Chapter 174

After rectification, Yungu Leifeng made another move and went to Quetian Pass. This is the second wave of Leifeng masters, led by Sword Master himself. After all, as the last base of the Li Clan, there may be some strange ambush, so we have to be careful... ...

On the way, I passed a deserted forest, surrounded by a cold wind, mixed with the smell of blood, and the sound of roaring beasts...

"Master Jianzun, there is an unknown creature approaching quickly... I am afraid that the comer is not good..."

One of the law-enforcing arhats felt the speed of the approacher, and his face was frozen, and then he respectfully spoke to the sword master in front of him

"People who hide their heads and show their tails are nothing to worry about..."

Sword Master sensed the bloody smell in the air around him, spoke slowly, and looked around as coldly as a torch, with his hands behind his back, calmly waiting for this unknown creature to appear...


An Arhat suddenly turned his head, and struck down with a stick, towards the southeast side of the wild forest, with a sudden blow


The beast that couldn't see clearly was hit suddenly, and with howling, it retreated into the woods...

"Hmm... playing tricks... don't blame me if you want to die, it's not compassion..."

Sword Master felt the bloody aura, and couldn't help but look cold, this beast dared to attack Lei Feng's team, so it would not be allowed to stay, so as to save innocent passers-by from passing by in the future, and suffer disaster, so he said coldly...

With the sword and fingers together, the enclosure is the source, and the sword feels like a breeze, quickly spreading to the radius, using the ultimate foundation to find out where these beasts are...

"I found it...the bloody aura is so heavy, it will be hard to keep you..."

Sword Master's face was indifferent, with his hands behind his back, his white hair fluttering, and he spoke indifferently to the place in front of him...

Then he used the sense of the sword to scan the surrounding area. No trace of blood and murderous aura could escape the perception of the mind. After a while, he found it in a deserted forest not far away...

The unlucky Fengzhi Li Yaoyao saw that Lei Feng and others were about to go to the last base of the Li Clan, and the visitors were unkind, so they planned to block the way and rob and kill these people, but they never thought that there was a master with extraordinary foundation among them, who was not disturbed by the surrounding environment at all , easily found myself...

Feeling that the pressure of the life-threatening sword is gradually closing in, and I am about to be forced out, I know that I am not good, so I dare not do more to stop me, so I quickly turned around and left this place...

However, how can the sword master be kind, seeing the wild beasts fleeing here, he raised his hand, swiped his sword finger, and cut it down with one blow. The surging sword energy split the wild forest in front of him, causing the ground to move endlessly...

Yaoyao sensed that the person behind him was not an ordinary person from the Buddhist sect, and his murderous intent was even deeper, like Yama urging him to his death. She was frightened and couldn't help but hasten to flee from this place...

But seeing the sword master with fluttering white hair in front of him, holding his hands behind his back in front of him, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time, then he turned his head slightly, with no emotion in his eyes, and said coldly

"I understand that fear is the survival instinct of every beast, but your body is too murderous..."

"Kill... Yaoli Capture Wind..."

Before the person in front of her could finish her sentence, Yao Yao took the lead and attacked the person in front of her...

"Courage is commendable...but that's all..."

Sword Master's face was indifferent, and he said coldly, with his hands behind his back, he dodged sideways, avoiding the lingering claws, and found a flaw in the person in front of him, he raised his leg and kicked the person in front of him, and kicked him away. to far away...

"So, today, I want to teach you a word, the murderer is always killed, do you understand..."

Sword Master's face turned cold, and he spoke slowly, stepped in front of Yaoyao, raised his palm, and wanted to kill his life...

"Hmm...ha, Li Fengdiaoying"

Yaoyao, who was pretending to be dead, suddenly raised her voice and slammed Li Yuan to the limit. When the person in front of her was not paying attention, she turned into a flash and disappeared without a trace...

"Well, beasts are really cunning, but your murderous intent is still too obvious..."

The sword master's face was indifferent, and he spoke indifferently, gathered the sword energy, turned around and poked with his finger, and the blood was floating on the ground in an instant, and the surroundings were full of red,
Pointing to the chest, the ground behind Yaoyao, after the impact of the sword energy, a gap appeared, in front of everyone...


Yaoyao's body was severely wounded, and the sword energy scattered and impacted, until she vomited blood non-stop, and then was directly knocked to the ground by the person in front of her...

"My lord, this beast seems to be a person? But why is it so ugly?"

The arhat holding the Dharma came forward, looked at the seriously injured Yaoyao in front of him, and said in bewilderment

"With such a ferocious appearance, he might be a member of the Li clan. Anyway, he is also a member of the Li clan. It looks so strange. Although I don't know which one it is... but it is a surprise... Then continue to move towards the Quetan Pass... ..."

Sword Master's face was indifferent, and he gave instructions to the four law enforcement Arhats behind him, and he didn't bother to take care of it anymore, and then he continued to move towards Quetian Pass...

"Yes, my lord...but this Li clan not only looks strange, but also wears such obscene clothes, like an uncivilized people..."

Luo Han looked indifferent, fed him the healing medicine, and tied it into a rice dumpling, only showing a sharp head, grabbed it and carried it, and then did not forget to comment on it...

"If she is enlightened, how can she still drink blood, unless there is something wrong with her head!"

Another arhat, hearing this, shook his head and refuted

"The Li clan is getting weirder than the other one. Let's say that Sea Toad Venerable looks like a toad, and this one looks like a hyena... the zoo clan? It's really strange..."

Arhat heard this, his face was thoughtful, his scalp felt numb for this strange race, and he said aloud to the other three Arhats.

"Disciples, why are you obsessed with the appearance of the skin, the Buddha's head matters, let's go..."

Master Jian shook his head when he heard the words of the discussion. After all, the disciples of Yungu Leifeng still can't face anything, they can be calm, and then he said something to everyone behind

Interrupting this kind of meaningless discussion, everyone nodded upon hearing the words, and followed his pace. When this matter was delayed, they couldn't help but go to the destination...

After a while, I finally came to Quetian Pass, the last base camp of the Li Clan, but apart from a few Li cards representing the Eight Lis of the original species, and the empty environment, it symbolized that this was indeed the base camp of the Li Clan...

"Is there no aura of strangers? Is the Li clan so rare? Shouldn't there be a hundred or eighty of them? Hmm? But, this should be the aura of a formation? It's similar to the feeling of a passage. Could it be that the Li clan Is there anyone behind?"

After Jian Zun ordered the four arhats, he went down to search for other clues, while he held his hands behind his back and stopped in front of the eight cards, frowning tightly, scanning the things in front of him...

With the mind and eyes as the eyes, I felt the inexplicable movement of the formation in front of me, so I muttered

After everyone searched, they couldn't find any clues. At the same time, they stopped behind Jianzun, looking at the scenery in front of them, and couldn't figure it out...

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with us. In the future, if you need information about the Li clan in the hometown of Tianfo, this will be a bargaining chip... Let this secret stay here, and use it in the future... Let's go... Everyone Return to Leifeng"

Jian Zun's face was indifferent, he flicked his sleeves, he didn't care about this hidden secret, turned around and told the people behind him to leave this place, Li Clan or something, let Tianfo Yuanxiang have a headache...

All the arhats nodded slightly when they heard the words, and followed the steps of the sword master, leaving this place and heading to the place where Yungu Leifeng was. At this point, the vitality of the Li clan was severely injured, and many kinds of Li clan were captured by Yungu Leifeng...

In the realm of annihilation, turbulence reappears, one realm is turbulent, two realms are unlucky, mountains and rocks avalanche everywhere, magma shoots out, and the sea changes in an instant...

The extinction of suffering, and being implicated again, countless evil spirits surged out from the demon world Buddha, and today is the time when the hundred lights unite to prescribe the tenth day, and the three sects of Miedu got the news, and they also went...

As for the Buddhist twins in the Hundred Lanterns, after several days of hard work, they have devoured and transformed most of the land veins in Luyuan, and strengthened their own skills. Just today, it will be the moment to break the situation... …

But Zhengdao and others guarding the deer park faced the strong counterattack of the evil spirits, Ye Xiaochai, Eternal Sky, Legend of Chiba, Su Huanzhen, Kyushu Yijianzhi, Tianxia Fengdao and others who came to support nearby. ...

I can't help but do my best to fight here, but many evil spirits are brave and fearless, like human bombs, once colliding with the defense line...

Swords, lights, swords, shadows, and blood flew across the ground, and the ground was full of corpses. As seven of the eleven day bans joined the battlefield, the right way suffered heavy casualties...

Surrounded by weird winds, Kua Lu Mingsheng wears a high crown, covers his face with a black veil, holds a wooden staff with a long string of bells hanging from it, and releases sorcery and spells to attack...

"Spirit Vs Evil Words"

The evil spirit stirred, and the bells rang strangely, adding to the eerie atmosphere. All the sword-sealed people around the world wailed and died on the spot...

"Not good, kill... Lei Yu Pokong..."

The Jade Sword Jue shouted loudly, held the jade knife in his hand, and slashed the knife horizontally, cutting away the evil spirits surrounding him...

"Illness cut"

Sick-looking Elegy's face was indifferent, and his speech was also weak and weak, but the sick-sword Lamentable Song hovered in his palm, screaming mournfully, his strike was swift and decisive, he broke the sword move, and with another palm, instantly several members of the world's sealed swords died on the spot...

Su Huanzhen, Legend of Qianye, Eternal Sky, and Ye Xiaochai faced the three sects of destruction, and the four of them combined to attack without any success. The power of the three sects was no less than that of the pinnacle...

"Stone-shattering Hunyuan Palm..."

Su Zhenzhen's face darkened, he knew that the evil spirits were not good, although he didn't know what they were going to do to let the Buddha Karma escape, but he couldn't let him escape...

Raise your voice and drink, the dust whisk creates a thousand layers of waves, raises your hand, and shows off, the white lotus blooms...

"The fragrance and white lotus can do it, let me try it myself... Ha"

Against my will, with indifferent words, arrogant posture, as if nothing is taken to heart, looking at the fragrant white lotus in front of me, who can be called the same name as Jianzi Xianji, and raised her palm first...

Anger was spreading, riding the clouds and moving the wind, extreme collision, the earth was roaring endlessly, the moment the palms collided, Su really felt that the former could be extraordinary, but he couldn't help but be suppressed...

After a moment of stalemate, they praised each other with palms. Su Zhenzhen took a few steps back, the corners of his mouth were blood-stained. After Wu Jun Luohou's slash, it was difficult for his body to return to its full strength...

On the other side, heresy and perverted language are fighting against Legend of Qianye, with a calm face, both the elegance of Confucianism and the howling of evil spirits, two different postures, raising palms, moving the body, the skill has reached its peak, and it is also suppressing Qianye legend………

Since Chiba Legend was born here, he paid for his defeat and met an opponent again. His inner arrogance made him throw his hands upside down, and his ultimate move reappeared
"Stone-shattering Hunyuan Palm..."

"Oh, come on...all evils return to one..."

Heretic Analects looked indifferent, said indifferently, then held the evil book, spun in the air, and raised his palm to face Qianye Legend's palm move...

The two palms met, and the remaining power swayed around. The evil spirits nearby and the sword-sealers in the world were all killed and injured. Legend of Qianye also vomited red in his mouth, and retreated dozens of steps...

Looking at the three sects who could become extraordinary in front of him, Legend of Qianye's heart sank, and hurriedly said to Su Zhenzhen on the other side
"Su Huanzhen, quickly use your wisdom and find a way..."

"Sumou has already thought about it..."

Su Huanzheng echoed, and hurriedly stepped in the air, avoiding the palm of Ni Wufei Dao in front of him, and raised his foot towards the person in front of him. Ni Wu Fei Dao looked indifferent, raised his arm to block it, and solved it easily...

And at this moment, the light of ten days and one light began, and one of them, who had been banned for eleven days, quickly passed the crowd with the blood of the black female mother, and was about to throw it into the Hundred Lights Joint Ring...

"No, stop him quickly..."

Su Zhenzhen looked at the black mother's blood held by Tianjin in front of him, his complexion sank, and he immediately recalled in his heart that the ink theory that the Buddha said at the beginning, he quickly called everyone to go to intercept...

But the strength of the evil spirits far surpasses the righteous way, and with the superior number of masters, they oppress the crowd. They can only watch helplessly as the blood of Xuanmu mother flies into the ring of hundreds of lights, and the side of the Buddha's body...

Luo Hou, who was far away in the heavenly capital, borrowed the power of the extreme element to feel the effect of the power of heaven and earth, watched the fierce battle of the Hundred Lanterns in the distance with cold eyes, and was indifferent in his heart, and he didn't care about the survival of the righteous way...

"Wu Jun..."

Jun Manlu was worried, stepped up the steps, walked forward, and spoke softly to Wu Jun Luohou

"Manlu, what's the matter?"

Wu Jun heard the words, felt the breath of the comer, his face was indifferent, turned his back to the person behind him, and asked aloud

"Mr. Wu, today is the battle for the survival of Zhengdao. Manlu wants to ask Mr. Wu to help Zhengdao. This will be beneficial to Tiandu and us... in the future..."

Jun Manlu looked worried, and begged Luo Hou, the Martial Lord in front of her. In her heart, Luo Hou is a reasonable elder and the only relative in this life. Who doesn't want relatives, return to the right way, be safe and secure... ...

"Manlu, your redundant sympathy is exactly the same as your ancestor..."

Hearing this, Wu Jun Luohou couldn't help turning around and looking at Jun Manlu who was worried and caring, with a helpless expression on his face, and said slowly

"Wu Jun... oh..."

Hearing this, Jun Manlu thought that Luo Hou had rejected his request, so he couldn't help but sigh.

"Why are you sighing, Luohu has never refused your request, what he means is that he has already agreed..."

Huang Quan on one side, looking at the insincere Wu Jun Luo Hou in front of him, and facing Jun Manlu who was already sighing and thinking that Luo Hou refused, interpreted Luo Hou's meaning in person!
"Yellow Spring..."

Luo Hou raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, looked at Huang Quan who was not far away and peeked at the screen, and said a bad word

"Hmph! Why, the majestic Martial Lord of Tiandu, do you still need to hide your words?"

Huang Quan heard Luo Hou's unkind words, he didn't care in his heart, his face was extremely indifferent, so he continued to speak sharply at Luo Hou

"Well... take good care of her, Huang Quan..."

Luo Hou, after hearing the words, he didn't intend to talk too much, his face was indifferent, with his hands behind his back, he gave Huang Quan a word of advice, turned into light, and left the top of the heavenly capital...

"If you don't tell me, I will know, Jun Manlu will leave with me..."

Huang Quan nodded slightly when he heard the words, said a word, and then obeyed Wu Jun Luohou's order, and left here with a joyful Jun Manlu...

Returning to Tiandu, today's Tiandu seems to be a little different. Luo Hou, Jun Manlu, Huang Quan, three people have different reasons, different identities, combined by fate, Tiandu is really going to become What a strange big family. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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