Chapter 54
Both Ling Shan and Ming Yuetian's expressions changed slightly.

From Yuling's mouth, they already knew that Tianlao Miumiao might be eight or ninety years old if she hadn't died yet.But what I saw today is clearly such a delicate young girl. Don't say 90 or 90 years old, or 30 or [-] years old is too old. The best interpretation is that the [-]-year-old beauty has not yet arrived.

To say that she is Misty Heavenly Grandma is a bit unbelievable, it is really unbelievable!

Outside the private room, You Tan passed away, and no one was there anymore.

Qing He staggered and almost fell.

Ye Mingnu also shook his body, his forehead almost hit the corner of the table!

It's like a person who is sitting or standing for some reason, just dozes off, and is about to fall in a daze, but suddenly wakes up, feeling a kind of heart palpitation when falling from a high altitude!
Both Qing He and Ye Mingnu looked pale and sweated coldly as if they were exhausted.

Especially Qing He, who has a more mature mind and is more afraid of the situation where the mind is still in control but the body is out of control.

Mingyuetian glanced around.

Qing He turned her back to herself, she couldn't see the shape, but she could see Ye Mingnu's frightened expression and trembling.Then he asked: "Qing He, what happened to you just now?"

Qinghe turned around, and Mingyue saw that her face was no prettier than Ye Mingnu's.

Qing He tried her best to describe the feelings of that moment, and said: "I, I don't know...just now, it seems...the body is not my own, I can hear and see, but I can't say that I can't move, I can't control myself, It’s like being tapped, but you can feel it, that kind of situation is definitely not caused by being tapped!”

Ling Shan looked at Ye Mingnu, who still had lingering fears, took her hand and asked, "Mingnu, do you feel the same way?"

The little girl nodded hurriedly: "No, that's right——"

Ling Shan asked Ming Yuetian again: "Sister, when she forced us to drink that tea earlier, did you feel stimulated by external and internal forces?"

Ming Yuetian shook her head and said, "No!"

"I didn't feel it either, but we opened our mouths..." Ling Shan nodded and said, "I guess, maybe she used a similar method, but the time is too short, and our feelings are not like Sister Qinghe and Ming's. So obvious!"

The acupoints and meridians of the human body have their own functions. Some martial arts masters can use these functions to form certain control over other people's limbs, such as raising hands, opening mouth, kicking legs, etc., and even more intense actions are not impossible. It is the same principle to control people with acupoints, but it is more complicated!
But these methods, in the final analysis, have one thing in common, that is, they need to use tyrannical internal force to attach to others to stimulate.

Qing He felt that she was not being acupunctured, but based on this idea, she did not feel the slightest invasion of external internal force.

Ming Yuetian murmured: "Can you control others without pretending to be foreign objects? It's like martial arts like soul-shifting method!"

Ling Shan shook her head and said, "We are fully conscious, we can't do this kind of kung fu!"

Methods that start with the human spirit, such as the soul-shifting method, heart-breaking technique, and puppet skills, often cause the controlled person to lose their minds and their consciousness to go blank. It is very different from their experience, and it can probably be ruled out!

I can't figure out how she did it, which makes people even more frightened of this extremely young Misty Elder!
Thinking about it carefully, it is not impossible to make an eighty-ninety-year-old woman look like a sixteen-year-old girl, and there are three ways.

The first is drugs.Legend has it that there are some miraculous medicines, which will keep you young if you take them, and you will not be afraid of aging.But this is a legend after all, and it has never been heard of in reality, so it is not enough to believe it.

The second type is the martial arts practiced.There are some special martial arts, practiced to the depth can indeed make people rejuvenate and stay youthful forever.Just like Baihua Valley's good fortune magic art, as long as you start it, you can delay aging, and once you practice it to the sixth level, as long as you don't break the power and disperse the energy, you can maintain your youthful youth until death.And even if the progress is slow, resulting in an aging body when it reaches the sixth level, if it is possible to practice to the eighth level, it can also rejuvenate.

Compared with pills, this possibility is more realistic.And although this kind of martial arts is as rare as a feather, it may not be absent in Misty Palace!
The third type is the realm of internal martial arts!If you can prove the great success of martial arts, without special martial arts, you can also forcibly reverse the rules of birth and aging and restore your youthful appearance just by relying on unpredictable skills.

And such a person is the scariest!

Even Yuling, who is now on the seventh level of Good Fortune, is still separated from this state by a distance between heaven and earth, man and god.

They didn't know which type this young Misty Heavenly Elder belonged to, but they undoubtedly hoped that she belonged to the first type, even if it was the most delusional and extravagant type.

For now, the third option is the most likely.

It's not that she can take Xuelong as a pearl in one palm, nor is it that she can control the water flow as she pleases, but it's that she has controlled the bodies of the four of them without her doing anything.

For a short while, Qing He also broke free from her panic, and asked in a trembling voice: "Master Shaogu, you...have you drank that woman's tea?"

Ling Shan said helplessly: "As you said, your body is not yours anymore, you can't control it, you can't drink it!"

Qing He said worriedly: "Then, do you feel... is there anything wrong?"

"Not for the time being... the ghost knows if he was fed poison and was waiting to use it to threaten Master!"

Thinking of the so-called tea, Ling Shan also frowned.

Although it seems that there is no discomfort in drinking wine that has lost the taste of wine after being cooked by the master of the misty sky, but such a terrifying master who is probably even more powerful than his master, will always be able to drink it. It won't be as simple as just coming up to invite them to drink a glass of snow water, especially when the two parties have a lot of festivals.

The situation of the ancestor of the black knife is unknown, so let’s not mention it for the time being. The two old women who attacked the master later, one of them was either dead or abolished. How can you give up easily when you are useless?

After this change, Ling Shan no longer had the leisure to cook wine and watch the snow, and it was getting late, so she asked the staff to prepare some meals.

Probably mentally irritable and palpitations, the delicious food of God of Cookery, which is the most famous in Sichuan, is tasteless at the moment, the three of Mingyuetian finished eating hastily, and went back to the house to rest!
Only Ling Shan has no heart and no lungs, and still regards food as the first priority, and will never retreat until she is full, worrying about everything, and thinking about it after eating.

In the middle, I also asked the waiter who served the dishes. Grandma Misty had gone out and left, and she was relieved.As long as you live with that kind of woman, you will inevitably feel uncomfortable. It's better to leave!
She went back to the house after eating and drinking enough, meditating and breathing out as usual, diligently cultivating internal strength.

About two hours later, I woke up from a lack of energy, but I also felt sleepy, yawned, and fell asleep!

So late at night, there is no sound!
In a trance, she found that she had transformed back into Ling Shan.

Mingyuetian, this little girl, has also grown from a little girl to a great beauty who can overwhelm the country and the city. If you look closely, she looks a little like Master Yuling, a little like the Misty Tianmu I just saw today, and there are some shadows from when she was a child. , in short, it is as beautiful as a fairy, and it cannot be square!
And the grown-up Ming Yuetian is no longer cold and indifferent, but very enthusiastic, every move, every frown and smile is captivating.They were playing and playing in the Valley of Hundred Flowers, they had to touch each other physically, every time it made her shudder!

Then the scene changed, and they arrived at Diequan Valley again. Mingyuetian, the landlubber, plunged headlong into the water below the spring, and even beckoned her to go down too!She thought of mandarin ducks playing in the water, of course she would not refuse, and jumped into the water too!
In an instant.

It was as if he had fallen into the icy hell naked!
It's cold to the bone!

In the middle of the night, the God of Cookery lived inside, and two screams of extreme pain resounded through the night sky!
(End of this chapter)

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