Chapter 77

Although Lu Shangshu's name is Shangshu, it is not one of the six departments of the temple, it is just a person's name, but this person's name contains too many expectations from his old father who was a mansion official under the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty and who had a son when he was old.

He is a native of Liuxia Town. When he was born, Liuxia Town was still Qiling Village, and his father was the most expensive nobleman in the history of Qiling Village. A piece of decree, after getting rich, he did not forget the chaff, and took his mother and son to live in the post. After a few years, his official career went smoothly, and he went straight to the position of the magistrate. Unfortunately, he was seriously ill and had to resign and return to the magistrate within two years. After leaving his hometown, of course, the place to return to and settle down will not be Qiling Village, but Funiu County, fifty miles away.

Back then, I met a group of bandits for worshiping the ancestors. Fortunately, the two unknown knights rescued them from the disaster. After half a month, I heard about the two swords of the two heroes. They rushed up the mountain and crossed the river. Thousands of deeds of bandits on the west bank of the Han River, and since then, the idea of ​​being called a "hero" that I had since childhood, has really become firm.Three years later, the old father finally passed away due to illness, and he finally made up his mind to plunge into the rolling rivers and lakes.

In the next fifteen years of wind and rain, he was used to the turmoil of the world of mortals. He was also old and tired of the grievances and swords and swords in the rivers and lakes. He chose to return to Qiling Village, which has become the town of Liuxia.He opened a small inn here, married a dutiful wife who was neither ugly nor beautiful, and soon had a son.

I still clearly remember that on the day my son was born, two special guests came to the store, an old Taoist priest and a young man.

The old Taoist priest has a neat Taoist robe and silver hair, but he looks very good, and he doesn't look old.On the contrary, the eight or nine-year-old boy could tell at a glance that his bones were extremely weak, and he even walked tremblingly.

Of course he didn't recognize the young man, but he recognized the old Taoist at a glance!
Ten years of romantic figures in the rivers and lakes, such as Dao Zunrenxie, Xidian Dongdi, all of them are as bright as shooting stars, but those living gods who are called "innate" in the century-old rivers and lakes are the highest and most influential martial arts in this world. .Among them, the two great masters of the North and South Daoist Schools are undoubtedly the most well-known, and Zhang Sanfeng is the one who is closer to the world of mortals among the two. However, the number of appearances on Wudang Mountain will only increase.

Lu Shangshu saw him once from a distance during the ten years of walking in the rivers and lakes!Therefore, on the rainy night when his son was born, he recognized the old Taoist priest who brought a young boy to shelter from the rain. He was the famous old fairy Zhang. He never expected to see such a big man in this desolate town.

It is even more unexpected that ten years later, we will meet again in the same place.Regardless of his demeanor and appearance, there was no change, as if ten years had left no trace on him.But this time he came alone, called two rooms, and stayed in one of them all afternoon.

It was almost evening before I left the door.I don't know when I came back, but I found him not long after, and asked him to tell him to go on. A girl came in another room, so don't disturb her without calling.Then he went out again.This time, they brought back four girls, one big, three young, and it is said that they were the same family members of the injured girl who had never met.

But Zhenren Zhang left that night.

Before leaving, I sent him a word: This year, the benefactor may not be able to regain his peace!

The meaning is naturally easy to understand, but he is a little puzzled. After ten years of retirement, the grievances and enmities from the beginning should have been settled. Who else cares about him?
Until today, when he saw two familiar figures coming into the store, they were two people he had met ten years ago. He felt that the doubts might be resolved today!

It's just that my heart is still a little heavy. If they are the ones who miss me, then there are only eight or nine months. During this time, I have to think about how to arrange Wen'er, and then I will go to the dragon's pool and tiger's den!

Suddenly, I felt that the crooked things that the two girls, one big and one small, had been talking about to Wen'er in the past few days, maybe they weren't too crooked!

Yu Ling looked at the fat man in white with a smile all over his face, and said calmly, "From Longmu Island?"

These two are exactly the black and white envoys of Longmu Island who have made countless heroes in the world tremble for 30 years. The fat man in white is the envoy of White Dragon, and the other thin and thin in black is envoy of Heimu!
Seeing that the White Dragon Envoy was still smiling, he cupped his hands and said: "This must be the owner of the Hundred Flowers Valley!" He seemed to be asking, but he was very sure, and then said: "White Dragon Envoy of Longmu Island, see you!" Pass the valley owner!"

The Heimu envoy immediately followed up and said: "The Heimu envoy has seen the owner of the valley!"

Perhaps this is the nature of nature, although the words seem to be polite, but no matter the tone or demeanor of the black wood envoy, they are still cold!
When Wen Hongxia and her husband heard the conversation, they couldn't help but looked at each other, feeling very surprised.What surprised me was that I met the black and white envoys of Longmu Island here, and the strange thing was that the origin of Baihua Valley, with the knowledge of their couple, they have never heard of it!
But even though they were surprised, they had a tacit understanding. They only frowned, didn't hear a sound, and waited for the next article.

Yuling's eyes turned cold: "Are you planning to issue a Yin-Yang order to me?"

In the past few days, she has been recuperated by the secret method, not only her hidden injuries have been suppressed, but her energy has also been accumulated, and she has almost recovered, but it is not suitable to fight with others, otherwise her energy will easily escape.However, I have made a decision in my heart, if the two people answer yes, let alone keep them, at least to see if they are qualified to issue tokens.

But the White Dragon Envoy shook his head and said: "No, although Master Gu meets the requirements of Master Yin Yang, but my brother is not here for Master Gu, but for Mr. Shang!"

"Mr. Shang?"

Everyone in the inn was stunned, wondering who it was.

It's just that Yu Ling didn't care. In her opinion, since it's not her, it doesn't matter who it is. She didn't want to stay longer. She wanted to let them make way, but she heard Ling Shan who was supported by Qing He ask: "I don't know Mr. Shang?" Who is it? Fat uncle, we don't have anyone with the surname Shang here!"

Then take back the words!

Bai Longshi probably has a good temper, he didn't ignore Ling Shan because he was young, and he didn't get angry because of that fat man, he smiled and glanced behind everyone, Boss Lu who was standing by the counter, said: "Mr. Of course, it is Shang Shuangxia, the impermanent scholar who was famous in Sannan in the past, the shopkeeper Lu over there thinks I am right?"

Everyone was taken aback.At this time and in this situation, when he said this, if it wasn't referring to shopkeeper Lu as Shang Shuangxia, it was because shopkeeper Lu and Shang Shuangxia had a very close relationship.

Shopkeeper Lu, who was dressed as a scholar, stood there with a frown and did not speak.

Wen Hongxia also took a look at him, turned around, frowned and said: "Is the envoy making a mistake? The shopkeeper Lu is just an ordinary person in Liuxia Town, how could it be the hero Shang? Don't make a mistake and harm a good person!"

Although these two people are famous for their viciousness, she is only jealous and has no great fear, and their husband and wife are not just papers, they are just fighting to the death, so they speak straightforwardly.

The black and white envoys were not angry, and the white dragon envoy looked at the two of them, and also directly called out Li, saying: "You can rest assured that Wen Xia, since our brothers came to the door, we must have found out! Shang Shuangxia is Lu Shangshu, Lu Shangshu is also Shang Shuangxia!"

Looking at Shopkeeper Lu again, he said: "In the past, there were two heroes in Liuxia Town who were gangsters, and they left behind their illustrious names. Some people probably admired those two very much, so there will be Shang Shuangxia in the future. Does Shopkeeper Lu think so? "

Shopkeeper Lu was no longer silent at this time, and he stepped forward and sighed: "Yes, because of advocating the two heroes, there are Shang Shuangxia in the Jianghu, but it is a pity that I have been walking in the Jianghu for more than ten years, and I have never seen those two heroes again." Shang Shuangxia cited this as a regret in his life!"

Wen Hongxia was startled and said, "Shopkeeper Lu, are you really?"

Shopkeeper Lu made a small gesture, nodded and said, "Thank you, Miss Wen, for speaking uprightly...but what Bai Longshi said is right, Shang Shuangxia is Lu Shangshu, and Lu Shangshu is also Shang Shuangxia!"

Bailong Envoy smiled and said: "Hero Shang is so courageous! Unlike some famous people, once they hear that they are black and white envoys, they only need to piss their pants!"

Shopkeeper Lu said indifferently: "But Mr. Lu's belly is not too big after all. Even if we meet old friends, I really don't want to keep the two of you for lunch!"

The White Dragon Envoy said indifferently: "As long as Mr. Shang accepts the token, it doesn't matter if my brothers go to another house to eat!"

Shopkeeper Lu stretched out his hand and said, "Then bring it!"

"Okay! Mr. Wangshang is waiting at Nanhai Port a few days ago, and he can go to sea at that time—the Yin-Yang Token, please take it!" Bai Longshi flicked his sleeve, and a wooden order suddenly appeared in Lu's hand. The Yin-Yang Token on Longmu Island!
There is no overt and secret rivalry in the middle!

Give it neatly, and accept it calmly!
 Ps: I feel that the protagonist dragged on the show for too long when he was a child, so I plan to speed up the development of the plot
(End of this chapter)

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