Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 280 Prepare to go to the next world

Chapter 280 Prepare to go to the next world

Hearing this, Li Feng thought it was right, and a big stone fell to the ground in his heart. He thought that his sister, a mere girl, could have some martial arts, and if the stone village came for him, then he would not be afraid.

Sure enough, for the next three days, Li Feng kept an eye out, but he didn't see that Shizhuang sent people to peep.

After this, Li Feng thought to himself, but it turns out that Shizhuang is not interested in his sister, but in me. I am just a mere martial artist, but what kind of plans does Shizhuang have for me?

Could it be the first-hand martial arts that he showed in the restaurant when he came back last time?
He also secretly paid attention when he was investigating with the servants of Shizhuang, although Shizhuang did not see any action, although his servants also practiced some martial arts, they are not as good as the daughters of Vulture Palace under Child Elder It's not as good as it is, not to mention myself. Looking at it this way, what methods can Shizhuang have?
It's just that the child elder's martial arts are so high, and the subordinates she taught are so pusty, and that Shi Zhuang has been holding back, obviously deep in thought, I don't know what his plan is, so I can't help feeling a little worried .

But worry is nothing but worry, Li Feng is not afraid, he thinks that his martial arts are so high at this time, even if the sweeping monk is dispatched, he may not be able to stop him, and the gold inlaid jade is back, with her Jianghu experience, Combined with one's own martial arts, looking at the whole world, who can beat it?
After waiting for another four or five days, seeing that his sister and Ruan Xingzhu became more and more familiar, but that Shizhuang never showed up or sent anyone, Li Feng didn't want to wait any longer, so he wanted to continue to the next instance.

He thought that although he went to another world for a year, as his level got higher and higher, the world he lived in this world became shorter and shorter, so he wanted to keep Ruan Xingzhu in this world, because after all, Ruan Xingzhu didn't know martial arts, and My younger sister is alone here, and I feel a little lonely, and the two of them are just able to relieve their loneliness.

Immediately, she told Jin Xiangyu about this idea, Jin Xiangyu was very happy, she wished that Li Feng would never talk to Ruan Xingzhu again, so when she heard Li Feng's words, she immediately agreed happily, saying that heroes see the same thing.

So Li Feng called Li Ziling and Ruan Xingzhu over, saying that he would not eat at home today, and went to the town to have a good meal. Li Ziling saw the expressions of Li Feng and Jin Xiangyu, and with the previous two experiences, he immediately guessed, but Li Feng didn't say anything, and Ruan Xingzhu looked innocent, so she didn't say anything, thinking that she would have to see how Li Feng would explain it.

The four of them went to the restaurant, and like last time, they asked to sit by the bed near the river. There was one more last time, surprised in my heart, and secretly scolded this kid for being lucky, but he was not as sarcastic as last time, he just smiled and greeted, and flattered him more than ever.

Li Feng felt elated when he saw this boy was so good-looking, but seeing this filthy boy and wanting to use his current martial arts, but having such thoughts, he was a bit petty.

Jin Xiangyu has a free-spirited personality, these few days he ate the meals made by Ruan Xingzhu and Li Ziling again and again, and felt ashamed, so he ordered a table of meals that suits their appetites.

During the meal, Li Feng felt that it was difficult to speak. He looked at Jin Xiangyu and Ruan Xingzhu. The latter didn't know what he was thinking. He felt a little shy seeing him looking at him. , I was happy in my heart, but seeing Li Feng looking at this and that, but he couldn't say anything, and he was a little anxious in his heart.

During the banquet, Li Ziling saw that everyone was in harmony, and Jin Xiangyu, who has always been very temperamental, was also smiling, although he felt strange in his heart, he was quite happy, and told a few jokes, which made several people laugh.

Seeing that Li Feng didn't say anything, Jin Xiangyu sighed, thinking that this kid is usually vigorous and decisive, but when he encounters this kind of relationship between men and women, how could he be such a mother-in-law? To look at him is great, but she doesn't wish that she and Li Feng will travel together, and there will be one more person.

Moreover, Li Ziling was extremely lonely here. Although it was only a few days, a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old couldn't live without someone to accompany her. She immediately cleared her throat and said, "Sister Ruan, I will discuss with him and prepare to go to the next one." The world is gone."

Although Ruan Xingzhu's temperament is weak, she is not a fool after all. Seeing Li Feng's expression and the appearance of Jin Xiangyu during the meal just now, she already guessed a little bit. Once Jin Xiangyu said it, she thought of what she was going to say later.

She stared fixedly at Li Feng, as if she didn't know how to speak, and after a while, she asked, "Just the two of you?"

Seeing Ruan Xingzhu's appearance, Li Feng felt helpless, but when the gold inlaid jade was mentioned, she felt relieved. She nodded immediately and said: "This journey is difficult and dangerous, and the road ahead is unknown. I am afraid that something will happen. Unexpectedly, and now that my altar level is already high, I can only live in this world for four or five days, so don’t worry.”

(End of this chapter)

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