Chapter 13

Thinking of this, Bai Xiong's mind turned, and the expression on his face became ferocious.Regardless of Yuhuatian, he frantically attacked Li Feng and put on a desperate posture.The seemingly ferocious blow of the white bear, on the contrary, showed its flaws in disorder, and the door opened in the heart.

Li Feng was overjoyed, and with a stride and lightning, he shot out the sword, and pierced the white bear's heart with the sword.Anger and dullness flashed in Bai Xiong's eyes, and he fell to the ground.

Li Feng put away his sword. After all, it was his first time to kill someone. In a short period of time, two living people turned into cold corpses. Li Feng still had a strange feeling in his heart.After thinking about it, the two heroes of Mobei have done a lot of evil. I don't know how many people have been killed in these years, and they have the right to eliminate harm for the people.

"It's better for us to get to Longmen Pass as soon as possible. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go!" Yu Huatian reminded Li Feng who was still in a daze, and the two walked towards Longmen Pass.After a small test, they killed some well-known Mobei duo. The excitement of the two teenagers quickly put their strangeness behind them, enjoying the majestic and magnificent scenery of the frontier fortress "the desert is solitary, the sun is setting in the long river".

Not long after Li Feng and Yu Huatian left, the white bear who was lying on the dead body opened his eyes, and the pierced heart was not fatal.After looking around at no one around, Bai Xiong got up and bandaged the sword wound on his heart that was still bleeding.

It turns out that Ice Bear is a foreigner with a different body structure, and his heart grows on the right side of his body.In the previous battle, Bai Xiong knew that he was invincible and had no way out, so he came up with a plan to feign death. He deliberately exposed the opening in his left heart in front of Li Feng, who was used to piercing his heart with a sword, to achieve his goal.Coupled with the fact that Li Feng and Yuhuatian are two teenagers who have little experience in the world, Bai Xiong escaped a catastrophe.

Bai Xiong looked at Hei Xiong, who had died long ago, feeling sad. Although the two were brothers with different surnames, they had long been brothers in love.Bai Xiong's eyes widened angrily, looking at the direction where Li Feng and Yu Huatian left, "Brother, I will definitely avenge you!" Remembering the "Longmen Pass" that Yu Huatian said in his mind.

Besides, Li Feng and Yuhuatian traveled all the way and finally arrived at Longmen Pass.As a frontier fortress, Longmen Pass is like a silent giant dominating the northern desert, and the investigation here can be said to be quite strict.But just as Li Feng and Yuhuatian arrived at Longmen Pass, as Cao Shaoqin said, someone came out to greet them very quickly, without even showing their driving tickets.

Under the guidance of the visitors, Li Feng and Yu Huatian came to a camp in Longmen Pass. Inside was a big man wearing mail armor with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Li Feng looked familiar to him.

"Master Qianhu, these two are the adults sent by Governor Cao." The visitor recommended.It turns out that the man in chain armor is General Qianhu of Longmenguan in "New Dragon Gate Inn". He has an inexplicable relationship with Jin Xiangyu, and he is a villain who is ruthless and blind to money.The plot has changed, and General Qianhu's appearance has become earlier, and he has been in contact with Dongchang so early.

"My lords, you have worked hard all the way!" General Qianhu said flatteringly, "I have already learned about the missions of both of you from Governor Cao's letter, and the arrangements have been made properly. You two will rest at Longmen Pass tonight. One night, tomorrow I will take the two of you to Longmen Inn."

"This is not good. The two of us went to the Longmen Inn this time to lurk. General Qianhu is well known in the local area. If we go with you, I am afraid that people will be suspicious." Li Feng shook his head, this is too ostentatious .

Although I watched "Dragon Inn" at the beginning, I must have had a bad impression of the villain Cao Shaoqin and sympathized with Zhou Huai'an.But now Li Feng's purpose in this world is to improve his strength and gain as much benefit as possible.Helping Zhou Huai'an was morally right, but it was useless, so Li Feng's plan was to kill Zhou Huai'an and make great contributions in front of Cao Shaoqin.You must put yourself in the situation and be careful, after all Zhou Huaian's resourcefulness is quite outstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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