Huashan female sword god

Chapter 79 The Secret of the Gouyu Cave [Part [-]]

Chapter 79 The Secret of the Gouyu Cave [Part [-]]

After Yu Ling finished speaking, she scanned around and said, "Who has a problem?"

Everyone was silent.

The news of passing the position was so sudden that everyone was shocked on the spot!

After a long while, Luluo asked cautiously: "The two young valley masters are still young, and the valley master is now at the peak of spring and autumn. Why, why did the valley master suddenly make such a decision?"

Yuling said: "This time I went out, I heard the news of the previous owner of the valley by chance, and I planned to investigate it myself. I don't know when I will return from this trip. The Baihua Valley cannot be left without a owner for a long time, so I decided to let Mingyue Youxing take over!"

In Jianghu sects, disciples usually take over after the death of the previous master. There are rare exceptions, but the previous master of Baihua Valley is not actually dead, he only disappeared 20 years ago, so Yu Ling would say so.


Many disciples looked at each other in blank dismay!

All the disciples of Baihua Valley, once they are over 50 years old and their martial arts have not reached the Great Zhou Dynasty, or they are over 30 years old and have not yet completed the Great Zhou Dynasty, without the permission of the owner of the valley, they will all be sent out of the valley to take care of secular affairs. They are not allowed to return after being summoned. The [-] to [-] people who are still in the valley today are basically disciples under the age of [-]. Except for a few, most of them don't have much memory of the previous valley owner, or even have no image.

Hearing Yuling mention it now, many disciples suddenly remembered that there was such a long-lost Supreme Valley Master in Baihua Valley!

However, the two Shaogu masters are too young after all, so it is really hard to feel relieved to take over the position of Gu master, not to mention that the disciples may not be willing to obey the two children.Including Qinghe and Luluo, several mature and prudent disciples tried to persuade her, but Yuling had made up her mind, and no one could change it!
"The others are gone, Mingyue Youxing comes with me!" Yuling dismissed the others impatiently, and took the two apprentices up the nine-turn corridor leading to Gouyuding!

Ling Shan and Ming Yuetian followed closely behind, looking at each other silently.

Not long after, we arrived at Gouyuding.

After entering the room, Yuling ordered: "Close the door!"

Ling Shan took a slow step, and let her close the stone door.

Ming Yuetian looked at her master, hesitant to speak: "Master..."

Knowing what she was going to say, Yuling interrupted, "I'll explain everything later, but don't ask for now!"

Then he said, "You are called to come up to tell you the secrets that only the valley owners of the past have known. You must not pass it on to the outside world!"

The two should be awe-inspiring!

Yuling walked up to the stone bed and greeted the two of them, "Come here!"

I don’t know how the valley owners of past dynasties viewed this stone bed, but Yuling thought that he only meditated here day and night, and never used it as a bed, because there were no quilts, no blankets, no pillows on the bed, except for one, which was quite delicate. Bamboo mats, and nothing else!
Yuling lifted the only mat on the stone bed, revealing the flat surface of the bed, and said: "This stone is called Zhenshen Stone, also called Xuanguang Stone. Sitting on it can help people get rid of distracting thoughts and stabilize the mind. It is very good for meditation and exercises. As long as you have the internal force above the fifth level of the good fortune skill, you can create a key through it!"

"Make a key?"

Ling Shan and the two were at a loss, and they really couldn't connect the stone bed, internal force and key.


Yuling smiled softly, put one hand on the stone bed, and poured out her inner strength!

Between two or three breaths, there was a faint crisp sound from the stone bed, and it suddenly separated, breaking in two from the center, and sliding to the two sides, and at the moment when the stone bed began to separate, a dazzling light lit up in the gap. , not to look directly at.


Ling Shan and the two subconsciously closed their eyes!
After a while, I heard Yuling's voice: "Okay, open your eyes!"

They opened their eyes again.

The cut surfaces of the two stone beds are flat and smooth like a mirror, and in the middle, there is a ball of bright light floating, about the size of a fist, but not so dazzling.

"what is this?"

Ling Shan stared, unable to believe it.She tried to reach out and pass through without barriers, it was empty without any feeling, as if there was nothing there.Obviously, this is a mass of pure light, not a luminous object such as a luminous pearl or a light bulb as expected, which is contrary to common sense!

Yuling said: "This is the Xuanguang key made by the God-Suppressing Stone..." After glancing at the two surprised disciples, he immediately said: "But don't ask me how I did it, I don't know either! "

Ling Shan could only swallow the question she wanted to ask!
"The Xuanguang key is invisible and intangible, and cannot be touched by the body, but the internal force can control it!"

As Yuling said, she stretched out her hand to grab the air, and the true energy dissipated, and the ball of light flew towards the palm of its own accord.

At the same time, the two sections of stone bed were fitted back together by themselves, without the slightest trace of being separated!

Holding the white light in the jade hand, she turned to the opposite side of the stone bed. There was a stone gate, and behind this stone gate was a long tunnel leading to the Yunv Peak. Ling Shan came to Baihua Valley through this tunnel!

With a flick of Yuling's hand, the light group called the Xuanguang Key flew out and landed on the stone gate in the blink of an eye.The mysterious light shattered, turned into countless light dusts, scattered and splashed, then shrank suddenly, and condensed into the shape of a portal, exactly coincident with that stone gate!
This is another incredible scene!
Yuling warned: "Remember, the Xuanguang key must fall on a point in the center of the stone gate to form this gate, otherwise it will be a waste of effort!"

The two suppressed the shock in their hearts and nodded to express their understanding.

Yuling said: "Come with me! I'll take you to the real Gouyu Cave!"

Ling Shan and the others saw Master walking towards the light gate, and they didn't stop after approaching it, but directly bumped into it, but the expected collision didn't happen, and she went straight through the light gate!
The two sisters looked at each other, gritted their teeth and bumped into each other, but there was nothing unusual, it felt like a normal hall transfer, except that the step of opening the door was omitted!

Then it suddenly opened up!
Looking around, it is still a valley with singing birds and fragrant flowers, lush vegetation, gentle streams and pleasant scenery, but it is by no means the Valley of Hundred Flowers.

One moment it was still in the middle of the mountain, and the next moment it appeared in a valley.

In one step, two worlds!

Ling Shan thought of the word "teleportation" that she used to be very familiar with. There is a similar method in this world?Moreover, destruction can be generated by relying on internal force... Isn't it said that internal force is a relatively low-level force? Isn't that the case?This is the most miraculous thing I've seen or heard since becoming Ling Shan!

Yu Ling looked at the light gate behind and said, "This gate can exist for about fifteen minutes, but it can be destroyed directly with internal force!"

After saying that, he struck out with a palm from the air, the power of the palm roared, and the gate of time shattered, turning into a little white light and dissipating, revealing a stone tablet behind, engraved with four large characters on the tablet, dragons and phoenixes dance, the pen is as sharp as a sword, and the characters are forceful. people!

Ming Yuetian said word by word: "Gouyu Dongtian?"

Yuling walked to the stone tablet, stroked the words on it, and said, "That's right, Gouyu Cave! The cave in Baihua Valley is just a deception... This is the real Gouyu Cave!"

Then he looked at the two disciples and said, "You can understand this place as the Taoist place of paradise and the dwelling place of immortals!"

Ming Yuetian suddenly thought of a question, and said, "Master, if this door is destroyed, how can we go back?"

 ps: The update is weak, I am guilty. . .

(End of this chapter)

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