Wu Sheng starts from strengthening

Chapter 48 Preparations for Leaving the City

Chapter 48 Preparations for Leaving the City
Pan Ye didn't regret it, these people deserve to die.

He calmed down, didn't linger, and left quickly.

Walking on the street, Pan Ye quickly thought about the next countermeasures:

After killing these three people, Han Ning, or the entire Yongfu gang, will definitely chase me to the ends of the earth. With my current strength, one person will definitely not be able to compete. No, I have to tell the second master about this and let him help think about it The solution is to go to Qingmufang first.

He did some high-profile activities in the Guixiang Building just now, and was noticed by many people. The news must have spread to the Yongfu Gang at an extremely fast speed.

With force under his feet, it didn't take long before he arrived outside the Qingmufang Foreign Affairs Hall.

Mo Yi seemed to have expected him to come, and was already waiting for him in the lobby.

"Things are troublesome. Xiao Pan, you are still too impulsive. If you kill the two brothers of the Han family, the Yongfu Gang will start an endless hunt for you."

"If I don't kill them, will they show mercy to me?"

Pan Ye sneered.

Mo Yi silently, it really makes sense.

"I have already asked Zhang Wang to inform Master Lin, he will be here soon."

At the headquarters of the Qingmu Gang, Pan Ye was not afraid of the enemy coming to his door. While waiting for the second master to come over, he asked Mo Yi if there was any medicine similar to "Black Jade Intermittent Ointment".

Because of Shi Hong's loss of limbs, this matter has been stuck in his throat.

"If the limbs of a martial artist above the forging state are broken, it will be a bit troublesome to treat them. For an ordinary person, using 'Bone Bone Paste' can help him recover his normal life ability."

"That's fine."

According to Mo Yi's instructions, Pan Ye exchanged 30 taels of silver for a piece of continuation bone plaster in Qingmufang. He believed that if he strengthened the continuation bone plaster with the energy of rosary beads, Shi Hong's severed limb should be restored to the state before it was injured. .

When he returned to the foreign affairs hall, the second master had already arrived in the hall.

As soon as he saw Pan Ye enter the door, he immediately stepped forward and punched Pan Ye's chest excitedly, saying:
"Good boy, in a short period of time, he has cultivated copper skins successively and realized strength. Han Xiao has been trained as the next leader of the Yongfu Gang, but he was killed by you."

Happy to be happy, now the main thing is how to keep Pan Ye, this jade in the rough of martial arts.

The second master has already understood the truth, pondered for a while, and said like a fried bean: "Mr. Han Ning, if I hear that my son was killed by you, I will definitely pass out."

"The Yongfu Gang is a gangster force in Rongzhou City. If the heir is killed, they will definitely come out and look for you all over the city. Although I, Aoki Gang, are protecting you and are not afraid of conflicts on the surface, the assassination in the dark is impossible to guard against. The current plan is to get out of Rongzhou as soon as possible."

"You have comprehended strength, and you are not far from being promoted to the Bone Tempering Realm. I will arrange for Lao Zhang to go out with you for a while to avoid the limelight, and come back after you have tempered your bones. Do it, you are not afraid."

"Because the other party hasn't reacted yet, you should hurry back to the Lin Mansion to clean up and get out of the city as soon as possible."

After speaking a long paragraph in one breath, the second master paused, then said in doubt,

"However, there is something strange about this matter. The Yongfu Gang has no grievances with you, so why did they send people to chase you down?"

Pan Ye was also very strange, but after thinking about it, his enemy was only the third master, so he said:
"Could it be the third master?"

"Lin Rongtao? It's very possible. I've been staring at him these days and I can't do anything, so it's not surprising to borrow a knife to kill someone."

"With so many people under Han Ning, why did he send his own son out to do this?" Pan Ye expressed his doubts.

"That's not known. Han Ning really lost his wife and lost his army this time. If Lin Rongtao really instigated him, he might feel uncomfortable this time."

Time was running out, so there was no further chat, so Pan Ye quickly returned to Lin's mansion with Xu Gupao.

On the way back, he strengthened a pair of ointment with rosary beads, and the energy that was not much at all was eliminated, and he strengthened a pair of ointment.

At this time, it was less than an hour before Pan Ye went out, and the guards who had heard the news were still gathering in the courtyard to discuss various revenge plans. When they saw Pan Ye rushing in, they immediately fell silent.

Pan Ye ignored them, pushed open the door, and walked to Shi Hong's side.

Shi Hong's broken muscles and bones have been reattached by Lin Fu's doctor, and he is now falling into a deep sleep.

He didn't wake him up, and according to Mo Yi's instructions, he applied the strengthened continuation plaster on Shi Hong's broken limbs.

Feeling the stimulation of limbs like ants gnawing, Shi Hong opened his eyes, and said with a painful expression: "Aye, it hurts so much, what is this?"

"This is Xugu Paste, which has the effect of helping muscles and bones. Believe me, you will be the same as a normal person."

"I'm sorry, I got you in trouble. They actually came here for me and used you as bait." Pan Ye said guiltily.

Shi Hong thought that Pan Ye was just comforting him, forced a smile, and said, "Don't comfort me, I know I'll be a useless person in this life.".

"Don't give up, I'm not joking, this is the first bone medicine of the Aoki Gang, if you don't believe me, you should also trust the second master, trust the Aoki Gang."

"What you said is true?" Shi Hong endured the pain from his limbs, his eyes sparkled with hope.

Who would want to be a disabled person if they could be like normal people.

"You first……"

Pan Ye wanted to say goodbye and go back to pack his luggage, but suddenly he realized that this matter had something to do with the third master. If the enemy couldn't find him, would they take revenge on Shi Hong?

"It's possible that the third master's eyeliner is in the yard."

The more Pan Ye thought about it, the more likely it was. Immediately, he carried his fat body on his back, and went straight back to his home under the surprised eyes of the people outside the hospital.

There was nothing important in the luggage, just a few changes of clothes, took out Pan Hai's belongings and hid them, found a package to pack them, and went out again.

At the door, he thought for a while, then walked to Lin Yi's house.

Knocking on the door, they found Lin Yi, Lin Mingke, and Zu Wei sitting in the gazebo in the garden and talking about something.

Walking in, I found that they were holding a novel called "Yu Xian" in their hands.

Tangyuan was hugged and teased by the little maids in the yard, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

The three of them were surprised when they saw Pan Ye's outfit.

"Pan Ye, where are you going?"

All the people present were trustworthy people. Pan Ye explained what happened quickly, asked Lin Yi to help him receive his monthly manuscript salary, take care of the glutinous rice balls, and hurried out.

"Brother Pan, wait!"

Zu Wei's voice came from behind, Pan Ye stopped, Zu Wei came up and carried Shi Hong on his back, and said, "Be careful there is an ambush on the road, I will go with you."

Lin Yi and Lin Mingke also expressed concern: "Be careful!"


Tangyuan, a cat, jumped into Pan Ye's arms and meowed at him.

"Tangyuan, you want to go with me?"


Tangyuan grabbed Pan Ye's clothes tightly, and Pan Ye had no choice but to take it out together.

(End of this chapter)

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