Chapter 229

Li Feng didn't fall asleep much that night, and Ruan Xingzhu didn't fall asleep until the morning when the fish was white in the east. Li Feng wanted to watch the sunrise on Tianshan Mountain with her, but when he saw Ruan Xingzhu's sleepy look, he smiled slightly and hugged her Ruan Xingzhu went inside the house.

At this time, Dongfang was white, Li Feng covered Ruan Xingzhu with a quilt, then he went back out of the house, went to the dining room of Vulture Palace to find some porridge, ate it whole, and then went to Yubi Cave.

But the child elder was already waiting in the secret cave, when she saw Li Feng coming in, she didn't greet her, Li Feng saw her like she was practicing martial arts in this cave all night yesterday, couldn't help but wonder if she wasn't hungry?
But then I think about the profound internal energy of Child Elder, the Changchun Kung Fu that lasts forever and is absolutely different from other internal energy, and it is only a day, so I will not ask any more questions, just think carefully about the mountain wall according to my own understanding after practicing Qi yesterday The map swordsmanship on the map.

Today he was well prepared, and he came to the atlas that the Qingping sword was attracted to yesterday, but this time no matter how much he aroused his true energy, the Qingping sword was still not attracted to the atlas, and the characters on the atlas were also attracted. It seems to be transformed into a map again, and it looks quite bleak.

In this way, the two discussed the martial arts on the mountain wall again like yesterday, but this time no matter how they discussed, they still couldn't break through the diagram on the mountain wall. It seems that there is no connection between this picture and the text.

Child Elder has put in a lot of effort on the mountain wall atlas, because of this, practicing the martial arts on this atlas has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, but the reason behind it is extremely difficult, almost understandable and indescribable, so He didn't tell Li Feng either.

In this way, for seven or eight days in a row, the two studied martial arts in this secret cave in the mountain, and for a while, they were harmonious and peaceful, and brought out the best in each other.

Ruan Xingzhu has a gentle temperament, and he often lives alone in the deep forest, but he doesn't feel lonely. Only Li Feng, seeing the difficult and difficult to understand martial arts in the map on the mountain wall, often can't understand the doubts in it with his own knowledge, so he feels depressed, but only in his heart. Thinking that Ruan Xingzhu was with him in this remote mountain far away from people, it really hurt him, so he didn't say much.

Fortunately, he has been in this Heavenly Dragon World for nearly seven months, and he thought that he would leave with Ruan Xingzhu after the one-year period is up, so what can he do if he is considered a child elder with supernatural powers.

The only thing that worries me is gold inlaid with jade, and from what Child Elder said to him in the past few days, he can also hear what Child Elder said. When it comes to gold inlaid jade, but no matter how much he asks, Child Elder just smiles and doesn't say much, or makes some gags and brings the topic back to the jade in front of him, which makes Li Feng extremely helpless.

It's just helpless, but the martial arts on this jade bi is extremely profound, even with Li Feng's ability, he can't solve all of them, so he feels quite unwilling.

After all, Li Feng is considered a master of martial arts!

This day, Child Elder and Li Feng were resting in the cave on the martial arts on the map, because there was a discrepancy between a picture and the words on it, Child Elder said, the movement of zhenqi on this picture is obviously from the Shaoyang Sanjiao After practicing, it is obviously compatible with my own Changchun Kungfu, which is the only way to cultivate masculine inner strength, but I don't understand why the true energy finally comes out from the Shaoze sword on the little finger of the right hand.And in the text under Tujue, "When the triple energizer comes out, Shaoze is the key." Obviously this is the meaning, and Shaoze is the key, which obviously means the same.

However, Li Feng said: "The map is obviously to use Shaoze point as the main point. Shaoze point does not belong to the hand Shaoyang Sanjiao meridian. It is obvious that Shaoze point is used as the guide. From the trend of the meridians in the map, it is obvious that It is necessary to divide the zhenqi into two strands first, the weak one, run the Shaoyang Sanjiao meridian according to the trend, and the strong one, start from the Shaoze point, but how to practice it is really a problem! "

The two held their own opinions, and for a while, they were at loggerheads, but no matter how much they argued, they couldn't convince each other. On the contrary, because Child Elder had practiced the martial arts in the picture for a long time, she had already held these ideas, so it was even more embarrassing. Persistence, besides, her own Changchun Kung Fu is also based on the Shaoyang Sanjiao Sutra, which is even more difficult to practice.

At this moment, suddenly a maid came from the outside, in a panic, Child Elder heard footsteps, turned around, saw the maid who was running, her face was gloomy, and she shouted: "Grandma has already said, I No one can disturb you when you are practicing in retreat!"

The servant girl hurriedly knelt on the ground, her face was pale, she said repeatedly: "Child Elder redeemed her sins, but suddenly an outsider led a group of people to break in, and the sisters of Eighth Palace couldn't resist, so she came here and asked Child Elder to investigate and deal with it." !"

Li Feng was startled, on the top of the Tianshan Mountain, in the Vulture Palace, and at this time Child Elder's skills have been restored, someone dares to break in brazenly, who is it?
(End of this chapter)

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