Huashan female sword god

Chapter 519 All Realms

Chapter 519 All Realms
(This chapter is free)
When Lin Pingzhi got the cheat, when Yue Lingshan knew the future, when Dongfang Bubai died, and finally completely disrupted the normal operation of everything in the world, the will of the world instinctively sent down thunder, trying to destroy the odd numbers, and then bring everything back on track.

This is normal in some parts of the world.

After all, not every world can allow variables to exist.

Some are highly tolerant, some are less tolerant, and some are absolutely tolerant. This world belongs to the second type.

There is a certain degree of tolerance, but it is not high. Once the deviation is too large, it will cause God's will to bite back.

However, the world will of the real world can't help the current stars and moons, let alone this illusory way of heaven?
You can suppress it by raising your hand.

After dispelling the will of heaven and earth, the trip to this world will end, and they once again break through the void of heaven and earth. .

Traveling through Zuhai and jumping above the world line, they came to Chu Liuxiang's world.

At that time, Nangong Ling was poisoned to death by his brother Wuhua, and Chu Liuxiang was thinking hard about the mastermind behind the scenes.

You Xingye thought that her sister had let Yue Lingshan see her own fate before, and on a whim, she dragged Chu Liuxiang into a dream.

So Chu Liuxiang who was thinking about it suddenly felt sleepy, leaned against a tree by the side of the road and fell asleep.

In the dream, he came to a place surrounded by clouds and mist.

Fairy Mountain Qiongge, auspicious beasts and birds, a school of fairy atmosphere, people can't help but immerse themselves in it, what behind-the-scenes mastermind, what kind of gods and gods are all thrown into the back of their minds for a while.

But suddenly there was a misty fairy sound, which woke him up.

The owner of Xianyin claims to be the Lord of the Stars, and he was originally a god of stars under him. He was demoted to the mortal world because of a mistake. Returning to the throne, I came here specially to save him today. As long as he puts aside all kinds of things in the world, he can return to the Nine Heavens and return to the immortal class.

But it just happened that he still couldn't let go of all kinds of things in the world, so he had no choice but to reject the Lord of the Stars in anxiety.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Stars was not angry, but just sighed, and left a book from heaven, saying that it could help him survive the catastrophe.

Then he woke up with a book in his hand.

"The Legend of Chu Liuxiang"


Wandering Zuhai, before entering a certain world, there is no way to know the details of the other world.

After leaving Chu Liuxiang's world, he did not expect to enter Lu Xiaofeng's world next.

"I hate strong female offenders."

Looking at Jin Jiuling who carried Xue Bing from the Snake King's House with a proud look in the middle of the night, You Xingye said softly.

Strong female offenders are abhorrent, and female rape and murder is the most hateful and worst of them.

Jin Jiuling belongs to this category.

And the victim was the confidante of his friend.

"Then kill him."

Mingyuetian replied.

"Do not."

You Xingye refused.

Just like she didn't directly kill the flower picker surnamed Mei when she debuted back then, she doesn't intend to kill Jin Jiuling directly either.

This kind of person must be punished enough before he is eligible to die.

The light beauty in her arms seemed to have become a lot heavier, but Jin Jiuling didn't care about it under the huge sexual arousal.

But behind him, the Snake King, who was looking at his back with unwillingness and resentment, suddenly saw that Xue Bing in Jin Jiuling's arms turned into a fat pig for no reason.

He couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, and when he looked carefully, it was still a pig.

A black old sow with a big fat head...maybe a boar.

He opened his mouth to speak, but he still didn't cry out.

How is this possible?
It should be because I betrayed my friend and felt uneasy, and I had hallucinations for a while.

He told himself so.


a few days later.

Under Lu Xiaofeng and Aunt Gongsun's plan, Jin Jiuling's plot was exposed.

He used Xue Bing's whereabouts as a threat in exchange for a chance to fight one-on-one with Lu Xiaofeng, but in the end he lost.

Before dying, facing Lu Xiaofeng's persecution, he only replied with a cruel smile.

However, at this time, Xue Bing, who was supposed to be hanged to death by him, appeared.

Under his unbelievable gaze, under Lu Xiaofeng's surprise gaze, he fed a red pill of life and death human flesh and white bones to Jin Jiuling, instantly healing his injury.

But he couldn't bring up his strength at all.

Then Xue Bing took everyone to the underground secret room, and explained the truth to everyone in front of the fat pig who was hanged to death by a white silk on the bed.

Then, driven by some mysterious force, a group of black pigs ran in, dragged Jin Jiuling away, and reenacted what Jin Jiuling did to the black pig he killed in public.

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't see that Jin Jiuling was so humiliated and wanted to stop him, but in the end he couldn't even do anything to a black pig, he was knocked back by a bump, and he had no power to fight back, so he had no choice but to help.

In the end, Jin Jiuling was dragged away again and completely lost track, even Lu Xiaofeng couldn't catch up.

The incident spread quickly.

There are also many news related to Jin Jiuling.

For example, there are rumors that he played with pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep all the way in various places.

For example, every time he appeared in front of people, there would always be a signboard embroidered with the thief Jin Jiuling, who played with the beasts.

It is said in the rivers and lakes that the turmoil has been turbulent for many days, until one day Xue Bing mentioned that the immortal had left, and then they also found Jin Jiuling's body somewhere, and witnessed everything from the beginning to the end. Seeing the numb Lu Xiaofeng and the others, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.



Leaving Lu Xiaofeng's world, Xingyue and Xingyue continued to travel through the worlds of Zuhai.

In the sword rain world, Rama's body was psychically turned into a zombie Buddha, and in the knight world, Shi Zhongyu was sent to the palace, and Shi Potian was appointed as the reincarnated soul boy and saved as the Tathagata in the world.

The number one bestowed God in the world, Hou Tianming, to see him accomplish ninety-five wars in all directions, to see his dictatorship and arrogance, to be at odds with the officials and the people, to see him rule with absolute force and oppression during his lifetime, and the Ming Dynasty was mourned when he died.

In the sword world of the third young master, the sword intent of Jian Nian San was left behind.

In the world of Liancheng Jue, all the upper and lower sides of the Xuedao Gate were turned into women and sent to the hook bar.

Added the blood-drinking feature to the deer-cutting knife, re-tuned the crooked Mo Xiaobei into a red-flame madman, and kicked Pang Ban and Lang Fanyun who broke the void back to the world.

They left traces in each world, until they were locked by the gods in Xiao Li Feidao's world.

The Immortal Monarch of Heaven, the Buddha Lord of Lingshan, and the God of the God Realm, led all the immortals and gods under his command to break through the realm.

"I'm waiting for you."

You Xingye forcibly blasted open the barriers of a vast world that had already been positioned but had not entered, and threw Li Xunhuan, who dared not face his old beauty, into it, and smiled to the gods.

The twelve worlds left traces by them suddenly roared, the way of heaven was refined, and the invisible thread connected the worlds into one, and based on this, it spread to the surroundings, swallowing one world after another in an instant.

It wasn't until the Hundred Thousand Worlds merged into one that it became connected with the world Li Xunhuan entered and became one of its subsidiary worlds.

It is a vast world.

Composed of the only real world and the imaginary world, the interior is being conquered, and the emperor and the emperor are fighting to the death.

The world merged, the avenue roared, and the forces of heaven and earth collided to form an extremely powerful suction force. The magic circle arranged by Xingyue also pushed hard outside, and the gods were forced to enter that world, and Xingyue and Xingyue also fell into it.

The sudden true nature broke out an eternal corridor between the only real world in that world and the barriers between the heavens and the myriad worlds. The powerful temptation of the true nature also detonated the greed of the nine emperors, 27 emperors and 36 emperors. The emperors bound by the only real world came one after another.

The door of the vortex that allows entry and exit is closed. With the true essence, it may be possible to break through the barrier and return, but the pursuit of eternity has long been an obsession. The emperors of the other world will not give the gods a chance.

This twelve-god hunting team led by three mythical Jue Dian was trapped in the Longevity Realm, and might never come back.

After all, although the true essence can make mythology stand out against the emperor, there are too many emperors in this world.

Xingyue, who also fell into the Longevity Realm, did not hesitate to blew her own origin, and blew up the three ancient emperors who were approaching together, causing great injuries.

And at the moment of annihilation, You Xingye gathered the remnants of the Kyushu side into a temporary pure land for shelter.


ps: It’s too miserable. I kept saying that the content of my work in this chapter was suspected of vulgarity. I deleted a large part of the content in the middle and changed it to a brief passage. I also said that the number of modified words is less than [-] words and cannot be modified. I don’t know what to do. Started to change, crying blind
(End of this chapter)

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