Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 333 When I Know the Nine Yin Scriptures, Huang

Chapter 333 When I Know the Nine Yin Manual, Huang

Huang Rong heard that her father asked Guo Xiang to take the boy there, she felt relieved, she knew that although her father had a weird temper, he was always cautious, and she really liked this granddaughter who looked like her mother but had a temperament like her own Since it was Huang Yaoshi who asked Guo Xiang to lead the way for this young man, this young man probably wouldn't be a villain.

He smiled slightly at the moment, and said: "Since that's the case, why don't you hurry up and take this young hero there."

As he said that, he smiled slightly at Jin Xiangyu as a gift, and immediately walked forward without saying anything else.

Jin Xiangyu smiled slightly, stopped talking, and walked forward.

At the moment when the bodies crossed each other, Huang Rong suddenly pushed Guo Xiang forward, seeing the gold inlaid jade, the astonishment in her heart disappeared for a moment, and she secretly cried out: "No, this woman is going to attack me." Before she could react, Huang Rong's other palm has already struck.

Although Jin Xiangyu didn't dodge forward with Guo Xiang, but seeing Huang Rong pushing Guo Xiang forward, he had a reaction in his heart, and immediately dodged behind him quickly, and at the same time said with a smile: "Guangzhu Huang wants to try next time." martial arts, let's see if I deserve to see Guo Daxia?"

Saying this in his mouth, the strength in his hand did not slow down at all. After trying to dodge to the side, he attacked Huang Rong with a palm.

Huang Rong didn't realize that this kid was able to dodge his slap in seconds, not only did he dodge, but he even laughed softly, but the strength of his hand did not slow down at all, and he had already attacked with another palm.

Immediately, he didn't dare to be careless, and thought secretly: "Hey, when did such a young master come out outside the Great Wall? It's not easy that I haven't been in the Jianghu for a few years, but this Jianghu is also very lively. First of all, it was mysterious and unpredictable two days ago, but the martial arts A boy who is extremely tall, and then this person again."

Seeing the palm of Jin Xiangyu attacking suddenly, seeing that it was so powerful, he didn't dare to be careless, he hurriedly dodged to the side, and then used the palm of Luoying Divine Sword to attack Jin Xiangyu.

When Huang Yaoshi and Li Feng were fighting fiercely with this move that day, he had seen the gold inlaid jade before, but he was not afraid at all when he saw it now, he still smiled and said: "Good palm technique." But his hands did not relax at all, Summoning all the energy in his body, he used the splitting palm in the Nine Yin Manual taught by Li Feng, and slashed at Huang Rong.

When Huang Rong saw it, she couldn't help being surprised in her heart: "Pu Kong Zhang!" She hurriedly dodged to the side and asked, "Where did you learn the Nine Yin Manual?"

Jin Xiangyu was quite arrogant when she heard her words, and said in a huff: "In this world, it is not only your Guo family and the Huang family who know this palm technique, besides, when I was learning this scripture kung fu, the civil servant surnamed Huang was still there. Breastfeeding in the womb."

Huang Rong was surprised by what she said, and thought to herself: "The Nine Yin Scriptures, only Zhou Botong, Yideng and a few other people could learn it when his father and elder brother Jing came out in this world. Where did this young man learn it? Everyone has an irreversible relationship with him, if he learns from these people, this person will not hide it from himself, and then he remembered what Li Feng said just now, the Nine Yin Scriptures are not from your Huang family and Guo family, listen The meaning of these words is that she is a little dissatisfied with her husband and wife's proficiency in this scripture, but what does she mean by the next sentence, what does it mean that the civil official surnamed Huang is still breastfeeding? Is it classic yellow clothes?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Jin Xiangyu, seeing that Jin Xiangyu was just a 27-year-old young man, younger than his eldest daughter, he said that he practiced the nine yin At the time of the scriptures, Huang Chang was still breastfeeding. What does it mean?

Even though Huang Rong was full of wit and vigilance, she was a little confused by the words of Jin Xiangyu at this time.

Seeing that Jin Xiangyu was still smiling, that smile was so strange that it seemed to be a bit mocking, and he felt a little angry in his heart, and smiled immediately: "Sure enough, a hero is born as a boy, okay, since Your Excellency doesn't want to Tell me why you know the kung fu in the scriptures, and I will not force you, so please try my trick and see if you recognize it?"

As soon as the words were finished, Huang Rong rubbed her body and slashed towards the gold inlaid jade forehead.

Seeing Huang Rong's powerful move, Jin Xiangyu didn't dare to resist, so she tapped her toes and dodged backwards.

But she didn't know that Huang Rong's move was false. Seeing Jin Xiangyu's palm strike, she dodged behind her. At the same time, she turned slightly to avoid her palm. Jade split away.

Jin Xiangyu saw that this woman's palm technique was so false and solid, and she couldn't guard against it, she thought that Guo Jing Huang Yaoshi had been famous for a long time, and it was not for nothing. It just dragged the names of Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi.

Although he thought so in his heart, he knew that he was in the Guo Mansion at this time, and Huang Rong attacked him indiscriminately. If he wanted to get away, he had to show some skills that could impress these people.

(End of this chapter)

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