Huashan female sword god

Chapter 47 The Poison King's Sutra 【Please recommend for collection】

Chapter 47 The Poison King's Sutra 【Please recommend for collection】

47. Poison King Sutra

The third day in Tiandufu is the Lantern Festival.

Put it in any place where there are people, the night of Lantern Festival will never be lonely, especially since Tiandu City is a big city.

It's night, the streets and alleys are full of people, the drums and gongs outside the city are noisy, and the lights of thousands of families light up the world!
Ling Shan dragged the two little girls out for a stroll.

It's not just wandering around, it's mainly about consciously looking for food, hoping to satisfy the gluttons.Whenever such a big festival with a lot of people, all kinds of delicacies and snacks are indispensable. Although Ling Shan is interested in watching the excitement, she is more concerned about these.

For her, the biggest gain from this trip to Xiyuan is not that she participated in rescuing a group of poor women, nor that she will get a good sword that is not bad in quality, but that she tasted delicious food from all over the world that you will never see on Huashan Mountain!

The three little girls, the newly picked ones are okay, they are just submissive, they are timid to put it bluntly, so naturally they will not cause trouble.But the other two, one is always afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and the other is indifferent and wants to hurt people and kill people at every turn. When it comes to strong people, there must be someone who can hold the field.

Yuling likes to be quiet, and she doesn't want to mix in crowded places, so Qinghe follows and takes care of her.

Compared with the previous life and present life, although the technology of this world is extremely backward, it is not much worse when it comes to food.Lantern sellers are the most numerous on the street, followed by various food stalls. Even people who live a tighter life, during the Lantern Festival, don’t hesitate to spend spare money to treat their bellies once in a while.

After wandering the streets for a long time, the shop Ling Shan finally settled down in does not sell wine, meat and food, but only noodles and soup. The exclusive recipe of hot and sour sauce noodles and rooster tail feather hen heart soup are often called "spicy strips" and "spicy noodles" by local people. Xinling Chicken Soup", a famous food in Tianducheng.

Of course, saying that it is an exclusive recipe does not mean that the owner of this shop who claims to be surnamed Zhang is unique, but that it is unique to a big restaurant in Tiandu City called God of Food. The fact that he can get the secret recipe shows that this boss Zhang has worked in God of Food for at least For 16 years of work, this is the rule of the famous restaurant. For eight years, a handyman who is beaten and scolded can be exchanged for a piece of formula for making a living, and Lao Zhang holds two formulas in his hand.

Shu people love spicy food, Sichuan cuisine is very spicy, and the spicy strips are naturally spicy, which makes it uncomfortable to eat at first. Fortunately, there is a bowl of refreshing Xinling Chicken Soup at hand to relieve the spicy food. Once you cooperate with it, the taste is really excellent. In the past few days in the city, Ling Shan has to come to eat once a day!
At that time, only one of the four tables at the back of the shop will be occupied. Although there are crowds of people around, it is the time to watch the lanterns and guess riddles. How can sitting here eating noodles and soup be more convenient and comfortable than eating a few skewers?Therefore, the noodle stall business is average!
After sitting down, the noodles need to be boiled in the pot, and the boss first poured soup for one night and served them on the table.

After taking off the veil, I took the third sip.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the surroundings, bursts of shouts and exclamations were concealed, although they were scattered and obscured by the thick noise, they still rushed into the ears without any difficulty.

A group of at least seven or eight black-clothed swordsmen wearing bamboo hats moved aggressively away from the crowd and surrounded the stall.The shining steel knife shone coldly under the firelight!

"That's why I said, there are always people sitting at home in this world, and the disaster comes from the sky!" Ling Shan's face became tangled, she put down half of the soup bowl left, and sighed.

But his eyes wandered between a pair of 60-year-old elders at the next table who may be a couple in their [-]s and [-]s, and the owner of the shop who was called Lao Zhang!
They have never provoked anyone in the past few days in Tiandu City. It makes no sense for this group of people to be here because of them, so there are only two or three people left!

Ling Shan personally prefers the boss.

Who made him so much younger?

"The Tang Sect is doing business, and the idlers and others get out of the way."

The man in the lead swayed the bright steel knife in his hand for a week, and shouted at the people in the stall.

It turned out that they were from the Tang Sect.

Ling Shan immediately "turned sadness into joy", which was really a coincidence, before looking for it, it was delivered to her door first.

The leader mainly yelled at Ling Shan and the others. It can be seen that the Tang Sect is obviously not looking for them, but Ling Shan did not leave as he said, and waved Qing He to approach her and put it in her ear. Pang softly said: "Sister Qinghe, if you do something later, you can help a little bit, but there is no need to work too hard, just sell well."


Qing He nodded.

They didn't move, but the boss Lao Zhang and the old couple at the next table moved.

"It has nothing to do with you, don't mistake yourself, get out."

When Lao Zhang stepped forward tremblingly with a smile on his face and wanted to say something, he was sternly shouted at by the leading swordsman in black and pushed away with a wave of his hand.

He even retreated ten feet away and pushed it on a table. His body was not strong enough, so he didn't break the table. Instead, he pushed the table back a certain distance. Resist it with one palm!
And the leader swordsman pushed Boss Zhang away, pointed at the old couple who wanted to leave at the next table with a shining steel knife under the firelight, and said, "You two, please stay."

There were two people next to him with knives and forced them up.

Obviously, Tang Sect's target is on them.

The old man tremblingly said: "Master, uncle, no, didn't you ask the old man to get out of the way?"

The leader's attitude changed, and he was no longer aggressive. He turned to the old woman in a persuasive tone, and said, "Miss, why bother to pretend? You should be honest and go back with the younger one."


Calling an old lady, if it is not a mistake, it is likely that the old lady is not old.If this old lady who is obviously not young is not old, she can only change her appearance.Could it be that today's big luck is going to see a bittersweet scene of the rivers and lakes version of elopement and being caught?
Ling Shan's thoughts were chaotic, and she rested her chin on one hand, watching the upcoming scene with great interest, without worrying about being hurt by Chi Yu!


The old woman said: "Master, what are you talking about?"

The leader looked at her, sighed, and said, "Oh, I'll offend you, everyone..."

She raised her hand, and was about to give an order, but before she finished speaking, the old woman suddenly raised a package, interrupted him and shouted: "This is the Tang Sect's most precious Poison King Sutra in my hand."

When she said this, her voice was clear and melodious, like a young girl's coquettish voice, she stopped playing with her back, and her stooped attitude was gone.

Tang's big words stopped abruptly, and his eyes stayed on the package, and so did the others.

Tang Da stretched out one hand and said, "Miss, give me this burden."

"For you? Hehe!"

The old woman who straightened her waist smiled, turned her head to Ling Shan and said, "Little girl, this is for you."

With a casual throw, the package was thrown to this side, and it landed at Ling Shan's feet impartially.

Everyone's eyes followed the package.

The principle of strike first is applicable in many places. At this time, the old man took advantage of the distraction and suddenly made a move, rushed forward and slapped Tang Da.

Fortunately, Tang Da responded in time, replacing the shield with a sword, and blocking the palm with a horizontal sword.

The old man's palm landed on the blade, and the blade hit Tang Da's chest. Tang Da's face turned pale, and he was shocked back a few steps. He was resisted by two people behind him, and hissed, "Do it, take them down."

After speaking, a mouthful of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

Seven or eight people around him raised their knives and rushed forward, besieging together.

Ps: I found that in the old version of the webpage, this book was indeed recommended by martial arts, but in the new version of the webpage, it is still showing the book of last week.

 Ps: I found that in the old version of the webpage, this book was indeed recommended by martial arts, but in the new version of the webpage, it is still showing the book of last week.


(End of this chapter)

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