Chapter 254

Li Feng didn't hesitate, and immediately took Ruan Xingzhu with him, and headed out of the cave.

At this time of night, the Tianshan Mountains are in full bloom, and the full moon hangs high in the sky, reflecting the whole world exquisitely, like a fantasy world of ice and snow. Ruan Xingzhu has lived in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time. It seems too graceful, like a boudoir's daughter is too petty compared to a man outside the Great Wall. Seeing this situation at this time, I can't help being shocked, and the panic of the past few days dissipated.

Although Li Feng is used to the rivers and lakes, the last time he traveled was like the hinterland of the Longmen desert, but the rough desert wind and snow just made people feel the mighty power of heaven and earth, irresistible. Similarly, when I saw the desert snow scene at this time, I was also shocked in my heart.

The two of them thought that they had been out for a few days, and that the limelight had passed, but deep in the Tianshan Mountains, after all, it was their territory, so they did not dare to be careless. They walked side by side, very cautiously. After passing several hills, they have never met any opponents from Vulture Palace.

After walking like this for another fifty or sixty miles, he saw the bright moon sinking in the west and white fish in the eastern sky. He was cautious by nature, and since he had decided to escape, he would not leave any traces for others, so he immediately found a place to hide. So, rest with Ruan Xingzhu.

At night, the two hit the road again.

Resting during the day and traveling at night, although it was extremely cold at night, Li Feng's internal energy was extremely strong, although Ruan Xingzhu couldn't hold it, but seeing Li Feng being so cautious, he forced himself to hold back.

Li Feng was extremely cautious, and felt that Ruan Xingzhu couldn't hold on any longer, so he silently took Ruan Xingzhu's hand, transferred his own qi, and helped Ruan Xingzhu resist the cold.

The speed at night was extremely slow, and the two of them were extremely cautious, so they traveled for more than ten days before they left the boundary of Tianshan Mountain.

When the two came to the main road, they saw the barren land in front of them, and they didn't know where the depths were, but since they had left the Tianshan Mountains, they were very excited, so they asked people all the way, and when they came to a town, Ruan Xingzhu drove for more than ten days. , Sleeping in the open air, already exhausted, originally wanted to find an inn to rest and take a hot bath, but Li Feng was cautious by nature, for fear of revealing traces of clues, so he just had dinner with her in the town, bought a carriage, and took Following Ruan Xingzhu, he ran towards the official road that he had inquired about before.

Ruan Xingzhu was already exhausted, sitting on the carriage at this time, although it was bumpy and swaying, he fell asleep in a short while, Li Feng was full of energy, and he drove the carriage all the way, non-stop, straight to escape.

After traveling like this for seven or eight days, seeing that it is far away from Tianshan Mountain, thinking about how big the world is, even with the ability of Child Elder, she couldn't find her anymore.

Feeling a little relaxed, seeing a giant city in front of him is desolate and majestic, meandering in the hinterland of the plain in front, so he drove the carriage and headed towards the city.

The city wall is very high, the whole body is black and blue, and it looks even more majestic under the sunset. Li Feng rode his horse to come closer, and saw the word "Longevity" written on the gate plaque, and he couldn't help being a little puzzled. Never heard of it.

So he called Ruan Xingzhu, thinking that Ruan Xingzhu was born in a family of great Confucianists and had read many poems and books, so he must know, but when he asked, Ruan Xingzhu didn't know either, so he couldn't help feeling very puzzled.

Immediately, I drove into the city, found an inn near the river, and went into the inn to rest.

Ruan Xingzhu had been eating for a long time, he asked for hot water in the room, and took a refreshing hot bath, only to feel exhausted and dizzy, he didn't eat right away, so he fell asleep in the room.

Although she and Li Feng knew each other well and made a mutual agreement, they always treated each other with courtesy, that is, in the wooden house in the Tianshan Garden, she slept on the bed in the bedroom, while Li Feng slept on the bamboo chair outside. This time, Li Feng wanted two guest rooms, but he thought he was still on the run, he was afraid that the child grandma would come after him, so he didn't dare to be careless, so he finally asked for one, so Li Feng ordered wine and food after eating Going back to the room to eat with Ruan Xingzhu, but calling out "sister" a few times outside the door, Ruan Xingzhu didn't respond, fearing that something might happen, he opened the door and entered the room, and saw Ruan Xingzhu sleeping in the room, breathing deeply, obviously He was extremely tired, so he couldn't help but secretly thought that he was too nervous, and immediately put the food and drink on the table.

Li Feng wanted to leave the house right now, but he was also a little tired, and there was only one bed in this room. After taking a bath, Ruan Xingzhu's fair complexion was even more flushed, making him look even more charming. Suddenly, he took a breath As soon as he suffocated, his blood boiled instantly.

But after all, he was able to control himself, smiled slightly, stepped forward, kissed Ruan Xingzhu lightly on the cheek, then turned around, came to the table, sat down silently, and meditated.

He has profound skills, coupled with his supernatural skills, he has been running his internal skills for several hours. When he opened his eyes, he felt a great shock, and he was not tired at all. Ruan Xingzhu was already awake, sitting at the table, He looked at himself steadily.

Li Feng looked a little embarrassed and asked, "Sister, is there something on my face?"

Looking at the table in a blink of an eye, he saw that the food on the table had been replaced with light morning tea snacks, thinking that Ruan Xingzhu had already woken up, and he was feeling hungry, so he smiled slightly, picked up a piece of bread, took a bite, and smiled Said: "Delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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