Huashan female sword god

Chapter 424 422. The Holy Maiden

Chapter 424 422. The Holy Maiden
The path between the gaps between the towering cliffs is not large, and it is only accessible to people, and it is difficult to run parallel. Everything is ready, rustling under the mountain wind blowing through the gap, filled with a fresh breath.

Qingshui came here before, knew about it, and introduced: "These vines are half-year-old vines, which wither in half a year and bloom in half a year, so they are called half-year-old vines, and there will be a withering air between the withers and blooms, which is normal. It is as fresh as vegetation, but in fact it is highly poisonous. It can not only be ingested by the mouth and nose, but also directly penetrate into the body through the skin, killing the vitality of the viscera, causing people to fester and die from the inside out. The distance to this opening is not long or short, but there are too many vines , has bred countless poisonous gases, even if a super-first-class master passes through it at full speed with lightness kung fu, he will still be poisoned."

He Zhibai said: "Then wouldn't it be dangerous for us to live from now on?"

Qingshui said: "That's not true either."

Picking off a few leaves from a new vine, he said: "This leaf can temporarily suppress the poison. After entering the valley, find the poison king and ask him to give you the antidote." He took it first.

The rest have followed suit.

You Xingye was an exception, she was not afraid of the vine poison because of her true qi in her body, but the rest of the people didn't know about it, and she put on a show to conceal it, but she didn't take it.And in order to prevent accidents, the real energy is always running to resist the poisonous gas that invades the body, so as to prevent the gutter from capsizing.

After more than ten steps from the entrance, there is a bend. Go through the bend and continue to walk in. When you see the bend again, continue walking. This is a distorted path. You pass two big bends and three small bends in a row. Every time between two bends, the road is narrow. The path is straight in the middle, and gradually widens, like a deep fan with a small angle.

The road at the end of this gap is about [-] feet long, and at the exit, there is a vast water pool. A stone tablet stands under one side of the mountain wall, with its roots submerged in the water. There was originally the word "medicine" between Du and Wang, but it had already been crossed out, leaving only these six characters.

There is a small boat beside the stele, and further back in the water, there is a peach blossom forest. Thousands of peach blossoms are blooming, the fallen flowers are colorful, and the forest is full of fragrance.

Qingshui said: "in the peach blossom forest ahead, there is peach blossom miasma, which is also highly poisonous. It is no less poisonous than the half-year-old vine poison outside. It looks like there is a boat here for people to drive. It is actually deliberately misleading people. If people don't understand Here, if you take a boat directly into the valley without precaution, you will be poisoned by the peach blossom miasma."

Pointing to Mizuze again, he said, "Besides, this water is not safe. There is a kind of water plant called 'short soup' growing under it, which makes the water a cartilaginous water. There is also a kind of fang fish, although it is small in size, it has a ferocious nature and will attack all living things, and when people get wet and unable to fight back, they can only become the food in the belly of these fierce fish."

Everyone looked carefully, the edge of this peach forest is fine, but the depth is pink and blurry, as if there is a mist of peach red rising, which seems to be different from the simple peach blossom, presumably it is the so-called peach blossom miasma.

And the water surface is generally calm, occasionally there will be fish flicking their tails, causing ripples. If they hadn't known it in advance, who would have thought that there would be a life-threatening danger down here?

In this way, this place is more dangerous than the vine path outside.

Including the vine path that we just passed, we know that there are three layers of barriers. The road into the Poison King Valley is just a secret and hard to find. The danger is only worse than Tangmen Mountain outside Tangmen.

After listening to the introduction, He Zhibai asked: "Then how should we get across?"

Ji Qingshui said: "We can only let the people in the valley pick it up."

As she said that, she stepped aside and put her hand into the vines, groping among the vines, or on the mountain wall covered with two-colored vines, and the vines rustled.

A horn was quickly drawn out, and a vine was entangled in the middle.

After wiping his sleeve twice, he blew a few times, not indiscriminately, but rhythmically, three times long and two short.

And said: "That's enough, if there is someone in the valley, they will come to pick them up soon."

Said soon, really soon.

It didn't take long for a small boat to shuttle through the peach blossom forest, without fear of the miasma, it came slowly, and the boat was a rather handsome woman in green.

It was Shi Lvyang, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

She rowed the oars to approach the boat, and suddenly said pleasantly: "Sister Xingye, Sister Mingyue, it's you!" But she saw clearly that it was Xingyue and Xingyue.

You Xingye responded with a smile: "That's right, it's us, we're here to see you."

Although the boat was not big, six people could still sit on it. When they boarded the boat, Shi Lvyang gave two pills to each of them, one was the antidote for Peach Blossom Miasma, and the other was the antidote for the half-year-old vine.

The lone boat swayed away, passed through the peach blossom forest, and saw a long wall in the distance.After all, the surrounding mountains are separated by a distance, and they are too common. On the contrary, this wall is the most eye-catching around here.

In fact, it is indeed a wall to say that it is a wall, but it is not, and there is absolutely no problem, because it is only the dividing line between the opposite bank and the water surface.

The opposite bank is much higher than the water surface of this Peach Blossom Pool. It is said that it was originally a natural slope, but I don’t know how many years ago, the ancestors of Duwanggu built this vertical embankment wall, which is seven times higher than the water surface. Bachi, if you don't show off your lightness skills and jump up, you can only walk up the two stone steps specially set aside.

In the middle of the two stone steps, there is a ditch where spring water pours straight into Peach Blossom Pond.

There are only three openings in the wall, two for pedestrians and one for water flow.

After climbing to the top of the embankment wall, the land in front is empty and suddenly becomes clear.It is not a small valley.

Not to mention the strange peaks and cliffs, surrounded by mountains on three sides, clear springs in the valley, rows of houses, streams beside the buildings, and a few well-cultivated small medicine fields.

Led by Shi Luyang, in the main hall, I met the master of the Poison King Valley, the current generation of Poison King Sun Panacea.

Sun Lingyao is actually a low-key person except for the name of Poison King. He is not well-known in the Jianghu, but of course he is famous, especially after Baijielou put his name on the local list, even though the ranking is quite close. back.

It's just that such a famous person looks very young, only in his 40s, with only a mustache on his upper lip, and few gray hairs, but he is by no means only 40 years old. Fenjia, especially the poison king Guben has excellent medical skills, it is not surprising that he knows how to keep in good health, and he is obviously good at keeping in good health.

Shi Luyang introduced Xingyue and Xingyue, and Sun Lingyao said with a smile: "I often hear from Luyang that there is a friend named Ling Shan and You Xingye who is a hero among girls, as expected."

You Xingye said modestly: "It's too much of an award, how dare you accept such praise from Senior Sun?"

Sun Lingyao smiled and asked, "Then where are these?"

He was referring to several others.

Shi Lvyang was about to be introduced, Teng Qingshui knelt first, kowtowed, then straightened up, bowed his hands and said: "Grandpa Sun, it's me, I'm Qingshui, and my brother!"

Teng Qinghe also hurriedly kowtowed, saying: "Grandpa Sun, I am Qinghe."

Sun Lingyao frowned, and murmured: "Qingshui, Qinghe?" She stood up abruptly, and asked in surprise, "But the two children of the Teng family?"

Qingshui said: "It's us."

"Don't need a big gift, get up quickly." Sun Lingyao attracted the two of them, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it to be your brother and sister. I saw you last time. You are still children. Now you are so old. After careful consideration , but we haven't seen each other for more than ten years."

Ji Qingshui said: "It will be 12 years soon."

"That's right, it's been 12 years!" Sun Lingyao smiled, and looked at Qingshui: "A few days before the end of the year, two elders from your Five Poison Sect came and insisted that you escaped marriage and hid in the Gu Nei, you want me to hand you over, but I taught you a lesson and threw you out. I wanted to go out of the valley to inquire about it, but I'm just at the critical moment in my kung fu practice, and green seedlings don't know kung fu, so I don't either. Don't worry about letting her go out alone, and she has been delayed, since you have come by yourself now, it's just right, tell me what's going on?"

You Xingye glanced at Qingshui and touched his chin. From Sun Lingyao's words, it was enough to tell that the siblings hadn't told the truth before.

They came from the Five Poison Sect, and they came out of the Five Poison Sect in order to get rid of the entanglement of Ximen Severance. It is true that the saints of the Five Poison Sect escaped from marriage, but it is not true that they used the saint's escape from marriage to get rid of Ximen Severance.

Because the saint who escaped from marriage was either someone else, or Ji Qingshui himself.

She was skeptical at first, not because she noticed any doubts, but because she felt that when traveling in the rivers and lakes, the two sides who had never met before would not be able to say enough, and it is normal to have reservations, but now it is confirmed that they have indeed concealed something.

In fact, it is also understandable, the Five Poison Sect Saintess, the Five Poison Sect is still in existence, she is a saint who escaped from marriage, of course she cannot easily reveal her identity to others, and now, the Five Poison Sect has been subverted, even more so.

Although the Five Poisons Sect is powerful in the southwest, it also has many enemies, and there are definitely not a few people who are willing to beat the dog in the water.What's more, there are still the masters of the Extermination of the Five Poisons Sect, how dare they expose it?
(End of this chapter)

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