Chapter 295

Guo Jing saw that Li Feng's powerful moves emerged one after another, and many of them he had never seen or heard before. He couldn't help thinking to himself, he had guarded Xiangyang for decades, and he had never heard anything about Jianghu. Shenmiao martial arts, it really is the Central Plains martial arts, after all, it is not bad.

But he didn't know that some of Li Feng's martial arts could not be discovered until later generations, but some of them were martial arts in the previous life. Only because of the passage of time, like the passing of the Yangtze River, the martial arts that were lost in the end, such as Tianshan Liuyang Palm, Baihong palm strength and so on.

Guo Jing saw that Li Feng's "Ten Thousand Devils Pushing Fight" move was exquisite, so he didn't dare to be careless, he hurriedly avoided it, then changed his move and attacked Li Feng.

Li Feng's move was considered a good angle, but he also knew that with Guo Jing's ability, he would be able to dodge it, but he was not surprised, he turned his palm into a fist in a hurry, and hit Guo Jing, it was Wushuang fist.

Guo Jing saw that Li Feng's punch was extremely powerful, but he had already avoided more than ten moves in the fight with this young man. He thought that this young man was skilled in martial arts, which was rare at that time. If he is not doing his best, don't be careless. Its defeated.

Immediately he gave a deep shout and said: "Be careful!" The "Canglong Swing Tail" in the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon attacked Li Feng, but he didn't care about Li Feng's boxing skills at all.

Li Feng was slightly surprised, thinking that no matter how exquisite your palm technique is, if I punch you, you will be seriously injured, don't you really not be afraid?

Could it be that you are going to fight so that both sides suffer?He thought that with Guo Jing's ability, he wouldn't be so fast, let's use this style of play to compete with himself.

Just as he was surprised, he saw that Guo Jing's palm reached halfway, and the speed suddenly increased, like lightning.

Li Feng was surprised in his heart, he said inwardly that he was not good, he didn't dare to hit it hard, he didn't dare to hit the punch just now, he hastily dodged, and at the same time he used Tianshan Liuyang Palm to hit Guo Jing.

Both of them have already shown their true strength at this time, although the fists and feet have not been in the body, they both feel that the other party's true energy is strong and will never be inferior to their own. .

Due to his limited aptitude, Guo Jing has been obsessed with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and the Nine Yin Mantra over the years. Although he has also learned many other martial arts, he has no time to care about them. The two martial arts have been cultivated to the extreme. Although they are not as good as Li Feng's various magical moves, which are unprecedented and hard to defend against, but they can still catch up after a while, and occasionally counterattack. Fine, but it's all right.

They fought for more than fifty moves, both of them felt admiration for each other, Guo Jing saw that although Li Feng's palm technique only had six palms, and it was not as strong as the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms he had learned, but the subtlety and subtlety of the movements surprised him. , never under oneself, under one's own thinking, looking at the whole world, I am afraid that only Huang Yaoshi's Luoying Excalibur Palm Tea Fragrance can compare.

So in my heart, I have high regard for this young man, thinking that this young man has such a cultivation level at this young age, and he only stays for a few years, the world is so big, I am afraid that no one can really be his opponent.

After fighting for a few moves, Li Feng used more and more kung fu, while Guo Jing tossed and turned only the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. No, at that moment he suddenly changed from left to right, using Zhou Botong's technique of fighting left and right, his left hand still used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but his right hand changed into other martial arts, for a while it was the Nine Yin Manual, and for a while it was taught by Master Yideng One yang finger, for a while it was the martial arts taught by the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River, and for a while it became the Kongming Fist taught by Zhou Botong.

Li Feng saw that Guo Jing made this move suddenly, although he was still infuriatingly alone, but his left and right hands used different moves, he hastily confronted the enemy, it was like fighting two people at the same time, the pressure doubled immediately.

But at the same time, it also aroused his competitive heart, and he immediately tried his best to fight against it.

This hand-to-hand interaction is extremely miraculous. Li Feng had also thought about it before. If one person uses two different martial arts at the same time, if he uses them suddenly when he is facing an enemy, it will be like two people attacking one person at the same time. The power will definitely be doubled. Seeing it at this time, as expected.

Guo Jing was fighting against someone, and the other party was still such a young junior, he didn't want to use this move at first, but now the matter has come to this point, and this young man is someone I admire very much, so I don't want to hurt him, but If there is no winner, it seems that this young man will not give up, and I am also very curious about this young man's various martial arts, so I also used this move, to see what kind of martial arts this young man has to resist me .

Li Feng laughed out loud, and couldn't help secretly praising him: "Guo Juxia has great palm skills! Pay attention." Then he moved his palm forward, and hit it with the Dragon Subduing Palm of Guo Jing's left palm. At the same time, he turned his body slightly to avoid Guo Jing's right hand. One Yang finger, and then suddenly luck Beiming Shengong and the Shaoze acupoint on his left hand, sucking in Guo Jing's true energy.

(End of this chapter)

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