Huashan female sword god

Chapter 412 410. Speculation 1

Chapter 412 410. Speculation 1
410. Speculation 1
You Xingye walked into the hospital quickly, trying to avoid the blood and approaching. Suddenly, she realized that this person was also wearing a red apron and red pants, bare arms and bare feet, and only a tuft of hair on his head. The Five Poison Demon Boys are similar.

The difference is that this man has a wrinkled face and two mustaches on his lips. He is an old man instead of a boy.

At this moment, Ming Yuetian opened his eyes and asked, "Is it solved?"

You Xingye stopped at the side, staring at the little old man's face carefully, feeling a bit of the shadow of the Five Poison Devil Boy and the boy, thinking that they are probably blood relatives, and humming: "It's resolved."

Then he looked at Ming Yuetian and complained: "Sister, you are so cruel, it's fine to hurt someone, but even his arm was chopped off, making it so bloody!"

Ming Yuetian snorted coldly: "Will you wait for him to poison you?"

You Xingye looked at this person again, and sighed: "It's unlucky for you to meet my sister, otherwise why would you suffer?"

The little old man stared, his eyes fixed on her, full of resentment.

You Xingye said: "I don't know if the kid who escaped is your son, I think it should be, he is much luckier than you, if he stayed before, you don't have to suffer like this if you go out .”

The little old man finally spoke, panting and asked: "He, how is he?"

"How is he?" You Xingye said: "Didn't you listen to me? It's solved! What else can I do?"

The little old man stared, furious, and spat out another mouthful of blood: "You, you..."

Ming Yuetian said: "Why are you still talking nonsense? If you have anything to ask, ask quickly, if you don't, kill it, keep it as an eyesore."

You Xingye asked: "Let me ask you, what is your relationship with the Five Poison Devil Boy?"

The little old man just stared at her resentfully, his lips quivered, and he didn't speak.

You Xingye asked again: "I found a book from the Five Poison Demon Boy and the man I just killed. One is called Hundred Poisons Book and the other is called Yujing. Do you know where they are? Got it?"

The little old man's eyes widened suddenly, but he still didn't speak.

You Xingye sighed: "Hey, you heard what my sister said just now, I advise you to cooperate more, answer obediently, how can you earn more time for yourself to breathe, maybe during this delayed time, someone came to save you?"

Still didn't speak.

You Xingye sighed again, turned around and grabbed, and Bi Luo, who was still in Ming Yuetian's hand two feet away, came out of the sheath with a bang, and flew into his hand. With a wave of the sword, the blade pointed directly at the little old man, and said: "If you If you don't cooperate like this, I will really kill you."

The little old man spat out a bloody arrow and rushed toward him.

With a thought, You Xingye walked away freely, protecting the outside like a solid wall, the blood arrows naturally couldn't break through this layer of protection, before they got close, they hit it first and splashed in all directions.

"Hehe... hum! Go down and accompany those two."

You Xingye smiled slightly, then changed his face suddenly, hummed softly, and moved his sword lightly, the blade of the sword crossed, and blood spattered.

A sword seals the throat.

The little old man's eyes widened suddenly, but his pupils were dilated. Without saying a word, he had already followed suit and died.

Shaking Biluo, the blood stain on the sword edge slipped off, and there was no trace left, the sword body was as clean as before, walked back to Ming Yuetian, and put the sword back into the sheath with a bang.

Ming Yuetian asked: "What's the matter with Yu Jing?"

You Xingye raised the treasure book that no one else could see, and said: "The man I chased out just now has the same body and appearance as the five-poison devil boy. He should be his brother. After killing him, I put him on his body." I also found a book called Yu Jing Yu Chong Zhang, which talks about how to drive away all kinds of poisonous insects."

Ming Yuetian looked at her hand that was clearly empty but seemed to be holding something, frowned, and said, "It's also the same as the Hundred Poisons Book back then, except you, no one or anything can touch it... ..."

I reached out and touched it, but naturally found nothing.

You Xingye nodded.

Ming Yuetian withdrew his hand, shifted his gaze to the corpse of the dwarf old man, and said, "Go and see if there is any on this man."

You Xingye said, "Why don't you go and have a look? If there are any, I'll let you get them."

Ming Yuetian frowned, hesitated for a moment, avoided the blood, and went to the corpse to look up and down.

There is no cloth bag on this man, just a pair of trousers and a red bellyband, extremely simple, if there is a book hidden on his body, it will be obvious at a glance, but she didn't find it, and even took the Bi Luo scabbard to touch him a few times , as well.

He drew out his sword again and split the yellow gourd beside it into two pieces. Only a few scorpions and centipedes were still hiding inside, but there were no books.

Returning Biluo to its sheath, Mingyue said, "No."

You Xingye also came over, took a casual look, but couldn't move his eyes a little bit, only to see that the red apron on the belly had obvious edges and corners, and judging from the shape, it should be a book.

Turning around and asking: "Sister, have you really looked carefully? Are you sure?"

Ming Yuetian said: "I'm not blind yet."

You Xingye squatted down and picked up the clean hem of the red bellyband with two fingers, and gently twisted it up, it turned out to be a book.

He looked up and asked, "Did you see it?"

Ming Yuetian frowned and shook her head silently.

You Xingye sighed, stretched out his hand and pulled out the book, stood up to read the words, opened his eyes wide, then twitched the corners of his mouth, and burst out laughing.

Ming Yuetian saw her expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

You Xingye praised the new book, and said with a smile: "The art of prostitution!"

That's right, on the cover of this book, there are actually three words that are so straightforward as "the art of prostitution".

Ming Yuetian frowned, and said, "Open it first to see the content."

You Xingye nodded, opened it, and a paragraph of text came into his eyes, and he recited a paragraph softly while holding back his laughter:
"Since ancient times, there are prostitutes, one is a prostitute, and the other is a prostitute. The prostitute sells herself for money, and the prostitute uses her skills to increase her name and sell herself for a price. Those who want to whore, first look for a hook. Build a bustling street, or gather together in fireworks and willow alleys, or hide in a secluded corner... Hahaha."

You Xingye couldn't continue reading, and said with a smile: "The art of whoring, the art of whoring, this really teaches people how to whoring, it really lives up to the name."

Ming Yuetian frowned, and murmured: "How could it be this kind of book?"

You Xingye laughed and said: "Most likely the old god who made this treasure book is an old whore."

This book is a useless book, she will not take this book and run to the fence to find flowers and ask willows. However, the content looks novel, and she still has some interest, so she keeps it and does not intend to throw it away.

Then they called the guards outside and asked them to deal with the place, and then changed the residence with the chubby guy.

Still waiting for the shopkeeper's tidying up news, and not in a hurry to leave, You Xingye hid in the new room, flipping through two books with relish.

(End of this chapter)

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