Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 290 Xiangyang Artillery

Chapter 290 Xiangyang Artillery
Li Feng had already arrived in the house at this time, felt the shaking of the earth, and felt the indescribable horror in his heart. He crossed twice and met martial arts masters. It was the first time he traveled to the Ming Dynasty. It may not be as powerful as it is at this time.

Fortunately, Li Feng remembered that although Brother Meng carried firearms in the original book, they were extremely difficult to refine in this era. In addition, the terrain of the Xiangyang generation was extremely special, so there were not many of them. In order to deter everyone.

Sure enough, after the artillery sounded several times, there was no other movement.

Li Feng listened attentively, and saw that everyone in Xiangyang City was content with what they should be doing, as if the power of the artillery just now was just his own illusion. In the first generation, because of Guo Jing's presence, the battle was quite tense, so the cannons were fired every day to scare and disturb.

This trick is actually useful. Two months ago, Guo Jing heard the sound of the cannon for the first time. He was sleeping in the middle of the night. He was startled, so he turned over and got up. He called two apprentices, Wu and Wu, to rush outside and gather together Soldiers and horses, when they got to the top of the city, they saw that the Mongols' camp was brightly lit, and there was not the sound of a cannon in the distance, and they knew it immediately.

It's just that this time it became hasty and didn't dare to be careless, so I ordered two apprentices to lead two thousand soldiers each to Nanyang and Jingzhou to investigate twice, I'm afraid it was the Mongols' plan to attack from east to west.

For the past two months, the Mongols fired their cannons every night, not to mention the officers and soldiers on the city towers, even the people in Xiangyang City have long turned a blind eye to it, thinking that these Tartars can't defeat Guo Juxia, and can't enter Xiangyang City. Then he came up with such a trick, grandpa fired a cannon to tell Guo Juxia to rest well, hehe, Tartar Tartar, he really has a vicious heart.

But these soldiers and soldiers think so, Guo Jing doesn't think so, he has a deep understanding of the art of war, he has led troops to fight these years, he has already integrated the art of war contained in Wu Mu's suicide note, these days, the people in Xiangyang City don't talk about it He died, but the soldiers guarding the city turned a blind eye to the enemy's artillery, which is really unreasonable.

He was afraid that one day the Tartars would come to attack at night, using artillery as a pretext, but these soldiers would be suspicious because of the previous Tartars. As the saying goes, the wolf is coming, which is the same as what Rong'er told him. These days these soldiers are also working too hard, and it is hard to have a few months of rest, and I can't bear to make them tired.

But at this time the Tartars were by his side, the hundreds of thousands of people in Xiangyang City, and half of the country and mountains of the Song Dynasty were on his shoulders, so he really didn't dare to relax for a moment.

Hearing the sound of the Mongolian artillery from the Tartars, Guo Jing's heart trembled. He comforted Huang Rong who was sleeping beside him, and told her to rest in peace. The hero meeting is coming up, so he needs to rest more and recharge his batteries. He couldn't sleep either, so he turned over immediately, put on his clothes, and went outside.

Huang Rong knew her husband, so she didn't stop her. Besides, she also had some doubts that the Tartars fired cannons every night, presumably to prepare for the big battle that followed. Huo Dou, who hadn't appeared in the rivers and lakes for a year, was murdered, and then Guo Xiang and Guo Fu met Nemo Xing in the Yangtaifu Temple outside the city, but they were rescued by a mysterious master, and that mysterious master, with high martial arts skills, seemed to be nowhere near Brother Jing. , father, Master Yideng and the others worried about these things every day, so they were extremely tired. They wanted to get up, but their eyelids couldn't be controlled. Hearing what Guo Jing said to him, my heart felt sweet, but I felt With such a husband, even if the sky falls, he can hold on.

Thinking of the past ten years, Xiangyang has been in danger several times, but in the end, it was still guarded by her honest but upright husband.

Huang Rong smiled, and fell into a dream after a while.

Guo Jing was discharged from the hospital and came to the street. Seeing that the city was heavily guarded, the beggar gang members and the city guards patrolling extremely tightly, he felt a little relaxed.

Some guards and members of the beggar gang saw him, they came forward to salute and say hello, Guo Jing smiled slightly, after hearing the words of encouragement, he went to the city wall.

These soldiers are under the guard of Xiangyang Lu Wende, but Lu Wende is just a mediocre person, everyone has seen clearly over the years, if Guo Jing hadn't led these beggars to guard, this Xiangyang would have been captured by the Mongol Tartars long ago, and they would have been Xiangyang People, thinking that after the city is broken, the Tartars will be vicious, and their parents, relatives and friends will definitely end badly, so they are extremely grateful to Guo Jing.

And those members of the beggar gang admired the former disciple of the former gang leader very much, thinking that Mr. Hong helped to recruit a good apprentice, and taught me that the beggar gang made a big statement in the world, some young and impulsive, even Thinking, this time Lu Youjiao helped to kill, and the gang of beggars has no leader, if not, please invite Guo Juxia to take over as the leader of the gang.

It's just that as soon as this thought was expressed, several elders scolded him: "Guo Juxia is a body of a thousand pieces of gold, can he guard Xiangyang and leave, how can you bother me for helping me with this matter..."

(End of this chapter)

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