Huashan female sword god

Chapter 94 The Second Identity

Chapter 94 The Third Identity

Lin Ping'er didn't know the whole story about why the Lin family was exterminated.All she knew was her escape history of being hunted down after leaving the ruins of the Lin family that was burned.

She is indeed pathetic, she doesn't even know who her enemy is or who she should seek revenge on.

What's more, since those people can slaughter the whole family of the Lin family, even if she knows who the enemy is, with her strength, it is almost as illusory as trying to take revenge in person.

Her martial arts are low after all!
Originally, Ling Shan made the worst plan that Lin Pinger would also be killed, so as her family members who have always been close, she naturally did not hesitate to stand up for her and seek justice, but now that she is not dead, there are some things that she does not need to do for her , I believe that Lin Pinger herself also hopes to take revenge with her own hands!
As for her martial arts, it's actually not a big problem.

A person's martial arts is not high, the root cause is nothing more than three points of talent, perseverance and secrets.

Although Lin Pinger's martial arts talent is not top-notch, it is by no means bad. She once practiced a Huashan swordsmanship in half a year, although it was only an entry-level sword of the same level as Ling Shan's Lotus swordsmanship. However, this is something that most of the disciples of the great schools cannot do, which shows that her talent is indeed not bad.

The Huashan Sword School has suffered several times, but now it is worse than Yitiangong, but there are still a few high-quality martial arts in Zangshu Pavilion. It is only limited by the school rules. If you want to teach them, you must enter the Great Zhoutian first. Before entering this realm, she has never had the opportunity to be superior in martial arts. As long as she devotes herself to practicing martial arts in the future, she will be able to learn it in at least three to five years!Therefore, in terms of cheats, she actually does not lack.

What she has been missing is perseverance and patience!
In the past, she was carefree and had no great ambitions, and she did not practice martial arts out of love from the bottom of her heart. Apart from the teacher's request and encouragement, she had no motivation. Naturally, she lacked effort in practicing martial arts. It's still the biggest reason for being third-rate, but I believe that this problem will no longer occur in the future. The hatred in her heart will be the driving force for her to keep moving forward!
What Ling Shan still plans to do now is to help her find out the details of the murderer, and she doesn't have to do it herself, some people can do it for her.

The six doors are not just for nothing, and the spies of Huguo Mountain Villa are not vegetarians. The two parties work together and can always find clues, but the time is long or short——

Huguo Mountain Villa is one of the two privileged institutions of the Ming court today. Zhu Yulou, the Marquis of Supernatural Power, is the owner of the villa, and there are four secret envoys of wind, rain, thunder and lightning under him, which is different from the six sects under the command of Zhuge Zhengfa, Marquis Tiexin, who are responsible for handling all kinds of rivers and lakes. For affairs, maintaining the stability of the martial arts is the top priority, and Huguo Villa is responsible for monitoring the world, from hundreds of officials down to ten thousand people, all within the scope of Huguo Villa's supervision.

In comparison, the responsibilities are heavier, and the authority in the hands is also heavier.

After all, the rivers and lakes are just a corner of the world, but the world is not only the rivers and lakes, which is more important than self-knowledge!
There are four secret gates of wind, rain, thunder and lightning in Huguo Mountain Villa, which are governed by four secret envoys. Among them, Fengmen is in the middle to coordinate, integrate intelligence information, and issue tasks. In the market, the electric gate monitors civil and military officials and their relatives, and the four gates perform their duties.

Ling Shan is the current secret envoy of Yumen.

This is her third identity besides the eldest lady of Huashan Sword Sect and the second palace master of Baihuagu Yitian Palace.

During a trip five years ago, she casually rescued a seriously injured middle-aged man in the ancient city of Chang'an. That was Zhu Yulou, the owner of Huguo Villa. She was invited by Zhu Yulou because of this, considering that Huguo Villa's intelligence capabilities are the best in the world. In the future, it must be very useful to walk on the rivers and lakes, not to mention that at that time, I also wanted to try the taste of eating imperial food, so I didn't refuse. I just wanted to report some dispensable information about Huashan and Yitian factions, but In exchange for the resources of Huguo Mountain Villa, it is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

In recent years, she has been out of the valley three or five times a year, and at least once or twice. Naturally, there are many reasons for coming out to play out of boredom as before. In fact, there are also reasons for completing the task of protecting the country.Of course, if she was to carry out the task at that time, the range would be limited to the three state capitals near Huashan Mountain. If it was far away, she would ignore it. His patience is exceptionally good, he just endured it all the time!

Of course, it was a year ago that she changed from an ordinary member of Yumen to Yushi.

A year ago, due to the accidental death of the previous Yushi, and the entire Yumen was also severely damaged, she was really incompetent. It happened that Ling Shan had made a lot of contributions, so she took advantage of it and was promoted exceptionally. The youngest and only female emissary in years!
However, her secret envoy does not go outside the three prefectures around Mount Hua, so it is basically a name. Even the main gate of Yumen only visited the capital for the first time when passing by the capital a few days ago, and the daily affairs of Yumen are actually run by A deputy envoy stationed at the main gate presided over the meeting.

The God of Cookery residences in various places are actually funded and built by the Huguo Mountain Villa, and they are used as an intermediate station to transmit news. They are called Ming Station, and they directly obey the orders of the four secret envoys. Ling Shan is now one of the four secret envoys. Gu Dezhai, the God of Cookery Only the head of the branch in Hangzhou will be respectful and obedient to her.

In addition, Huguo Mountain Villa also has a secret station opposite it, but that is another system independent of the four secret envoys. The specific situation, even if Ling Shan is already one of the four secret envoys, there is no way to know .

During the conversation, the sky was getting dark.

After Ling Shan took Lin Ping'er to eat and took a hot bath one after another, they didn't talk any more and went back to their rooms to rest!
Lin Ping'er probably hasn't relaxed in the past few months, and now she is finally safe. She didn't wake up until the next day when she was three poles high. to bother her.But Lin Ping'er didn't wake up, but Dugu Wuchong did.

When Ling Shan got the news, she was fishing on the edge of the West Lake, and heard the report from the waiter of the restaurant, so she went there immediately.

When he came to the residence, Dugu Wuchong lay straight on the bed, staring at the top of the bed in a daze.Finding that it was Ling Shan who entered the room, she wanted to get up, but her wound was unavoidable, she bared her teeth for a while, and was stopped by Ling Shan.

After a few words of politeness, Ling Shan moved a stool, sat in front of the bed, and asked, "I heard Senior Sister Lin said that you were injured before you met her. Who did it?"

These few days Lin Ping'er was too busy avoiding Mei Xihua, and didn't have a chance to ask, so Ling Shan didn't know the details, so Ling Shan came to ask him directly.

Dugu Wuchong was silent when he heard the words.

Ling Shan said quietly: "What? Does senior brother have some ulterior secret?"

Dugu Wuchong was startled, and said with a wry smile: "Is there any secret that I can't tell? It's just that I made a mistake in drinking and provoked an expert, so I was severely taught!"

Ling Shan smiled faintly, noncommittal.

 so helpless
(End of this chapter)

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