Chapter 276
"Sister Xiangyu, brother, who is this sister?"

In a small farmyard, there were three women and one man standing in the garden. A fourteen or fifteen-year-old sweet-looking girl was pulling a handsome young man in his early twenties to ask questions.

Hearing the girl's question, one of the 27, a coquettish and beautiful woman smiled slightly, but said nothing, to see how the boy would answer.

These four people are Li Feng, Ruan Xingzhu, Jin Xiangyu, and Li Feng's younger sister Li Ziling in this main world. At this time, he has just returned from Tianlong World. Li Ziling, who was returning home, bumped into him.

When Li Ziling saw this elder brother who had been separated for many days, she missed her very much, but when she saw Li Feng, there was another woman beside her. She had heard Li Feng talk about the altar before, and now she guessed that this woman was like gold inlaid with jade. But seeing Jin Xiangyu and the expression on the woman's face, I guess that Jin Xiangyu must not like it, she is naughty by nature, and Li Feng likes her very much, so I asked this question intentionally to tease Li Feng.

Li Feng saw Jin Xiangyu by his side, Qiqi Ai Ai didn't know how to answer, Ruan Xingzhu had heard Li Feng said that this girl was naughty by nature, and now he heard her talk like this, he felt a little strange, this question was very embarrassing, and Jin Xiangyu was beside him , I am also a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Li Ziling saw their expressions, smiled softly, and pulled Li Feng into the house.

As soon as the four of them entered the room, Li Feng heard a noise coming from outside the room, his heart moved slightly, and without waiting for a reaction, Li Ziling pulled himself to ask in detail what he had seen and heard these days, and Li Feng then briefly explained.

Li Ziling heard that Tianlong World was so fun, she was very interested, and pestered Li Feng, she must take her there next time.

Li Feng flatly refused on the grounds that she did not know martial arts yet.

Li Ziling was very upset, seeing Ruan Xingzhu's soft and weak appearance, she thought that this elder sister probably didn't know much about martial arts, so she used this as an excuse to ask Li Feng.

But Li Feng just refused. In the end, Li Ziling had no choice but to ask Li Feng to teach her martial arts instead.Li Feng had planned for a long time. He thought that every time he went out, he would come back at an uncertain time. It could be as short as three or five days, and as long as he didn’t know how long. The kung fu I practiced, I taught this lovely sister.

At this moment, there was another noise outside the house, and Li Feng heard it clearly this time, obviously someone outside the courtyard was eavesdropping.

This time, Jin Xiangyu also noticed it, only Li Ziling and Ruan Xingzhu, because of their limited skill, had never heard of it, Li Ziling was very restless, and pulled Ruan Xingzhu to ask questions.Ruan Xingzhu saw that Li Feng loved this younger sister very much, and also saw that she was innocent and enthusiastic, so she answered every one of her questions on her own, very patiently.

Li Feng motioned to Jin Xiangyu, and kept his expression on before he figured out what was going on.

Jin Xiangyu was signaled, understood what Li Feng was thinking, smiled slightly, and nodded slightly.

Li Feng saw Li Ziling as if he didn't realize it, he didn't seem to know, he thought that he and his sister were just ordinary people in this town, and they hadn't offended anyone in these years, it shouldn't be an enemy or something, he couldn't figure out who would come To spy on oneself.

For a while, I couldn't think of who was outside.

After chatting like this for a while, Li Feng wanted to take a few people out for dinner.

Li Ziling said with a smile: "These days my brother is not here, I cook at home by myself, now that my brother is back, I just have a chance to show my brother."

Li Feng was happy when he heard this, and said with a light smile, "Zhao, I didn't expect to see you in a few days, and you still learned how to cook?"

Li Ziling listened to his tone and said with a smile: "Do you underestimate people, today you let me show you my handicraft, it's not good in front of these two beautiful sisters." Immediately, she asked the three of them to wait here and went by herself kitchen.

Ruan Xingzhusheng saw that she looked like a child, and was afraid that she would be really angry, and then listened to Li Feng's description of how the two of them get along on weekdays, and was afraid that she really didn't know how to cook, and was afraid that she would immediately go to bed just to get angry with Li Feng. Followed her into the kitchen, wanting to help.

Seeing Ruan Xingzhu following, Li Feng didn't stop him, but he was secretly grateful to Ruan Xingzhu in his heart.

Seeing Ruan Xingzhu coming, Li Ziling smiled slightly, and didn't refuse, and went to build a fire and choose vegetables, without any problem.

When Li Feng was free, he winked at Jin Xiangyu, Jin Xiangyu understood, knowing that Li Feng wanted him to continue talking, so as to attract peepers from outside, so he continued talking and made fun of Li Feng.

Seeing this, Li Feng used his physical skills and moved secretly outside the house.

As expected, the people outside the house didn't notice, they were still eavesdropping, Li Feng came out of the house suddenly, the man realized that, just about to run away, Li Feng's skill was so fast, even if he used Tianshan Zhemei Shou technique, he stretched out his hands, That is to say, he reached forward and caught the man.

(End of this chapter)

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