest time was two years. So far, none of them have been able to enter the stream, which shows the difficulty of this pass.

And how can anyone be able to cultivate in the first day, and generate internal strength in the emptiness?That's not a genius at all, but an evildoer, a delusion of gods and demons!
For another two days, except for eating and going to the toilet, Ling Shan stayed in the room, never leaving the door, as if possessed by a demon, Ning Weiyu had no choice but to force her out and let Dugu Wuchong take her out. Follow her to play.

Everyone said that she was so happy, and she was hot for 3 minutes. She had spent almost three days without eating and sleeping, but she hadn't gained anything. Naturally, she was tired of it. Just take the opportunity to relax on the mountain!
Thinking that she had never been to Huashan in her previous life more than [-] years ago, but she wanted to take a good look at the scenery of Huashan, which has always been praised by the world!
Called some other senior brothers and sisters to go for a walk on the mountain and enjoy the scenery. When she came back, she decided to change her urgent attitude in the past few days.In the time to come, just let nature take its course, no longer bury your head in hard training, eat and drink what you should eat, play what you should play, and only meditate and practice Qi from the hour after dinner to before going to bed!
Maybe it's because her talent in martial arts is really high, or maybe it's because the fringe benefits from time travel are delayed. One night half a year later, she habitually sat cross-legged in meditation. The mysterious state in which everything in the world is empty!
All night.

The next day is also the same!

(End of this chapter)

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