Chapter 227
Li Feng didn't know it, and thought that from his current memory, Li Canghai obviously had a relationship with the child grandma in front of him, but the Tianshan child grandma in the movie was dressed in white and snowy, like a celestial girl, and she was really different from the dwarf old woman in front of him. Too many, and I think Li Qiushui and Li Canghai in the movie are twins, and although the Li Qiushui I saw that day covered his face with a veil, he is over 80 years old after all, even if the Xiaoyao School of martial arts can maintain his face and have skills, But at such an age, how good-looking can be, thinking about it this way, I feel that the legendary Li Canghai may not be so good-looking.

Immediately said: "I really don't know. If I knew, when the cave masters of the 72 caves gathered, on the snow peak, there wouldn't be so many troubles, so many troubles would happen!"

What he said obviously meant that when you were working casually a month ago, you were captured by Wu Boss and the cave masters of Cave 72. They wanted to kill you to sacrifice the flag. If you came after me, I saved you, not to mention Ruan Xingzhu and I lost you for more than three months in the ice cellar in the Xixia Palace. Hehe, if I knew that you would treat me like this later, would there be more trouble help you?

Child Elder understood the meaning of Li Feng's words, but at this moment she thought of Yu Linglong, of the legendary Xiaoyao School's wonderful martial arts, of the martial arts engraved on the Vulture Palace, and of Li Canghai, all of which were her life's work. She couldn't help being impetuous about the book of pursuit, and besides, she was suspicious by nature, but she didn't take it back after she had said it, she just snorted coldly, and then said: "Boy, Wu Yazi didn't tell you that, but since he Having passed on your Beiming Divine Art, didn't you mention Beiming's rebirth method?"

Li Feng was even more frightened, thinking that when he watched the movie back then, he felt that this kung fu was similar to cultivating immortals, and since he traveled to this world of Tianlong, the people he met and the events he saw, except for a few things that were not described in Mr. Jin's original works, But that may be because the main story line is no longer the fault of the original book, but after hearing this, the world has obviously become the world in the movie again.

Then he instantly thought of Tiezhang Peak, and the disappearing gold inlaid jade, and thought of the mysterious little apprentice Wu Yazi, Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain, and Qiu Chunding. Do these people have any mysterious connection with this?
But before he had time to think about it, Child Elder went on to say: "Just pretend that Wu Yazi really didn't tell you, hehe, but since Ding Chunqiu died before Wu Yazi passed on your kung fu, then Wu Yazi And why do you want to teach you martial arts again, even if he was seriously injured with 70 years of martial arts cultivation, but with that incomparably abundant true energy, how could he die if he didn't release his martial arts?"

After thinking about it, he couldn't come up with a clue, seeing Li Feng's expression of listening, he immediately said: "That's right, then Qiu Chunding, the name is obviously Ding Chunqiu's upside down, I heard you said that guy looks young and handsome, and he has a nice smile But the words and deeds are a bit like that of Ding Chunqiu when he was young, yes, is it really related to Beiming's rebirth method, and the Wu Ya left inscription, the words are obviously inscribed by that little thief Wu Yazi , but listening to you, that kid is clearly and straightforwardly seemingly ignorant, what's going on here?"

Li Feng said: "Senior, is there really a method of Beiming's rebirth in the world?"

Child Elder said: "This is just a legend. It is said that the Beiming Divine Art and the Everlasting Changchun Art are just the introductory skills of the Beiming Rebirth Dafa, or they are just martial arts derived from the Beiming Rebirth Dafa. The Beiming Rebirth The Dafa is subtle and wonderful, and if you practice it to a high level, you will be able to nirvana and be born again.”

Li Feng asked in surprise: "Really?"

Child Elder said hesitantly: "This is just a legend, but I have been practicing Changchun Kung Fu for nearly 80 years, this Kung Fu is considered a great achievement, recently I feel more and more that there is hope of climbing beyond this Kung Fu? "

Then he pointed to the stone wall and said, "In fact, some of the engravings in this cave are also indistinctly similar to the Changchun Kung Fu that I have learned, but I have studied it for many years, but I still can't find out the right place.

"A few years ago, I accidentally found a new spring by the side of this residence. It was as warm as jade. It was just a shallow one at first, but after a few months, it turned into that soup spring, and I started from that soup spring. During the process, I also sensed Yu Linglong's feeling. I asked the maids with high martial arts in the palace to soak in the hot spring. Everyone felt like they were bathing in the warm sun, and their inner strength improved very quickly, so I went to soak it myself, although it is not as good as them Ordinary entry, but I also feel refreshed, and there is a strong real power in Tangquan."

Li Feng knew that those court ladies had a lot of room to enter the realm because of their low internal energy, so they could enter the realm very quickly after soaking in the hot spring, but because Child Elder's own martial arts had already reached the peak, she would not be able to soak in the hot spring again. The girls have benefited greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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