Chapter 216
In Qiusui's house, the evil Buddha who closed his eyes and thought suddenly felt the shaking of the sky, as if a huge monster was hitting the ground...

Slowly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the city wall not far away, and found some people who were not residents of the city, but because of their costumes, there was no trace of human fireworks, and they were rushing to the direction outside the city ………

"It seems that it should be the fairy that Qiusui said, and it is also the fairy god praised by the people in the city."

Suddenly interested in the heart, Nie Buddha slowly stood up, using the warm Buddha power, let the two girls fall into the deepest sleep...

Then the power of the Buddha and demon penetrated into the earth, condensed a magic circle, enough to stop all existences weaker than him, and appeared outside the city as the fluorescent light dissipated...

"Well, the oppressive feeling of this monster should be the demon god mentioned by Dongli Jian Youji..."

Nie Buddha looked at the existence of 50 meters in front of him, and all human beings were in front of him...

It's just a small ant, all the swords, flint and arrow feathers are just tickling it, and it has no effect...

And those immortals picked up their weapons and started fighting with them. With the sublimation of countless radiant energy, they did bring some damage, but their injured bodies recovered in an instant...

"Elder, going on like this is not an option!"

The armored man at the head held a huge sword in his hand, held the sword to block, and blocked the blow of the demon god...

Countless waves of air swept out, and with a loud explosion, the surrounding soldiers were also thrown away by the hurricane and fell outside the battlefield, unable to participate...

"Hold on a little longer..."

The old man at the head destroyed the celestial essence in his body, and the colorful power condensed in his palm...

The overflowing energy was built on the horizon, the magnificent magic circle, the ice crystal spear was like a downpour, covering the battlefield in front of you, everything withered in an instant, and life died...

"It feels like a magical world, not a martial arts world at all, or will the world degenerate in the years to come?"

Nie Buddha looked at the radiant battlefield in front of him, colorful energies, accompanied by destructive magic power, swept the entire battlefield...

How is this the same as in the magic world? It feels like they are all magic attacks. There is no serious swordsman, and everyone seems to be wearing special effects...

Different from the feeling of suffering, there are only a few masters who can do this kind of fancy in suffering, and the others are normal...


At the moment when the evil Buddha was observing, the man who was fighting against the demon god held a giant sword...

The whole long sword seems to be enchanted, exuding a dazzling light. If it is in a difficult situation, it is a top-notch artifact, but in this world, it seems that every hand can be enchanted...

The dazzling brilliance turned into a flash of light on the battlefield, with countless dots of light, forcibly holding back the pace of the demon god's attack...

But because of the demon god's huge size, more than 40 meters in length, each blow is enough to sink the continent into the sea. One, the mobile fortress, or rather like the earth grinder, can't stop at all...

"The Demon God is indeed worthy of the name of a god. This kind of recovery power is enough to kill a master in adversity..."

Nie Buddha looked at the attack in front of him, sprayed blood, and instantly recovered...

Isn't this an enlarged version of the Buddha Karma Twin? It's too heavy, and the existence of close to 50 meters is enough to make many masters hate...

"The killing sword..."

Nie Buddha looked at the demon god who had put the battlefield in jeopardy before him, and couldn't help being interested...

The power of primordial sin in the body flowed, and a life-killing sword condensed in the sky. The horizontal sword stood upright, and the infinite destructive magic power radiated from the top, and then it was a blow that pierced the world...

"Well, finally came a master, ha, get out..."

The demon god opened his ferocious mouth, and started to wash the ground with energy bombs...

Forced by the armored man, he was powerless to resist and retreated steadily. When he saw that the ants in front of him could no longer disturb him, he clapped his palms...

Countless sound waves, visible to the naked eye, directly lifted the earth, and then saw it, gathering the overflowing magic energy in the battlefield...

A ten-meter-long energy ball appeared on his palms. Facing the killing sword that was about to land in the air, he pushed the two energy balls in his palm and hit the sky, and then a black death beam shot out from his mouth. Like a rocket boosting, against the surging killing sword...


The infinite power of destruction swept across, and the killing sword disappeared in an instant, but the scattered sword strength fell into the ground...

It was the Killing Sword 2.0, which taught Sin Buddha a sneak attack. Countless small killing swords surged out from the ground, launching a 360-degree surround bombardment of the huge demon god in an instant...


A tyrannical roar came from the smoky ground...

The invisible air wave tore through the smoke, revealing the intact body of the Demon God...

"It's not bad, the strong man of the human race, come and fight with me personally..."

The demon god waved his big hand, relying on his recovery ability, forcibly resisted the killing sword...

And when encountering the power of Yuan Sin, you can also use magic power to resist it...

It has to be said that its huge body really reminded Nie Buddha of the difference between a giant and a small animal...

The poison that can be fatal to small animals is just some discomfort on the elephant, and the power of the original sin of the killing sword is also the same...

"Elder, it's the strong man of the human race..."

The armored man in the lead looked at the demon god who was suddenly attacked in front of him...

I couldn't help being curious in my heart, and I was able to block the demon god with a single blow. This kind of ability is not bad even among the immortals...

"Is it because of his body shape... It's just like Mofo Boxun's Dharma Aura that he showed when he fought against the beacon fire, even if it was his destiny weapon, he was almost defeated..."

Nie Buddha stood in the void, thinking about it. In fact, he knew a little about Bo Xun's dharma world...

It is indeed a sharp weapon to fight against this kind of behemoth. If you don't use this method, you can only find its weakness and attack it...

"One thought of the Daqian Pure World Killing Sword in my heart..."

The Nie Buddha raised his voice, and this time he was going to use several killing swords in a row...

The eyes, neck, chest, etc. were targeted and attacked, and the power of countless original crimes surged out. In the sky, countless killing swords were condensed. The surging sword pressure has already made it difficult for mortals to stop. …

"Hahaha, interesting..."

Looking at the countless long swords outside the sky, the demon god also felt interested, and energy balls accumulated in his mouth again, this time it was rapid fire...

"? Tailed Beast or False Flash?"

Until now, I finally remembered what this familiar feeling was...

Nie Buddha couldn't help flashing two names, isn't this Hokage, what kind of Tailed Beast's operation...

It's still the false flash in the god of death, which is exactly the same as this one, and it's the same operation...

Countless black energy balls struck towards the sky with the killing sword, while the Nie Buddha summoned the creation world, ready to fight with it...

With a movement of his figure, taking advantage of the demon god's attention, the killing sword that was still outside the sky, and then a sword slashed down, accompanied by a bright sword light, without any bells and whistles, but it was the ultimate destruction...

On its huge body, a long wound was cut, but it recovered in an instant, this terrible recovery ability...

The Nie Buddha's body was like fluttering catkins, flashing continuously, with a palm boost, the creation pierced his chest, and flew out behind him, bringing green blood all over the sky...

But it also recovers instantly, and it can't be killed at all. It's really doubtful about life...

"Hmph... found you..."

The demon god looked indifferent, said coldly, raised his hand directly, and punched Nie Buddha directly. Before the punch arrived, the wind pressure had arrived. Invisibly, the earth had sunk three feet into the ground...

Nie Buddha's face is indifferent, holding the Creation World in his hand, although his figure is small, with a horizontal sword, he is still like a sting, blocking any attack...

One big and one small, but they showed that they were evenly matched. Nie Buddha personally felt that the power of the monster in front of him was indeed extraordinary...

But I am not an ordinary master, even if there is no King Ming, relying on my own strength, it is easy to destroy a whole land...

With a single strike from the horizontal sword, I saw the demon god, who was pushed away a few steps abruptly, and the god pointed at the sky...

Even without the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, it doesn't matter, the power of the evil soldiers and guards in the body combined with the power of Yuan Sin, one's own world...

The majestic sword penetrates into the depths of the universe, pulls the power of the universe, and turns into the most brilliant sword

"Intentional movement, bright career, killing and crossing crimes"

The blood-red sword of Yuan Sin, followed by a blow to destroy the world...

The long sword slashed down, like a punishment from heaven, and directly divided the land in front of me into two, the terrain of thousands of miles changed drastically, the river bed changed its way, the universe was overturned, and the infinite divine power made the remaining people dare not look up at the sky. people………

"not dead?"

Nie Buddha saw that there was only a pool of green blood in front of him, and there was no corpse of the demon god at all. He also frowned. Under his own blow, he didn't die. This recovery ability is a bit out of the ordinary...

But it is right to think about it, if it can be easily killed, the immortal will not rush to make props, let alone be sealed and expelled...

I took it for granted. There is no one who can be called a demon god. As for the existence that will be sealed as soon as he appears in the future, it should be locked up for too long. The sword banishes...

Otherwise, if you want to seal it, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort, even at the cost of your life...

"Because of determination, the fruit of the three lives is unknown, the karma of the five turbid worlds of mortals is boundless, the death and solitude are blissful, and one thought of sin kills the great thousand."

The moment I landed, there seemed to be people around me, reciting my poem...

On the other hand, the expressions of the onlookers remained the same, and they were already used to it. Nie Buddha couldn't help but raise his eyebrows again. This world is a bit weird...

"My lord, no, God, you must be the god that we have always enshrined in the world..."

The city lord hurriedly ran down from the tall building, came to the Nie Buddha, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times...

The expression on his face was extremely respectful, and so were the soldiers around him, the fairy capital came to the world...

What my own human race used to enshrine every day should also exist. Although it did not appear when the war broke out, it has appeared now...

This must be the god of the human race, revived to fight against the demon god...

"The god of the human race..."

The elders of the immortal clan headed by him came to Nie Buddha and looked at his face, he was indeed extraordinary...

According to the energy just now, even the patriarch is not bad. If it is the god enshrined by the human race, it is indeed a lot more reasonable...

"Oh, god, actually I am not a god, but a Buddha..."

Nie Buddha shook his head when he heard the words, calling himself a Buddha is indeed not bad...

I have already proved the Tao, and it is also a proof of fruit status in the world, and it is not comparable to those Buddhists who are not in a difficult situation...

But there are thousands and thousands of Buddhas. If Hengsha is like Hengsha, as long as it is a normal world, it is like that sentence. One flower, one world, one leaf, one Tathagata, this is incomparable...

"Buddha, Buddha???"

The city lord heard the words and thought carefully, the war has been going on for too long, and the faith of the human race is also lost

But the god that the human race believed in back then did have a Buddha, and there was also a Buddhist gate...

"However, these are not important, you tell me first, how to get rid of these demon gods, the world?"

The evil Buddha doesn't care about these worshipers, it's just a small world...

The world in the future is like the end of the Dharma. Immortals and Buddhas are gone, and it has completely degenerated into a world lower than golden light...

"Buddha of the human race, please come with us..."

The head elder nodded slightly when he heard the words, and brought the Buddha who looked like a god and demon in front of him...

Go to the base camp of the fairy clan, and prepare to talk about the future plan against the demon god in detail...

After all, there is not just one demon god, there are dozens of demon gods...

Even if the immortals are added, it is not enough to fight against the demon world, it is so terrible...

"Buddha, I really want to fight with you..."

Another armored man, on the side of Nie Buddha, suddenly said...

Wouldn't it be a pity not to fight against such a strong man suddenly...

"Ha, the difference between you and my roots is that of immortals and mortals, meaningless..."

Nie Buddha directly and coldly rejected this man's invitation, the so-called immortal is nothing more than that...

At the beginning, I should have sent all the demon gods back to the demon world with the help of props. If I wanted to kill them, I guess it would be terrible...

"It's actually possible to kill this alien god..."

The evil spirit in the body felt the fluctuation of Nie Buddha's thoughts, and suddenly said...

"Oh, how to kill?"

The Nie Buddha heard the words and became interested. If he could kill him, he would save a lot of things...

"My devouring power once devoured a world, but the power is saturated. At most, I can kill and devour a few, and then divert their energy. However, it will take a lot of time to complete the transformation..."

The evil god suddenly proposed to devour these existences full of life sources...

You can let the life force of the three of you grow to a huge result, and it is difficult to hurt yourself with a simple move...

"Swallowing is indeed a good way. The life force of each demon god is like the power of a mysterious female... As for the time it will take..."

Nie Buddha also began to think in his heart, whether it is feasible to devour this path...

If it is feasible, relying on this power of life, to unite himself with the emperor, and become the first living Buddha in the world of Buddhism in adversity, there will be infinite possibilities...

Shi Tiancang can be supported by the relics of all the Buddhas until he is close to the gods. It is also feasible to rely on this method by himself...

At the same time, within the demon resident...

The demon god who was injured just now has been brought back by his many magic masters...

The highest representative of the Demon Race looked at the Demon God who was seriously injured but gradually recovering, and couldn't help being curious and interested in this sudden birth of a strong human race...

"It seems that I underestimated this strong human race..."

"My lord, what should I do next?"

The demon warrior on the other side looked at the demon representative in front of him, and suddenly said...

"Listen to the gods of the Demon Race, what are your thoughts? The human race and the immortal masters are limited. They will definitely lose after a long battle, and the Demon Race will naturally occupy the human world, and finally counterattack the immortal race..."

The representative of the Demon Race does not have so many ideas, and there is not only one God of the Demon Race...

Now many masters of the human race and fairy race who are retreating on the battlefield, even if they can struggle...

Where can I struggle, as long as the demonic resident is always there, and the passage is always there, then the glory of God will definitely conquer this world...

"Oh, this battle reminds me of the pleasure of fighting other demon gods. He is really an extraordinary human master. I am excited, I am really looking forward to it..."

Fighting, injury, destruction, and regeneration are commonplace for demon gods...

I don't care about losing a game, relying on my tenacious vitality, without the possibility of absolutely killing myself, anyone, anything, is just a prey waiting to be conquered by myself...

"Has my god awakened..."

The representative of the Demon Race bent over to the awakened Demon God, and said a word of respect...

"Welcome, God is back..."

Many soldiers, facing the battle of one of the demon totems, also knelt down on one knee and spoke respectfully

"Ha, it's just a small battle, I haven't enjoyed it yet... Next time, don't be like this, I am the embodiment of war..."

The demon god didn't show any contempt for the many demon soldiers in front of him...

No matter who is derived from the lowest level of existence, no one is so strong at the beginning, they all gradually become stronger...

"Yes, my God, but what should I do next..."

The representative of the Demon Race looked at the Demon God in front of him and asked about the next action plan...

When God is absent, the highest representative is himself. If God comes here, then the highest representative is God. This is the benefit of power...

It has nothing to do with status, bloodline, or voice, strength determines your position in the demon clan...

"Well, summoning more races and launching a siege on the human race has been wasting too much time...Humans and immortals are just a small obstacle..."

Hearing the words, the demon god looked at the people in front of him and thought for a moment, then he could only use more demon power to attack the world...

As long as the world is occupied, then the immortal is nothing to worry about, the piece of meat around the mouth...

"Okay, then I have started summoning in the past few days, and the gods have come to this place to launch a general attack on humans."

Hearing this, the representative of the demon clan nodded slightly, and led many soldiers to leave here...

Ready to use the space channel to continuously summon the gods to come to this world...

The scene of the flames of the future blazing to the ground has already been imprinted in his eyes...

And the Demon Emperor who is far away among the Demon Race, the number one existence among the gods, looking at the human world that has not been conquered for a long time, is also boring...

"It seems that the resistance forces in the world are still as tenacious as ever, but this is more in line with the warlike characteristics of the demons..."

"My lord, there is news from the front line. In order to deal with a god of the human race, more demon gods need to be called to restrain him. His performance on the battlefield... I have heard about the details and comprehensive research. This person is too difficult to kill. Count, hold on..."

An existence similar to a counselor among the demons entered the hall of the demon emperor...

Facing the aloof Demon Emperor, he knelt down on one knee and said a word respectfully...

"Oh, the god of the human race, I didn't expect that the weak human race also has its own gods, that would be more interesting, hahaha... God..."

The demon emperor's eyes were full of divine light, for this sudden appearance, it can be called a god's existence...

I was also interested, after all, being able to resist the existence of the demon god and injuring him, these two points are not simple characters...

Even if they are all immortals, facing demon gods, they have to attack them in groups. One person can resist a demon god, which is indeed a big obstacle...

"So, my lord, what is your decision..."

Hearing the words, the Demon Counselor has been thinking about how to deal with it...

After all, such a big nail will also mobilize the resistance of the human race. If it is united with the immortal, it will also cause serious injuries to the demon race, so it cannot be removed...

"Well... In that case, let's continue to send more demon gods to join the battlefield, let the arrogance of the people end here..."

The Demon Emperor has no objection to this, after all, the human world needs to be taken down...

No matter how much combat power is invested, it is worth it, so let those lonely gods take action one after another to destroy the arrogance of humans and immortals...

"Yes, my emperor... I will go down now and deal with these things..."

Hearing the words, the counselor of the devil world nodded slightly, turned around and left the hall, preparing to wake up the gods...

Throwing himself into the battle with the human world, let him besiege and kill the god of the human race first...

At the same time, in the city of the human race, Nie Buddha did not expect that the demon race would do their best to target him and prepare to besiege and kill him...

Following in the footsteps of the people of the fairy clan, he is preparing to go to the manufacturing site of the divine magic equipment...

The sound of fierce blacksmithing is endless, and there are countless magic weapons on display. Of course, in the eyes of people in this world, they are magic weapons, and in the eyes of evil Buddhas, they are similar to the love of the city...

Strong or not, weak or not, the embarrassing group is simply unattractive...

"So this is the absolute weapon against future demon gods, is it God's teaching magic weapon?"

Nie Buddha looked at the weapons that were already displayed in the void around him, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows...

Facing the confident elder in front of him, he reconfirmed with a voice...

"Indeed, hehe, this is already a magic weapon created by us according to the greatest human power. In the future, it is also possible to deal with the god of the demon race..."

Holding his long beard, the elder explained to the evil Buddha who was observing the weapon...

There is no way that the world has suffered such a beating from the demon world, and there is nothing left. If you can build these overnight, what kind of bicycle do you need...

Anyway, once the strongest demon gods are expelled, the remaining demons will be nothing to fear...

"This magic weapon can't kill the demon god, can it only exile it back to its original starting point? So it's just something that casts spells?"

Nie Buddha picked up a weapon.Although its length is gaudy, like a magic weapon...

But compared to those real magical weapons in the miserable environment, they are really inferior weapons...

Weak, too weak, unable to kill at all, true to its name, magic weapon, used to cast spells...

"Indeed, as long as they are exiled...the demons have lost the demon god, and it will be much easier to deal with the rest..."

The comparison between the elders of the fairy clan is undeniable, not everyone has the power to reach the sky...

It is not bad to be able to rely on such a magic weapon to expel the demon god...

"I understand..."

Nie Buddha finally understands, no wonder that Xing Tian Sword is so weak, a one-time casting tool...

After using it, it was considered a magical weapon at the beginning, but as time goes by, it will only become an ordinary weapon...

"Buddha of the human race, what are you going to do next, why don't you think about it, our immortal race is ready to deal with the arrangement of the demon race?"

The elder of the fairy clan looked at the Nie Buddha who was thinking, and suddenly invited...

"Oh, come on, I'm a little curious, what are your plans?"

When Nie Buddha heard that there was a plan, he was also curious, what kind of plan this fairy clan could have...

"In fact, we have already found out that the big stronghold of the demons is here. As long as we are masters, holding the god-instructed magic weapon, and banishing the high-level combat power of the demons, we can put an end to this disaster of the demons..."

The elder of the fairy clan suggested to Nie Buddha...

"Oh, let me think about it, please..."

Nie Buddha frowned slightly on this, and directly took his lair, which is indeed a good way...

The key is who can guarantee how many high-end combat forces are stationed among them, this should be almost a decisive battle...

Afterwards, he waved his hand and turned into light to leave this place. This operation was stunned. Everyone present, there was someone who could turn into light...

And the Nie Buddha who had already left didn't think so much, and went straight back to Qiusui's home

Seeing the two young girls who hadn't woken up, they took back the Buddha power that was floating in the air, and then saw the young girl, slowly opened her eyes, stretched her waist, got up from the bed, and got dressed...

Not far away, the evil Buddha who was admiring the scenery of the courtyard quickly got up, came to the side, and said caringly to the person in front of him...

"My lord, didn't you rest all night?"

"I'm almost out of the human level, and simple sleep is meaningless to me..."

Nie Buddha doesn't care about this, he hasn't slept for too many years...

Usually I am doing exercises to restore my body, exercise my body, and have no time to rest...

"My lord, are you the god of the human race?"

Qiusui looked at the Nie Buddha in front of him, also showing shock, an existence that doesn't need to sleep...

After thinking about it, I am not a fairy, but only the gods and Buddhas that the human race has always worshiped in this world...

"God is not counted. According to my realm, there should be a distance, but that's all. By the way, Qiusui, do you want to learn martial arts? After all, even if the demons recede, the world will be chaotic for a long time, without a skill , it is difficult to survive..."

The Nie Buddha understands this very clearly, under the pressure of the foreign race...

The human race can unite, but as long as the demon race is lost, then in the future, after the age of war, there will inevitably be large-scale famine and war, or careerists...

So learning the exercises is in the body, if you don't ask for anything else, at least you can eliminate the need for grains...

Randomly find a mountain top to live in seclusion, and kill this group of people, it is the ultimate victory...

"My lord, can I really learn your exercises?"

Qiu Sui looked at the evil Buddha in disbelief when he heard the words, that someone wanted to teach him the exercises...

"My exercises are a bit difficult, but there are indeed many exercises that are suitable for you... Watch it..."

Hearing the words, the Nie Buddha put a finger between his foreheads, and meeting each other is a fate...

Just like the unfeeling letter back then, there is not much I can do, the only thing I can do is take care of the things in front of me...


Qiu Sui absorbed the exercises taught by Nie Buddha, his eyes flashed, and he was calming down...

"Oh, it seems that the demons have also made a big move, this violent space power..."

Nie Buddha felt the power of infinite space again, accompanied by countless demonic auras, descending into the demonic garrison...

"At this point in time, it should be the final decisive battle between the immortals and demons..."

This kind of combat preparation is the same as what was recorded in memory, this battle is over...

"My lord, please give me a new name..."

Qiusui bowed his head and knelt down to the evil Buddha in front of him, and said respectfully...

"New name, let me think about it...or you can be called Danshu..."

Nie Buddha shook his head at the woman who wanted to label himself...

In this world, it is really unkind to the weak, and the strong are absolutely...

"Thank you, my lord gave me the name..."

Danshu bowed to the evil Buddha in front of him, and then prepared to have breakfast for him...

"It seems that the decisive battle is coming soon, and the opportunity that belongs to me is coming here..."

Nie Buddha felt the air, once again filled with strengthened demonic energy...

Thinking about it, devouring a few demon gods, condensing their life force, and helping him become a god...

At the same time, within the demon clan...

Many demon gods have come here, looking at the companions who have arrived here one after another...

The leader of the demon god looked at the many demon soldiers who had come to meet him, and asked aloud
"I already understand what the Demon Emperor said, so for the sake of our clan's hegemony, when will we act?"

"Gods of the Demon Race, don't worry, it's only a few days away, please wait quietly..."

The representative of the Demon Race, it is not surprising that this is not surprising, the war has been deeply rooted in the blood of the Demon Race

I believe this lineup is enough to surprise the god of the human race...

"Very good, I want to see what this so-called god of the human race is..."

The other demon, Dali, looked at the representative of the demon world in front of him, and said indifferently...

"Don't worry, you won't disappoint the gods..."

Hearing this, the representative of the Demon Race bowed down and gave a salute, then turned around and left the place, preparing for the next general attack plan of the Demon Race. As long as this line of defense is taken down, then the human race will have a great future...

It is all under the control of the demons, and I am very satisfied after thinking about it...

At the same time, in the Immortal Clan's resident, countless god-instructed magic weapons have been successfully forged...

I plan to use this weapon in the final decisive battle to directly eliminate the demon god...

And the leader is the strongest existence among the gods and magic weapons, the Heavenly Punishment Sword, as the name suggests, it is like Heavenly Punishment...

"Very good, the Heavenly Punishment Sword has been born..."

The leading foundry master looked at the strongest sword in front of him, picked it up to appreciate it, and nodded in satisfaction...

"However, next we need immortal masters to destroy it..."

Yu Luo, turned around and left here, ready to go to the immortals to discuss the final battle...

The three forces of the Demon Immortal are all fully prepared for the final battle...

And the Nie Buddha is guiding the two girls to learn their own skills, use their energy every day to nourish their bodies, and prepare them to become masters quickly. After all, the future world of doomsday...

There are not many masters who can fight, and if you die, you will be like the Snow Crow, and you are also an ant in your own eyes, vulnerable...

As long as the girl lives to that time, it will be more likely to collect that sword for herself...

Now that I am in the ancient times, I don't know where the robbery sword came out...

Looking at that pitiful appearance, I'm afraid it should have been created by a swordsmith elsewhere...

At least it wasn't an artifact that could be created in this precarious world...

 I wrote Dongli, which is semi-original, because I only saw the second one, and I didn’t bother to read the third one, and the second one was meaningless, very boring, so apart from the first season, it’s still a bit...

  So I write the original world and characters directly, I am too lazy to follow the settings, let the settings go to hell, and because I have a lot of words in a chapter, I am too lazy to divide chapters, so there may be a state where I can roughly finish writing a few chapters ………

  After all, I just take an item, and it's over after I take it. Dongli's future time is too much, it's more powerful than Jin Guang's force, it's meaningless...

(End of this chapter)

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