Chapter 56 Monster
"Brother Zu, will the enemy know if this formation is broken?"

Pan Ye said worriedly.

"No, the most powerful thing about my formation breaking talisman is that it is invisible to anyone. It does not damage the formation, but creates a small gap in the formation, allowing me to enter quietly."

Zu Wei said proudly.

Xie Sheng was puzzled: "It's strange, what is this thick fog, and why it doesn't disperse."

"It may be a mirage. It is rumored that the river mussels that become spirits in the mountains will spit out mirage to confuse natural enemies and avoid death. This mirage may have a hallucinogenic effect on ordinary people, and it can also detect the enemy's traces, but everyone agrees. Ordinary people, and wearing a concealment talisman, should be safe."

They walked through the forest for a while, and suddenly saw a round thing hanging on a branch not far ahead. When they walked in, they saw a shriveled human head hanging from the branch by thin vines.

Walking a few steps forward, I saw human heads hanging here and there in the woods in front of me, there were men and women, old and young.

The more you go in, the more shocking it becomes.

The corpses of humans and some wild animals are densely hung on the dead branches in front of them, just like the dried bacon hanging in the kang room of rural people during New Years and festivals.

"Damn it, so many people, haven't you noticed?"

"There are so many refugees nowadays, it is normal for a few people to disappear inexplicably without anyone noticing."

"Shh, shut up."

Old Zhang moved his ears.

"There are noises ahead."

Everyone's expression was fixed, and they all took light steps, slowed down their breathing rate, and walked quietly towards the sound of the sound.

Passing through the sparse dead bushes, the eyes suddenly opened up.

A flat and withered grass appeared in front of everyone.

The pure white moonlight sprinkled on the earth, reflecting grotesque scenes.

On the left front, two weasels, bobcats, mice, and foxes, five huge beasts are kneeling on the grass at this moment. The furry beasts have humane expressions on their faces, and they bow devoutly to the full moon hanging high in the sky.

On the right front, four creatures with different appearances sat around a large iron pot, stirring the iron pot from time to time, muttering something.

They are rats, sheep, and deer, and two of them are rat demons.

The mouse demon has a mouse head and a human body, the sheep demon has a human-like face, and the ends of the limbs are sheep's hoofs, and the deer demon has a human-like upper body and a deer body as the lower body.

Behind them is a huge cave that can accommodate three or four people.

The dense mist drifted out of the cave.

"Could it be cooked in a pot?"

Pan Ye looked intently.

Inside the cauldron where Gulu was cooking, half of a human thigh was exposed.

He suddenly thought of the mummy hanging in the forest, and he felt a retching feeling in his stomach.

Several people looked at each other, and Lao Zhang gestured to retreat.

Back more than a hundred meters away.

Xie Sheng said worriedly: "Those monsters should be at the level of physical training. The monster guarding the gate has the strength of physical training. The danger in the cave is unpredictable. How should we proceed?"

He looked at Lao Zhang and Zu Wei who were the most powerful.

"If you eat my race, you will kill it."

"There's nothing to be afraid of monsters that haven't transformed yet, so give me the five moon worshiping little monsters."

Lao Zhang ordered: "There are four narrators, I will kill two, and the remaining two will be handed over to you two, you must kill them with one blow."

"it is good."

"Judging from the level of the formation, the monsters behind him are at most seventh-rank." Zu Weiyi's face is determined, "I and Zhang Ye are both eighth-rank, and if we cooperate with you, there should be no danger of escaping. This time will definitely turn him upside down!"

When he came out, Pan Ye was not wearing a weapon, so Lao Zhang untied the spear behind him and threw it to him: "You haven't practiced boxing, so take it first."

He is unarmed.

"Brother Xie, are you sure?"

Pan Ye turned to ask.


Xie Sheng nodded proudly.

After deciding on a plan, they returned to the dead wood not far from the open space.

Holding his breath, he saw Lao Zhang wave his hand lightly.


The three warriors turned into strong winds and attacked the monster.

A few monsters have practiced in the mountains for an unknown number of years, and they were able to cultivate successfully. Naturally, they were vigilant. When the four of them stepped on the ground and came rushing, they had already discovered it. They all took out their belongings and made a fighting posture.

But they still underestimated the ferocity of the humans in front of them.

Old Zhang was the best in Qinggong, he arrived first, his figure flickered, dodged several attacks, his palms surged vigorously, and lightly slapped the head of a sheep demon closest to him.

The latter fell to the ground in an instant, black blood oozing from his facial features.

He turned around abruptly, and slapped the rabbit monster on the head again.

Pan Ye and Xie Sheng arrived almost at the same time. Pan Ye turned the spear, and the scorching true yang energy in his body pierced through the barrel of the gun, stabbing hard at the chest of a rat-headed monster.


A big hole exploded in the rat demon's chest immediately, and he was silent.

Xie Sheng is also bare-handed, different from Han Xiao's Liuyouquan, which is as unrestrained as the wind. His boxing is fierce and impeccable. An iron fist accompanied by the icy wind pressure hits the head of the deer demon, with a crackling sound, and immediately white The red ones were scattered all over the place.

Just a few breaths later, the four monsters returned to the sky.

Almost at the same time, Zu Wei also ended the battle.

He was still using that miraculous peach-wood sword, pinched the sword art in his hand, the peach-wood sword trembled unceasingly, and turned into a yellow light and flew out.


The sound of five paths entering the flesh resounded, and the wooden sword pierced through the five demons in an instant, the way was clean and neat.

The stinky demon blood flowed all over the ground, and Zu Wei threw out another talisman, and the talisman turned into a gust of wind, blowing away the smell.

Pan Ye stirred the cooking pot and fished out many human remains and various herbs.

"Damn it, these monsters have treated us as perfect soup."

"Demons cannibalize people to strengthen themselves, and people kill demons to gain benefits. I don't know how many years have passed. The deep hatred between each other has long been engraved in the bones."

"Is there a good monster among monsters?"

"Of course there are. Isn't your glutinous rice balls just the same? We who are pure in nature are not called demons, but spirit beasts."

After cleaning the battlefield slightly, the four of them stood in front of the cave.


Zu Weiyi was bold and bold, and stepped into the cave first.

"Haha, I'm waiting for a martial artist. I'm not as bold as a monk. Let's go!"

Old Zhang waved his sleeves and stepped in.

In front of me is a small hall with a size of tens of square meters, just like the furnishings of a wealthy family in the city, with screen walls and a high threshold.

Zu Wei walked in front, keeping a deep vigilance all the time, his eyes flickered with green light, and he stepped into the hall only after confirming that it was correct.

Bypassing the screen wall, a corridor that can only accommodate two people appears in front of it, which slopes slightly upwards.

Entering the corridor, one could only hear the sound of a giant rolling from the depths of the corridor, and a stone door suddenly descended behind him, blocking the way out.

Not long after, a huge round rolling stone that was only slightly smaller than the corridor so far rolled down the slope.

"Leave it to me."

Old Zhang let out a cold snort, and the three warriors turned around, each of them tumbling with strength in their bodies, and suddenly struck out.

A loud bang.

The stone gate was shattered.

The four of them returned to the hall, and after a breath, a boulder rolled out from the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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