Huashan female sword god

Chapter 31 Black Knife - The Fish That Slipped Through the Net 【Retrial has passed】

Chapter 31 Black Knife - The Fish That Slipped Through the Net 【Retrial has passed】

Yu Ling entered the valley and entered the hall with one sword, and Ling Shan and the other three waited at the entrance of the valley.

This valley is not big, and this place has a slightly higher terrain. Standing here, it is enough to overlook the situation in the entire valley.

Not long after they saw Yuling's figure submerged in the gate of the main hall in the valley, they all heard a ferocious cry from the ancestor Heidao, and a figure rushed out from the houses in various places in the valley, no less than 20 people, They are all prostitutes under his sect, and many of them are still dressing while running, obviously they were doing that evil thing before!
They were not worried about Yuling. The so-called taking the head of an enemy general among thousands of troops means that a person like her has reached this level of martial arts, unless the besiegers are all of the same level or only a half-level behind. Otherwise, there is little fear of being besieged.As for the entire Heidao Sect, except for the ancestor of Heidao, the rest can only be regarded as crooked and can't pose a threat to Yuling.

Sure enough, after that group of people rushed into the hall one after another, after only a dozen or so breaths, they wailed loudly and rang through the entire valley.

A monk's figure flashed past the door, and there was an extra object outside the hall reflecting the sunlight, which was a bit dazzling.Then I saw seven or eight villainous men and monks come out of the main hall, shouting for their parents and running towards Taniguchi desperately, as if wishing they could have two more legs!

The next moment, Yuling appeared outside the palace gate, but walked slowly step by step, without any intention of catching up.

With her body skills and light skills, there is absolutely no possibility of letting these second- and third-rate characters escape. Naturally, there is a reason for not chasing them now-she intends to use these villains who are determined to slip through the net to sharpen the martial arts of the two disciples .

Mingyuetian has recently completed the small Zhoutian, making all the twelve classics perfect, so although he is still young, he is already a second-rate in the world. A master.And although Ling Shan has only mastered the four meridians of Xiao Zhoutian, she has been diligently practicing the swordsmanship of the east for nearly two months after traveling westward. People who are good at fighting are worthy of a head-on fight, what is lacking is actual combat polishing, and today is an opportunity!
For a martial arts practitioner, the mere distance of tens of feet can be passed in the blink of an eye, but this path is impassable.

Qing He snorted, used the sheath as a sword, and blocked and killed the first four people. These people are no more than second-rate, but she is a first-rate master with great skills, and it is no problem to fight four with one.

The other three walked around and rushed straight to the small road at the entrance of the valley. Seeing Ming Yuetian and Ling Shan fixed on the road on the left and right, as if they were frightened, the evil monk who snatched the head suddenly smiled grinningly and raised his scimitar, about to chop To kill, to hack a way to escape.

Ming Yuetian snorted coldly, thrust the sword with its scabbard into the ground, and discarded the sword.

Taking a step forward, his hand was like lightning, with just a light swipe, the black knife that struck her head fell into the air, and cut down along her side. The man was terrified, and was waiting to make amends with a sweeping knife, Ming Yuetian was already one step ahead He grasped the back of the saber and folded it downwards, the internal force bounced back, the man immediately screamed in pain, and the scimitar had changed hands.

Ming Yuetian also raised his hand according to the trend, and the blade started from the man's lower abdomen, slashed from bottom to top to the chin, and turned slightly sideways, the evil monk rushed forward a few steps under the inertia, and then fell to the ground. Unable to breathe, he held his chin in one hand and covered his lower abdomen with the other, curled up and howled continuously.

In the blink of an eye, blood flowed all over the place.

From the moment when the evil monk raised his sword and slashed him to the moment when Ming Yuetian seized the weapon and slashed his body, it happened in the blink of an eye. When the evil monk fell to the ground, the last two people came.

Ming Yuetian slapped the second person with his left palm, while still holding the back of the knife with his right hand, he slashed at the third person!
Ling Shan's sword also just hit!
The second person was eager to block the sword, and was caught off guard by Ming Yuetian's palm. He just patted the back of his left hand lightly, and his hand slammed into the knife edge uncontrollably. It came so fast that he hadn't In response, a little finger had been cut off.The ten fingers connect to the heart, and the severed finger naturally hurts to the bone.But before he had time to scream out of the pain, the sharp sword in Ling Shan's hand suddenly turned sharply, and the sword pierced his hand holding the knife.

He finally yelled.

But Ling Shan slapped him on the lower abdomen at the same time, and her internal force surged out, directly shaking him back!
The other evil monk, who was only one step slower than him, saw that the first man was knocked down in an instant, so he became alert and blocked Ming Yuetian's blade, but was affected by his companion's screams ringing in his ears, and his movements After a meal, Ming Yuetian seized the opportunity and hit the lower abdomen with the handle of the knife, the internal force converged, and the knife crossed,

The man's face turned pale, blood spurted out of his mouth, he had no energy left, his feet went limp, he fell to his knees, his forehead hit the ground, and then collapsed!
Ming Yuetian sent the scimitar again, and the evil monk who was forced back by Ling Shan's palm had a hole in his right hand and a severed finger on his left hand. There was a ferocious bloodstain in front of him immediately, and he fell to the ground and passed out.

On the other side, Qinghe scabbard swept away and landed on the face of the last enemy. The man tilted his head, spewed a mouthful of blood and teeth, and his body swayed like a drunken man who fell down and couldn't get up again.

Only then did Yuling arrive.

She no longer had the long sword she had when she entered the valley, and she thought it was too dirty and discarded it. At this time, she looked around and said lightly: "As before, everyone will be abolished! Go inside and see if there are any The ones that were left out will be solved together... Tell the captive women about the situation, and let them deal with them!"

Qinghe took the lead.Pick up a scimitar, no matter who is dead or not, cut off the hands, feet and life roots, seal the acupoints to stop bleeding, even if you want to die for a while.Then he went into the valley.

Ling Shan asked: "Master, that ancestor of Heidao, did you abolish or kill him?"

Yuling said: "Not killed!"

If he didn't kill him, then he would be useless!He will die today or tomorrow like all his disciples, but before he dies, he is destined to face the fire of revenge ignited by those tortured women in the valley!
In the valley, lingering around the moaning of the undead, it is miserable, blown by the wind, spread out of the valley, among the mountains and forests, like a ghost crying in the daytime!

In the valley, on the two-foot-high beam in the main hall, hangs a young monk of seventeen or eighteen years old, with his back facing the sky and the ground, his hands and feet stretched to the widest extent, each tied with a hemp rope, and the four ropes are the other. One end is tied to the beam!

He is also a disciple of Heidao Sect, because he offended the ancestor of Heidao, he has been hanged here for a day and a night.But it was also a blessing in disguise, and he was spared in this catastrophe that nearly wiped out his family, and became the only fish that slipped through the net.

He watched with his own eyes the woman in white who looked like a murderous god, turned dozens of fellow disciples into cripples with every gesture, and cut off the hands and feet of the ancestor Heidao who he had always looked up to as a mountain. Seeing everything, he didn't even have the air Dare to breathe.

After that terrifying woman left, after the group of crazy women came in, he still didn't dare to act rashly, but silently accumulated that little bit of internal energy, pinning all his hopes on it.

Silent night.

Those women went crazy all day, some went to rest, some simply fainted on the ground due to overexcitement, the valley was utterly lonely, only the occasional groaning in agony of the surviving fellow disciples.

After putting all his strength into one pull, he managed to free one hand, gasped and rested for a while, and then spent a long time, two hands, one foot, two feet, all broke free!
Fall down and hit the ground.

Even though he was prepared before the fall, he still felt that a leg was broken, but he didn't dare to make a sound, endured the severe pain, almost broke his teeth, and tried his best to walk out with a limp.

Outside the main hall, the moonlight shines.

A human stick without feet and hands was lying in a pool of blood, with its head tilted towards him, even if there was only a blood hole left in one eye socket, even if his face was covered with blood, he could still recognize him.

(End of this chapter)

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