Huashan female sword god

Chapter 399 Chapter 397.5 Poison Demon Boy 2

Chapter 399 397. Five Poison Demon Boy 2
The so-called planting flowers intentionally will not bloom, but unintentionally planting willows and willows will make shade, which is a well-known saying.

When they really wanted to find someone before, it was rare to find them, but now they put their minds on getting out of this poor country, and they found their whereabouts.

In the deep mountains and old forests, in order to prevent accidents, Xingyue and Xingyue worked hard all the time, maximizing their five senses. When passing through a dense forest in the mountains that was gloomy in broad daylight, they heard the familiar movement of bats flapping their wings. The same small swarm of bats I encountered twice before, I planned to deal with it, but after searching for it, I found Ximen Severe.

I don't know if it's because You Xingye and the others can't find a way out and can only stay here first, or it's because the injuries are too serious for the time being to cross the mountains and mountains. In short, he hasn't left Tangmen Mountain until now, and he is covered in blood, sitting cross-legged Under a tree at the foot of the mountain, it seems that he was adjusting his breath earlier.

In addition to him, there was another boy who wore a red bellyband in winter, was barefoot, and carried a cloth bag on his shoulders. He only had a tuft of hair on his forehead. The dead gray color is sitting on a branch, swinging two feet, and holding up a small bloody hand to feed.

Feed the bats.

What is fed is blood.

More than a dozen bats, which were significantly larger than their normal counterparts, hovered around him with flapping wings, and two of them were still lying on the hand and sucking blood.

Although they are raised by humans, it is strange that these bats and the previous poisonous snakes do not hibernate and move around in this winter.

When Xingyue and Xingyue arrived, all four eyes were staring in their direction.

Obviously both of them had already noticed their approach.

You Xingye didn't expect to meet the two of them here, he was slightly stunned, and said with a smile: "Tsk tsk, Mr. Ximen, it's true that we never meet in life, we meet again."

Ximen Juanjue said in a weak voice, "Yes, there is indeed a fate."

You Xingye approached slowly and said: "It seems that you are seriously injured, Mr. Ximen, do you need my help?"

Ximen resolutely said: "It's just a minor injury, there's no need for the two girls to have a big fight."

The boy in the red bellyband stood up on the branch, staring and asked, "What are you?"

The voice was a bit sharp and the tone was fierce.

You Xingye stopped and looked up: "Who are you?"

The little boy said, "I'll ask you first!"

You Xingye said roguely: "Then I don't care, anyway, if you don't answer me, I won't answer you either."

This little boy seemed to be a ruthless character who would fight and kill people every time he disagreed with him. Hearing this, he immediately said angrily: "You are courting death."

He dug into the cloth bag on his body, took out a short bamboo whistle, and blew it hard, seeing that he mustered up all his energy.

There is no sound.

But those big bats beside him suddenly received some orders, fluttered their wings, and rushed towards Xingyue and Xingyue with squeaks and screams.

You Xingye was very surprised. With this speed, with the keen reflexes of many Great Zhou masters, he could only block two or three at the same time, and if there were more, he would be bitten.It seems that fortunately, when we dealt with Zuo Ting, Tang Mitian and others, we only drove those ordinary bats, but didn't let these more than ten bats mix in the middle of the attack, otherwise, I'm afraid it would not be as simple as just killing two people.

"Sister, let me come." Of course, although it was fast, it did not pose any threat to her. She called out, and instead of retreating or dodging, she moved forward for more than ten feet in an instant, her right palm was full of purple air, and she slashed down with one palm. .

There is nothing famous about the palm technique, it is purely relying on the tremendous power of the Ziqi Xuangong, a peerless internal skill, like a wall rushing out, and the palm force spreads to a very wide range.

She has been practicing Ziqi Xuangong recently, and has accumulated a lot of Xuangong internal energy in her body, and she also uses this strength to fight against the enemy.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and two big bats screamed piercingly, and were knocked down directly.

These bats flew fast and reacted very quickly. It stands to reason that this palm should be able to hit half of them directly, but in the end only these two fell, and the others dispersed in time to avoid the past and continued to pounce from all sides.

Because You Xingye was in front, they all came towards her.

But every time a bat gets close to the body surface three feet, there will be a purple light like a curtain, flashing beside him, and the bat will be ejected.

This is a kind of ability after the completion of the Great Zhoutian. It can be separated from three feet away by true qi, forming a protective air shield. Before that, although true qi can be separated from the body for a while, it cannot last forever like this. decline.

Before this body-protecting qi reaches its limit, it will be strong if it is strong, but it will be weak if it is weak. How strong are these bat impacts?Although they were all thrown out, there was no serious problem. They staggered and flew up again, without even landing, and rushed back after swaying in the air.But You Xingye would not give this opportunity, Ziqi's big palm urged, knocked down five or six more, maybe some of them died directly, but after landing, they couldn't get up.

The remaining seven or eight did not die, but flew back and hung upside down on the branches.

This is naturally controlled by the boy.

The little boy put down his whistle, pointed at You Xingye and yelled, "You, you actually killed so many precious bats of me?"

You Xingye said apologetically, "Ah, I'm sorry, I killed your bat without paying attention, I'm really sorry, I really didn't expect your precious bats to be so brittle, they would die if touched. "

"You die for me."

The little boy roared, jumped off the tree, and flew towards him.

You Xingye hooked his hands with a smile, and said, "Hahaha, do you want to fight, little brat? Come, come, let me give you ten moves."

When the boy got closer to ten feet, he suddenly increased his speed, like a phantom frightened by a phantom. This movement method is even better than Dugu Minghe's master who has been immersed in the perfect state of the Great Zhou Tian for a long time.

You Xingye was taken aback, the protective zhenqi surged, but the opponent didn't rush directly, but turned around outside the zhenqi shield, and turned sideways, You Xingye didn't move, his eyes slanted slightly, Xiao Tong had already passed by, and then circled around, and even Ming Yuetian, who was not behind Abbot Yu, was also in his circle.

Although You Xingye said to let her come, Mingyuetian obviously wouldn't just let the opponent's fly fly around his ear just because of this. Grasp.

The good fortune of all things.

Under the strong suction, the grass and trees flew up, and the little boy who had already run out screamed, his body became unbalanced, he fell backwards, and his head was sucked back towards the bright moon sky.

Ming Yuetian didn't want to touch him directly with his hands, and stopped when he was close to him, and the boy was miraculously suspended in mid-air, with his back facing the sky, struggling with his limbs, screaming constantly in his mouth to let go of me.

Ming Yuetian's eyes were dim, and he said, "Say, who are you?"

The little boy was still stubborn: "Why should I tell you?"

Mingyue Tian's eyes froze, and his true energy was suppressed, and the little boy immediately cried out in pain.

At this time, You Xingye ran to the side of the senior sister, pretending to be a tiger, and said: "Haha, the little brat looked bullish, but he turned out to be a good-looking guy."

Ming Yuetian said: "Should I say it?"

The little boy said urgently: "I said, I said, I am the Five Poison Demon Boy."

Ming Yuetian turned to You Xingye, "What else do you want to ask?"

You Xingye asked: "You are called the Five Poison Devil Boy with such a flamboyant nickname, what is your status in the Five Poison Sect?"

The little boy said: "I am the protector of the Five Poisons Sect, and Lan Gu, the leader of the sect, is my master."

You Xingye laughed and said: "As long as your martial arts can be a guardian of the first teaching, the Five Poisons Sect doesn't seem to be very good."

The little devil boy begged for mercy: "Sister, sister, I've said it all, let me go, okay? This is so uncomfortable."

You Xingye looked at Ming Yuetian and nodded lightly. With a wave of Ming Yuetian's hand, the Five Poison Demon Boy was thrown out with a scream and hit a tree.

The Five Poison Demon Boy froze for a while, then stood up rubbing his shoulders, looked at the two of them with gloomy eyes, smiled strangely, and said, "Sister, I hurt so much from you falling. Look, I'm bleeding from wiping !” Spread out another hand, it was the hand that fed blood to the bat before, and now it is still stained with blood.

Ming Yuetian frowned, her smile and eyes disgusted her.

Immediately afterwards, the five-poison devil boy put his hand in front of his nose and sniffed, intoxicated: "This blood smells so good... Sister, do you smell the smell of blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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