Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 246 Qingping Fighting Dragon's Teeth

Chapter 246 Qingping Fighting Dragon's Teeth

Seeing that Li Feng did not want to fight for the front, but withdrew his sword to defend, the man knew that although his sword was considered to have solved the disaster of the previous sword, but Li Feng had the upper hand at this time, and his skill was similar to his own, so Fighting each other, within five hundred moves, Li Feng will have the upper hand, if he can't think of a way to break Li Feng's sword move, he will lose!
The wind howled, the heavy snow fell one after another, the whole world was pale, and everyone could only see the two people's fierce and fierce fighting. In the crisp sound of "jingle", the swords collided and then quickly separated, and then turned into an even more fierce fighting.


The crowd suddenly heard the man yell, and then jumped up in an instant, the Dragon Tooth Saber meandered into the air, and flew out of their hands, rushing towards Li Feng, with the sound of the wind and the blizzard, it seemed to be dancing around the body of the Longya Saber The strange circle is as powerful as a sharp knife in the snow, and Kunshan jade is broken.

Seeing the power of this knife, it is not much better than the last three swords of the sword god Zhuo Bufan. Fortunately, after Li Feng fought with Zhuo Bufan, he had thought carefully about the flaws in Zhuo Bufan's sword moves. Zhuo Bufan attacked, he was startled but not chaotic, with a hey sound, the Qingping sword stood up, but there was a "dang" sound, the Longya knife had already collided with the Qingping sword, that mighty and inexhaustible one The sword was blocked by Li Feng so easily.

Li Feng let out a "ha" laugh, and the Qingping sword suddenly lit up with a green light, like an extraordinary sword light, and slashed at the man with the dragon knife.

Things started in a hurry, that person obviously didn't expect Li Fengfeng to make such a move, he was startled by the power of Li Feng's move, and panicked!

The same is true for all the spectators, especially Child Elder, who watched that man's saber just now, and recalled the scene when Li Feng was fighting Zhuo Bufan, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, if he met that man's saber, Whether he can escape.

Not to mention seeing Li Feng counterattack in an instant, this situation is similar to the jet lag of the fierce fight with Zhuo Bufan, especially after Li Fengge blocked the man's long sword, he counterattacked in an instant, using a long sword to cast a knife However, that saber technique was not like ordinary saber techniques, but it seemed to be mixed with the Sunflower Book performed by Li Feng before and the clever tricks of Zhuo Bufan's sword skills in the subsequent battle with Zhuo Bufan.

For a moment, he couldn't help secretly praising in his heart, Li Feng's talent is so high, he is definitely not inferior to himself, Wu Yazi and others.

Li Feng's Qingping sword came suddenly, crushing the blizzard that was falling all over the sky, but when he heard the snowflakes shatter, even the howling wind stopped for a moment under the sword that Li Feng handed over!
There was a "huh", but it was unclear whether it was the sound of the two swords colliding or the gust of wind regained its icy power. In the vast sky, Li Feng suddenly raised his head slightly and smiled at the man.

The man's heart was shocked, and he felt that the smile was very familiar. Before he could think about it, the boundless strength carried by Li Feng's Qingping sword had already followed Li Feng's move just now, and the man felt the dragon tooth knife in his hand. It trembled frequently, and I couldn't hold it tightly, almost flying out of my hand.

Then an unimaginably strong internal energy was transmitted along Longya Dao towards his chest and lungs instantly, causing the heart and lungs of that person to vibrate, and he felt a little hard to breathe.

With a sound of "Ah", the man couldn't bear it anymore, shouted wildly, and turned the three-foot scimitar sharply backwards, and was also hit by the true energy carried by Li Feng's Qingping sword, and retreated three or four steps in a row , Then I felt a fishy and sweet rush in my throat, "Wow", spewed out a mouthful of blood, staining the snow-white ground under my feet red.

Li Feng saw that the opportunity was great at this time, although he was also filled with internal energy, fortunately, he still had some strength left in the sword just now, so he pulled up all his strength, the long sword crossed the air, and stabbed at that person.

At this critical moment, the man seemed to have seen through life and death, or thought of some magical move, but instead of fighting back, he looked at Li Feng, wanting to see if there was any more after Li Feng's earth-shattering sword just now. What sword move is waiting for him?

Li Feng saw that his sword was about to stab that person, but that person seemed to ignore it completely and waited motionlessly for his sword to be stabbed. He couldn't help being a little shocked. The tip of the sword trembled slightly. He couldn't stab anymore, then sighed secretly, stopped his move instantly, and then asked: "What's the meaning of this, Your Excellency?"

But the man also smiled slightly, and said with a light smile, "Thank you."

Suddenly the Dragon Tooth Saber raised up and slashed towards Li Feng.

This time, because Li Feng hadn't prepared to stop the sword just now, the two were very close, and the man suddenly made another move. Li Feng never expected that he would avenge his kindness, and at this time so many people watching the battle, suddenly Sneak attack.

In desperation, he had no choice but to mobilize his inner strength, the sword body bent suddenly, and with a "dang", it collided with the dragon knife, Li Feng felt his arm go numb, and the unparalleled Qingping sword was caught by the sword. The man's dragon tooth knife bent instantly when he slashed, and the spine of the sword slammed into his chest. Li Feng only felt the blood in his chest surging, and the blood that was so hard to suppress just now surged up again in an instant, and he couldn't bear it anymore, "Wow!" With a bang, he vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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