Chapter 99 Showdown

"Is this gone?"

Pan Ye sighed, combined with the temperament of evil spirits to kill innocent people indiscriminately, he knew with his ass that the fate of the two little babies must be miserable.

It feels a bit like the virtual and reality games of the previous life, and the immersion is great.

According to Zu Wei's description, apart from being a "library" where you can browse the memories of the evil soul's previous life at any time, Pan Ye feels that it is of little use to him for the time being.

He is not interested in studying the evil techniques of Xiehun, and he does not want to watch some bloody and evil deeds, but he can read some strange experiences.

Pan Ye plans to keep him as a super-large film and television library, and take it out from time to time to relieve boredom in his spare time, and give it to Zu Wei or Ting Nan when he finds an opportunity in the future.

Ms. Yu and the others hadn't arrived yet, and they were still idle, so Pan Ye chose the smallest white spot of light and continued to watch.

As the picture changes, the first thing that catches the eye is a well-crafted babu bed top.

Pan Ye tried to change his vision, but everything in front of him was like a movie, he couldn't move freely, he could only watch from the perspective of a bystander.

Fortunately, the protagonist quickly sat up.

Birthday peaches, grapes, all kinds of indescribable pictures...

The more you look, the more familiar you feel.

"Isn't this the courtyard where the evil soul was sealed..."

Standing beside the bed was a delicate and charming maid, and lying on the bed was a woman who was sleeping soundly, with an empty upper body, her face was flushed, her hair was disheveled, revealing her bumpy figure from under the thin quilt.

Standing in front of the bronze mirror that is as high as a person, the bronze mirror reflects the appearance of the owner here.

The owner's age is between young and middle-aged, with swollen eye bags, dull eyes, and involuntarily tilting his mouth slightly to the right. At first glance, he looks like a man with kidney deficiency who is often addicted to alcohol.

"It's not an evil soul, could it be an ordinary person whose soul was devoured by the evil soul in that courtyard?"

Pan Ye secretly guessed.

Under the service of the maid, the man with kidney deficiency quickly dressed, walked out of the room, and went down to the living room.

"Why is this guy still a little short-sighted?"

There was already a person sitting at the tea table for the guests, who could be vaguely seen to be a middle-aged man.

When he walked in and took a look, Pan Ye's pupils dilated slightly involuntarily.

"It's the third master?!"

The appearance of the third master was not much different from what Pan Ye had seen. He was holding a teacup and gently blowing the tea foam. When he heard someone's voice, he glanced indifferently.

The man with kidney deficiency speeded up significantly, and sat opposite the third master.

The two exchanged a few words, the man with kidney deficiency stood up, stretched out his hand and bent down to signal, and led the third master to a side room, lifted up the carpet used for decoration in the room, and opened a stone slab underneath, revealing the dark space inside.

"It turns out that there is something strange about this place."

At the beginning, Pan Ye just searched the courtyard in general, but he didn't find that there was another mystery here.

The man with kidney deficiency held an oil lamp to illuminate the dark space.

The space underneath is not large, about one-third smaller than a normal bedroom.


Seeing the scene inside, Pan Ye couldn't help cursing secretly.

In the small and dark space, curled up were five or six young women who were either fully clothed, or simply covered their private parts with cloth strips.

Their limbs are bound by iron chains, twisted abnormally, their bodies are not skinny, but slightly plump, their eyes are not dull, but energetic.

The whole body is also relatively clean, and there is no dirt on the floor.

It seems that someone regularly cleans and feeds.

Seeing the light, their eyes unconsciously squinted, and when they gradually adapted to the light, they all stared at the two people in front of them with hatred, wishing to eat it up.

Pan Ye read hatred, resentment, and anger from their eyes, and he couldn't imagine how much suffering they had suffered before.

Ignoring their gazes, the two walked up to them leisurely, gently stroked the cheek of one of the women, forcefully opened her mouth at an indescribable place, and checked the situation inside.

The woman who was touched was emotional, her cheeks flushed, and she opened her mouth to bite the third master's hand frantically.


Blood flowed from the woman's mouth and nose, and even though she was silent, one could guess the strength of the blood-red palm print on her white face.

One by one, the third master picked out his satisfactory "goods" like picking animals.

In the end, he reached out to the three women with the most resentful figure, appearance and gaze, and said something to the man with kidney deficiency beside him.


When the field of vision is darkened, the memory ends here, and the consciousness returns to the pure white space.

"I didn't expect to meet the third master here. Is it a private human transaction... What a windfall."

Pan Ye squinted his eyes, perhaps from this line, he could investigate what the third master was doing.

There was a knock on the door at the right time, interrupting Pan Ye's thoughts.

"Come on~"


Pushing open the door, a white, furry little guy swished into Pan Ye's arms.

"Meow, meow, meow!"

Tangyuan raised her head, her two front paws hugged Pan Ye's neck, she touched it left and right, she meowed for a while, her eyes revealed a humanized look of surprise.

"Little guy, how are you doing recently?"

Pan Ye was also very happy to see the glutinous rice balls. He gently stroked its small head, then grabbed its two small ears, and looked at its faintly plump cheeks.

"Hmm... fat."

"Eat and drink, it must be much better than yours."

Miss Yu stood not far from the door, her face was stinky, she didn't know who offended her.

"Miss Yu, Miss Qing'er, please come in."


The girl in pure white gauze rolled her eyes and stepped in.

"What's wrong Miss Yu, she seems to be in a bad mood..."

Pan Ye muttered to himself.

After pouring tea for the two girls, Miss Yu glared at Pan Ye and said angrily, "You are Mr. Potato!"

exposed? !Why didn't my grandfather tell me about this.

Pan Ye turned his thoughts quickly, thought of the countermeasure, and said with a smile: "Haha, so Miss Yu knows, please listen to my explanation..."

He honestly expressed his initial concerns.


"Do you think I will arrest you and lock you into a small black room to write a book?"

Miss Yu, who was still angry at first, suddenly gave a chuckle, and then quickly restrained her smile, her face was very serious,

"Well... Don't tell me I haven't thought of it, this is a good way."

"do not."

"Okay, just kidding, I didn't expect that you, a warrior with a brain full of muscles, can write such interesting novels."

Miss Yu blinked her big eyes, staring straight at Pan Ye's wrinkled bitter face.

Pan Ye twisted his body unconsciously, trying to change the subject: "Miss Yu, thank you for saving your life this time, I will do my best to repay this kindness, it's just glutinous rice balls..."

"I think it's better to let Tangyuan choose who to go with."

His mood is very complicated, like a worried old father who knows that it is good for him to send his child to college, but Tangyuan and him have been with him for so long, and they are suddenly separated, feeling an indescribable loss in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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