Huashan female sword god

Chapter 438 436. Torture

Chapter 438 436. Torture
The search was fruitless, Xingyue and Xingyue went back outside the stockade and searched among the corpses, but there was still nothing that matched Li Qianfeng's description.

Of course, while You Xingye was looking for corpses, he couldn’t avoid touching the corpses. Unfortunately, it was basically something to be dismissed. In the end, only a cheat book called "Cangshan Feixue Sword Art" barely caught the eye. I don’t know who its owner is. He is a character, but he is definitely not a first-class master. Of the four first-class masters, You Xingye killed three, and they all have some reflections, but there is no such person.

Cangshan Sword Sect has a sword technique also called Cangshan Feixue Sword Technique, I don’t know if it is the same one as what I have learned at this moment, if not, then let’s go, then the relationship between this person and Cangshan Sword Sect is questionable.

Of course, this is just a side detail, and it doesn't matter to them.

Even if this person is a Cangshan disciple, You Xingye didn't intend to trouble the Cangshan Sword Sect.

You Xingye said: "There is no body, it seems that he ran away."

Ming Yuetian said: "Run away, just go after it!"

You Xingye smiled and said: "Maybe that Leader Li didn't tell the truth, in fact, that person's surname is not Zhao, there is no scar on his face, he is not tall, and he is not lame."

Ming Yuetian looked back at her: "What do you want to say?"

You Xingye wanted to say that this was just a time of disappointment, and he wanted to make a joke to cheer up his mood. He also wanted to say that if Li Qianfeng hadn’t died, this meeting might be able to ask him if there was a secret path on the mountain, or whether to ask him again whether he was It's not that I misunderstood Zhao Da's characteristics. No matter how bad it is, I can use him to vent my anger for nothing. But after looking at Ming Yuetian, I think it's better to compliment her in another way, and said: "I want to say, such a dishonest person Man, sister, you really did the right thing!"

Ming Yuetian said: "Look around here first, if you can't find anyone, go back to Chongsheng Temple and ask the people from the Immortal Emperor's Palace to help you find it."

You Xingye continued to compliment: "Haha, sister is wise, I think so too."

Still the old rules, I found a suitable place nearby, left my name with my sword, and then drifted away.

As for the corpses all over the ground, the weather is cold and the snow is thick, so there is no need to worry about rotting and causing a plague, and it will be handed over to the first person, or the first group of people, to deal with it after this moment.

After today, the Southwest Wulin probably won't have the name "League of Righteousness" anymore. The Green Forest Alliance, which has been established for less than a month, appears and dies so quickly, it's like a joke.


Leaving the peak of Yulongzhai, I searched for a long time in the nearby glacier and snow peaks, and met some bandits who could not escape far, or hid on the peaks on purpose, and asked them, but unfortunately they were busy running for their lives at that time , who cares who is next to him?Of course I don't know.

On the contrary, there were a few clever ones, who were worried about being killed directly, so they pretended to have seen Zhao Da, and led the way to find them, so as to delay the time as much as possible. They did hide it from time to time, but there were also Xingyue and Xingyue who looked wrong. Those who were exposed directly, in short, this kind of people also did not end well in the end.

But Xingyue and Xingyue did not find Zhao Da's trace.

However, God probably couldn't bear their hard work up and down the mountain. After going down the mountain, they inquired in a few nearby villages. At first, they didn't hear about Zhao Da, but there were several groups of villains who escaped from the mountain in twos and threes. I just went to help remove it. After a few times, in a village in the southwest, someone really saw a lame, scar-faced strong man, and he was injured.

Although in the images of the two of them, it seems that the memory of the No. [-] person was not injured, but no matter how the injury was, it is enough that the other characteristics are basically similar to Zhao Da, and there is already a reason to look for it.

Following the direction pointed by the mountain people, I followed the past. After a certain distance, I found a little blood on the road, and walked along the traces. Before nightfall, I finally found someone in an abandoned courtyard beside a valley.

Up to here, although the bloodstains have been cut off for a long time, this small courtyard is obviously a long-abandoned virtue, and Xingyue and Xingyue found the faint breathing sound in the room, which is also in line with the other party's fate.

Zhao Da was very vigilant, Xingyue and Xingyue broke into the door, he sat up at once, saw the two of them clearly, his body shook, his gaze fixed, and he lost his voice: "Is it you?"

You Xingye took a look at him, he didn't know if he was lame or not, but he did have scars on his face, and he was tall and burly, his right hand was wrapped with a piece of cloth, and there was faint wetness oozing from blood.

She smiled and said: "It seems that you know me, and I also see that you are very familiar. I guess, we should have met in Yulongzhai not long ago, right?"

Whether you have seen it or not, she has no image anyway.

The man shuddered, turned over in a hurry and got out of the bed, crawled to the ground, and tremblingly said: "Female, female hero, spare your life, little, little one fell into the grass and turned into a bandit. He was forced by the bandits on the mountain. It's really helpless!"

From this movement, it can be seen that he does have some problems with one leg, he is indeed lame.

You Xingye was happy to play dumb with him, and said: "Every bandit said that when they were caught."

The other party quickly said: "Female, female hero, small, small is true, I am not lying..."

"What's your name?"

"The small ones are called big cows."

"When I was on the mountain, I didn't seem to have hurt your image. How did you get hurt?"

"Yes, it was before, just, when I was about to flee down the mountain, I was injured by a sword energy from the heroine. Maybe it was at that time, after several people, that the heroine didn't think of hurting the little one."

The two asked some unimportant questions and answered them a few times. Ming Yuetian got impatient and glared at You Xingye, saying, "Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

He yelled at the prostrate man directly and asked, "Where is Zhao Gou?"

The man tremblingly said: "Female, female hero, small, small, I don't understand what you mean..."

Ming Yuetian flicked his sleeves, and there was a burst of strength. Zhao Da was lifted up, spit out a mouthful of blood, hit the wall, and rolled down, causing several cracks in the wooden wall.

"See what I mean?"

With a clanging sound, Ming Yuetian pulled out the Heavenly Sword from You Xingye's hand, and suppressed Bi Luo's spontaneous sword energy. After approaching, the sword pointed at the opponent: "Say it?"

Zhao Da begged: "Heroine, please forgive me, little one, I really don't know..."

With a flash of sword light, all four fingers were severed, leaving only an empty palm and a thumb, which was his injured hand.

"Ah—my hand—"

Blood spurted, screamed, hugged his palms and rolled.

You Xingye also walked over, squatted beside him, touched a few of his acupoints, temporarily stopped the bleeding and pain, and sighed, "Why bother? Since my sister asked, you can tell the truth, and you will be spared the pain." This flesh and blood pain."

His face was covered with blood, and he said in a crying voice: "I really don't know what Zhao Gou the heroine is talking about."

While speaking, his left hand held his right palm and moved down without a trace, his wrist was facing You Xingye, and at the same time his wrist shook slightly without a trace.

An inch of shadow became a light, and hurriedly shuttled to the door.

Zhao Da didn't stop at all, and at the same time shot out a flying shadow of black mans towards Mingyuetian.

You Xingye swung his hand between the lightning and flint, and grabbed the hidden weapon. Although she was close, she didn't let down her vigilance, so she took it easily.

Look again, it is a three-inch long sleeve arrow.

Ming Yuetian also turned her head to avoid it, and the sleeve arrow hit the pillar about half a foot behind her, making a quick and short muffled sound, penetrating three points, and the momentum was not light.

Zhao Dalian shot two arrows, but unfortunately the two sleeve arrows failed, but he turned over and jumped out at the first time through the window.

However, as soon as it landed outside the house, there was a bang, and the entire wall behind it was shattered by Peiran, and then half of the house collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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