Chapter 259 Naming the Baby

He didn't know that Jin Xiangyu opened a black shop in the Longmen Desert since he was a child, and the Longmen Inn gathered all the year round the desperadoes from the underworld and the white way. If you want to talk about this Jianghu experience, in fact, he himself is not as good as it.

At this time, he was concerned about it, and he didn't think about what the gold inlaid jade was for before the two met.

Just saw Jin Xiangyu, a charming and charming girl, in his arms, her face was languid, her whole body was weak, and thinking of how aggrieved she had been under Child Elder these days, thinking that Jin Xiangyu was the same, her heart was full of regrets I can't bear it, I feel extremely sad.

Jin Xiangyu was lying in Li Feng's arms, facing Ruan Xingzhu, seeing this woman was quiet and delicate, thinking that men like this kind of woman, but at this time Li Feng cared about him very much, and the woman also showed concern Even so, she still felt that this woman had robbed Li Feng, and suddenly she thought about it, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Li Feng didn't know this at all, and secretly injected his true energy into Jin Xiangyu's body to help him calm his own true energy and suppress the toxin.

After being really angry, he saw that the gold inlaid jade in his arms gradually turned rosy, not as pale as before, and he was overjoyed.

Ruan Xingzhu said: "Let's go back to the inn and invite a doctor."

Li Feng even claimed it was, and walked towards the inn with the gold inlaid jade in his arms.

When they came out, they heard Jin Xiangyu fighting with others, they were concerned, and it was too late, so they didn't go through the main entrance, but Li Feng led Ruan Xingzhu, and passed the window by the river. Ruan Xingzhu's martial arts is low, so he couldn't open the window anymore, so he went back and knocked on the door to wake up the waiter.

The waiter obviously saw that the two of them hadn't gone out since they came back yesterday, but at this time they came back from outside for some reason in the middle of the night. But at this time Li Feng came back with another woman in his arms, but the woman didn't show any displeasure on her face, and he couldn't help but whisper in his heart, isn't this kid just a little more handsome? Like this tune?

Li Feng went back to his room with the gold inlaid jade in his arms, then went out and called the waiter, ordering him to invite a famous doctor in the city to come here for treatment.

The waiter said that it was late at night, and it might not be easy to invite him. Besides, the doctors in the city were very angry and might not come back.

Li Feng thought to himself that I am the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, and that a little Xue Muhua under him can be regarded as the ancestor of medical students in the world, but he was not angry when he encountered such a thing in this small Shandong town, and took out a 50 coin from his bosom. Two pieces of silver, threw it to the waiter and said: "Please trouble brother!"

When the waiter saw Yinzi, he thought that Li Feng usually spends a lot of money, and that Ruan Xingzhu was graceful and graceful, obviously from an unusual background, so he didn't dare to offend him, so he hurriedly led the door out to find a doctor.

When Jin Xiangyu saw the arrangement in the house, and saw a bamboo bed in the outer room, his heart moved, he knew that this was the place where Li Feng usually slept, and thought that you two were well-behaved, so he was secretly happy, so he didn't say much.

Li Feng went to call the waiter, Ruan Xingzhu stepped forward to wait for Jin Xiangyu to change clothes and lie down, just hugged her, Jin Xiangyu smiled and said: "Auntie, what is your relationship with Li Lang, why are you with him?"

As soon as Ruan Xingzhu heard this, she knew that she meant to be sarcastic, but she was always magnanimous, and after listening to what Li Feng told her about their relationship, she felt that this woman was also a strange woman who valued love and righteousness, but she was injured at this time Being poisoned, it's inevitable that his temper will be a little big, so he doesn't care at the moment, just smiles, and doesn't answer.

Seeing that woman like this, Jin Xiangyu became even more furious, thinking that you are hypocritical and not angry, you are really good at pretending, so you deceived Li Feng like this?

At the moment, it's not a run on with words, it's just that Ruan Xingzhu has a very good self-cultivation, no matter how he runs on, in short, he just smiles.

At the end of the talk, Jin Xiangyu said: "Sister, Li Lang and I worshiped the world together in the desert. There is still a child at home who has not been named. We are all rough people and have not read much. My sister thinks she is a person who has read a lot of poetry and books." , and Li Lang are so good again, why don't you give me a name!"

When Ruan Xingzhu heard this, he remembered that Li Feng had never told him about it, but only told him that he had a younger sister in his family. He thought that this child was so fake, but he still felt that it was a mess in his heart.

Jin Xiangyu said again: "Oh, this is actually not true. To tell you the truth, our first child died young, but now I have Li Lang's second child in my stomach. Help, give me a name."

When Ruan Xingzhu heard this, she couldn't believe it even more. For the past six months, she and Li Feng were inseparable, so she couldn't help smiling.

Seeing that she couldn't lie to her, Jin Xiangyu counted the time in her mind, secretly thinking that it was bad, but it turned out that this girl had known Li Feng for a longer time than she thought.

With a movement in his heart, he suddenly shouted: "Oh, what are you doing!" Then he suddenly slapped his chest with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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