Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 202 Xixia Palace, Full Moon Night

Chapter 202 Xixia Palace, Full Moon Night

After this battle, the Tianshan Child Elder can be said to have won a complete victory, except for Li Qiushui, the rest were all defeated, and at this time the Princess Yinchuan was also brought here by the Tianshan Child Elder, Li Qiushui couldn't help but be afraid. She was a little panicked, but her martial arts were not on par with Child Elder. Child Elder had a broken leg, although her martial arts recovered, but her own skills were inevitably compromised, so Li Qiushui was slight upper hand.

But that's the case, now that the maids of Vulture Palace are here, plus those Cave Masters of Cave 72 and others who returned to Vulture Palace, plus this Li Feng, Li Qiushui is inevitably a little apprehensive. The opponents of these people.

Thinking of this, Li Qiushui suddenly opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Heroes of Cave 72, congratulations for returning to my senior sister's sect. You, I think she will treat you well."

When everyone heard this, their faces changed slightly. They had betrayed Child Elder before, and Tianshan Child Elder always retaliated. Although everyone turned to help her at this time, what they were most worried about in the bottom of their hearts was whether Tianshan Child Elder would He will pursue the past, and if he pursues it, what should he do?
But this is the end of the matter, and the rebellion has already begun, so is it necessary to rebel against the general here?
Not to mention how it is morally so, even if they have passed their own level, what face will they have in the future to talk about yesterday's friends?
Li Qiushui glanced at the crowd with a smile, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, you are the one who won today, we will meet again in the future, and we will compete again!" As he spoke, he suddenly moved, and without seeing how she moved, he rushed towards Ruan Xingzhu Go, Li Feng was shocked, and struck Li Qiushui with his palm.

However, Li Qiushui seemed to have been prepared for a long time, met Li Feng's palm, then retreated, grabbed Princess Yinchuan, with the help of Li Feng's palm, floated back four or five zhang, then performed lightness kung fu, and went away.

She was extremely fast, and she had already come to the field when she said the word "you won". As soon as she said the word "his day", she slapped Li Qiushui with a palm, and she caught Yinchuan when she said the word "score high". The princess jumped four or five feet back, laughed and walked away.

Child Elder sneered and didn't pursue, after a while, she spat out a mouthful of blood, all the girls from Vulture Palace saw that Child Elder was injured, they rushed to find the healing medicine.

Seeing that nothing happened, Li Feng supported Ruan Xingzhu and was about to leave, but he heard Child Elder calling from behind, "Boy."

Li Feng didn't want to be troublesome, he said: "Senior, this matter is over, and my martial uncle's skill has been recovered. Thinking about it, even if Li Qiushui comes personally in the future, it will be difficult to hurt my senior uncle, so this junior will leave."

Child Elder smiled and said: "Boy, there is someone you most want to see on Misty Peak, don't you want to meet?"

Li Feng said "Oh", feeling a little strange in his heart, and asked: "I want to see it the most, please enlighten me, senior?"

Tianshan Child Elder sneered, not wanting to, walked out from the encirclement of the Vulture Palace girls with a smile, looked at everyone, then at Li Feng, and said with a smile: "Don't you really know?"

Li Feng didn't know what she was referring to, so he was even more puzzled, and hurriedly asked: "Please show me, senior?"

Tianshan Child Elder sneered: "Xixia Imperial Palace, on a full moon night, above the rockery, beside the Mirror Lake!"

When Li Feng heard this, his face immediately became extremely weird, but, Princess Yinchuan was obviously taken away by Li Qiushui, and what Child Elder meant at this time was that Princess Yinchuan was actually on the Misty Peak of Tianshan at this time. What's the matter again?
Seeing the surprised look on Li Feng's face, Child Elder didn't explain any more, but said with a smile: "That's the end of the story, whether you come or not, it's up to you!" She said and led the girls of Vulture Palace and 72 Caves The island owners then left.

After thinking about it, Li Feng couldn't understand that Princess Yinchuan had already left with Li Qiushui, and what the Shan Child Elder meant that day, the more he thought about it, the more he felt uneasy, so he shouted: "Senior, please slow down!"

After speaking, he pulled Ruan Xingzhu and chased after Child Elder.

Child Elder heard Li Feng's cry, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Li Feng didn't even think about it, he pulled Ruan Xingzhu and chased after them.

So Li Feng followed the crowd towards Tianshan Mountain, at this time Child Elder's skill recovered, she felt that the original broken leg was not connected well enough, so she cut off her right leg at night, and then performed magical medical skills, using her internal strength as a guide, she actually reconnected it. After a few days, it was completely intact, and Li Feng and Ruan Xingzhu were dumbfounded.

Cave Master of Cave 72 also saw Child Elder make a move for the first time. Although they saw Child Elder and Li Qiushui confront each other in the woods before, the two of them made moves very quickly at that time, and both of them were extremely heavy in Xiaoyao School's martial arts skills. Martial arts of manners, so everyone did not get a glimpse of the beauty of Child Elder's martial arts.

Seeing Child Elder like this at this moment, she was very shocked, she couldn't help but think to herself, this kind of martial arts still exists in this world?
(End of this chapter)

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