Chapter 5 Breakthrough
"Ben Lei" is not so much about marksmanship, but rather a combination of body and marksmanship. Each of its postures contains complex force-generating skills, and requires tossing and turning in a very small space, which consumes a lot of energy.

Fortunately, after Pan Ye practiced "Zhenyang Body Training Method", his brain memory improved a lot. The main points of Lao Zhang's explanation cannot be understood once, but they can be firmly remembered after two or three times of observation.

The night is getting darker.

Pan Ye stood with a gun on his tired face.

"Come here first today."

Lao Zhang stood aside and nodded in relief, "I'll teach you these three postures when you go back and slowly understand them. From now on, before going to work every morning, come to me to practice marksmanship an hour earlier."

"I understand, Uncle Zhang." Pan Ye put down his spear and saluted Old Zhang.

Pan Ye dragged his exhausted body back to his small courtyard, boiled water, decocted the medicine, and drank the strengthened medicine in one gulp. Suddenly, he felt a jolt of energy again, and his spirit became fierce.

The unshakable physical exercise practice every day cannot be neglected.

The bright moonlight spilled into the courtyard, casting a single shadow of the young man on the courtyard wall.


As time passed, Pan Ye followed Lao Zhang to practice marksmanship during the day and "Zhenyang Body Training Method" at night. Half a month passed.

In the small courtyard of the Pan family.

Pan Ye stood in the yard with a concentrated expression, and made a strange movement of his body.

His body trembled slightly, as if enduring great pain.

"Clap, clap."

Sweat trickled down his temples to his chin, dripping and pooling on the floor.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems like an instant.


The veins on Pan Ye's forehead popped up, and he suddenly yelled.

His heart contracted suddenly.


The heart contained a powerful force and suddenly expanded, surging blood was pumped to the limbs and bones, and the force kept gushing out from the body.

Pan Ye felt exhausted all over his body.

The brain is refreshed, as if it has endless energy.

The world in front of me seems to be stripped of a layer of veil, and the moonlight is so bright and bright.

Even the sound of cold wind blowing against the window lattice in the distance can be heard very clearly.

"Huh~ Is this the body training state?"

Pan Ye grabbed the spear at the side, skillfully flicked the spear, and waved the spear in his hand.

The spear was waving in his hand like a dragon, piercing, stabbing, pointing, and dialing. The power in his hand exploded, and there were continuous bursts of crackling in the quiet courtyard.

In the past half month, he has followed Lao Zhang to practice the "Ben Lei" marksmanship to the [-]th position. Now that he has stepped into the body training state, his control of body strength has also improved to a higher level.

Pan Ye felt that his body was like a huge oven, with a steady stream of power pouring out every moment, allowing the spear, which was originally a waste of energy, to be swayed freely in his hands.

After performing the marksmanship he had learned five times in a row from beginning to end, Pan Ye was panting slightly, feeling tired.

"Now that the strength is quite advanced, it's time to start investigating who is behind the scenes."

In today's Lin Mansion, apart from the second master Lin Rongxu, there are only the caretaker and the personal guards of the masters and ladies, who are enshrined as high-grade warriors in the mansion.

He looked down at the rosary in his hand, the surface was dull, and the last bit of energy was used up with today's strengthening.


The next day.

The hazy sky occupies most of the winter, and the white sun in the east makes people feel no warmth at all.

It happened to be Pan Ye's turn to take a break today, and Lao Zhang was arranged for a business trip by the mansion, so he went out after breakfast early.

People in ancient times always got up very early, even if the weather was bad, they couldn't resist the smell of fireworks in the world.

Pan Ye left the relatively quiet and tidy inner city and came to Cangxia Square in the outer city.

The streets are bustling with pedestrians, there are many teahouses, restaurants and inns on both sides, the sound of coachmen warning, the sound of hawkers selling, bargaining, body rubbing and cursing can be heard endlessly.

Beside the Goulan Washing House, on one side are the girls who fight all night and wash their hands by the side of the alley ditch with tired faces;

There is already a war in the north, but this southern city is still singing and dancing.

Pan Ye turned around on the street, walked to a pharmacy called "Ginkgo Hall", and stepped in.

This time he did not choose a dilapidated and unknown pharmacy, but found a regular pharmacy affiliated to the Lin family.

Inside the pharmacy, an old man with gray hair was leaning against the counter, dozing off with his eyes closed.

"Knock button~" Pan Ye stepped forward and knocked on the counter.

The old man woke up suddenly, rubbed his eyes and said: "Is the guest officer taking medicine or asking a doctor?"

Pan Ye took out a prescription from his pocket and handed it to the old man.

"Chuanqiong, Angelica, Baishao...Guest officer, your prescription has 36 herbs, only [-] of them are sold in the small shop, and the remaining five are more precious and rare and need to be transported from various places. I've never heard of it." After reading the prescription, the old man raised his head and said to Pan Ye.

"It doesn't matter, please trouble shopkeeper to collect as much as possible for me." To be able to collect 35 of them is already an unexpected joy for Pan Ye.

This prescription is recorded in the "True Yang Body Training Method", which can speed up body training and help warriors achieve the effect of "copper skin" as soon as possible.

When warriors first enter the body-forging state, their skin is as tough as cowhide. They need to continue to sharpen their skin to the level of copper skin before they have the prerequisites for being promoted to the bone-tempering state.

The reason why it is said to be a prerequisite is because the most difficult thing to advance to the Bone Tempering Realm is to realize "strength".

As long as one can bear one's temper and exercise one's body for a long time, it is only a matter of time before one enters the realm of physical training, but how to realize strength requires a warrior to have strong control over one's body and some comprehension.

"Uh, there are so many medicinal materials, the value is quite precious, can the guest officer pay the deposit in advance?" The old man was a little embarrassed.

"Based on the amount of five shares, how much is the deposit? How long will it take to collect?" Pan Ye was already mentally prepared for a hemorrhage.

A big business came early in the morning, and the old man smiled brightly: "The market price is estimated to be 20 taels, and you will be charged a deposit of [-] taels in advance. It's hard to say how long it will be. The frequent wars in the north have a great impact on the southern states. I guess Half a month early, more than a month late, you give me an address, once I collect it, I will send someone to notify you immediately."

Halo, why is it so expensive!
Even though Pan Ye was prepared, he was still a little startled.

100 taels, you can buy a house in the city.

Fortunately, Pan Hai left behind a lot.

Gritting his teeth with a dark face, he paid the deposit, left the address of his residence, and asked:

"Shopkeeper, do you have lime (lime) for sale here?"

"Of course there are, how much does the guest officer need?"

Pan Ye took out an empty wine gourd from his waist and handed it to the old man:

A few minutes later, with a gourd full of lime pinned to his waist, Pan Ye walked out of the pharmacy with a pained expression on his face.

Lime is not worth a few dollars, it is a gift from the old man.

After touching the little money left in his pocket, Pan Ye went to a blacksmith's shop and bought a fine iron spear.

The wooden guns used at home can no longer play enough lethality.

More than ten days have passed, and the enemy hiding in the dark has not moved, which makes him feel like the rain is coming.

Instead of sitting still, take the initiative.

Lime, can deal with sudden close combat very well.

After the preparations were completed, Pan Ye carried a spear on his back and wandered through the streets until he stopped at the fence named Guixiang Building.

"Yinghu Ningjiao didn't come in at first, and greeted her with a smile when she came out~" Hearing the melodious voice from upstairs, Pan Ye turned and went to the opposite teahouse.

(End of this chapter)

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