Chapter 350 All-inclusive
Seeing Zhang Quan's appearance, Li Feng knew that this kid was just a softie, he sneered in his heart, but the strength in his hands did not decrease at all.

Seeing Li Feng's palm after palm, Zhang Quan knew that his palm technique was not as good as Song Ming's. What's more, this kid, with his luck in his dantian, saw the incoherence between Li Feng's moves, so he punched Li Feng's chest. strike away,
Li Feng felt that he couldn't resist this kid's punch, and he couldn't help being shocked, but Zhang Quan's punch was so powerful that he had never seen it before, so he didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly returned it. palm.

There was a loud "bang", and the two fists and palms intersected. Everyone around the audience felt as if a metal stone had burst somewhere, and they couldn't help being shocked. In the world, except for Guo Jing and Guo Juxia in front of you, as well as Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, old urchin Zhou Botong and others, who else can compare?

Song Ming saw that his righteous brother's boxing skills were so good, and he thought deeply in his heart. Over the years, he practiced his palm skills diligently. He thought that with this iron palm, he would be able to run wild in the world. Before he came back to his senses, he thought it was Li Feng's own strong martial arts, but it might not be because he had practiced wrongly over the years.

But looking at it at this moment, it seems that I have connected the wrong way. The young man in front of me is so strong in martial arts and exquisite in moves, that's all. I thought it was just this young man. Exquisite, the same is true, I can't help but sweat profusely in my heart, and feel ashamed.

However, Zhang Quan didn't know that Zhang Quan had other thoughts at this time. He obtained a boxing scripture during the day decades ago. Over the years, he practiced diligently. When he met such a tough hand like Li Feng, at the beginning he didn't want to make his most powerful deadly hand, and wanted to save it for later.

But after making only three moves, he knew the gap between himself and Li Feng. If he didn't make any more moves, he would become the ghost of the boy in front of him, so that he could use this punch. , Li Feng is an inner frame, so he looked out of the way, did not dare to be careless, and also used his housekeeping martial arts, Tianshan Zhemei's hand-shaped splitting palm, against him.

Although Zhang Quan didn't know the Splitting Palm in the Nine Yin Manual, nor the Tianshan Liuyang Palm, but Li Feng's moves were astonishing and concise, he could still see it, and once he handed it over at this time, he secretly groaned in his heart, I thought to myself that this kid's martial arts essence is no longer under the hands of ordinary martial arts mediocrity, this time the two fight against each other, I immediately felt the meaning, and I dare not be careless again.

But the loud noise of "bang bang bang" was heard continuously, and the two fought for more than twenty moves one after another. Zhang Quan resisted with all his strength, but he was not defeated. Seeing this, the deep Jianghu hero thought that he had the upper hand, making Li Feng unable to hold his head up?

Those people applauded one after another, even some people who were defeated by Li Feng in the inn before, all applauded.

Seeing this, Li Feng sneered, thinking, just by you, do you want to embarrass me?
With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Zhang Quan felt the pressure increase sharply, but he had a good face and heard everyone applaud him loudly. Although he knew in his heart that everyone would be wrong, he didn't let it go, he still smiled at the corner of his mouth , took several tricks from Li Feng.

Zhang Quan tried his best to resist Li Feng's palm technique, and after another [-] moves, he saw that Li Feng's moves became more and more strange, but his own moves had been used once, he had no choice but to know that his other moves were in Li Feng's eyes, It's all worthless, and immediately turned to the first move of the boxing technique, attacking Li Feng.

Li Feng sneered and didn't fight back. He just watched his attack and retreated back again and again.

Seeing Li Feng retreating, Zhang Quan thought that Li Feng had finally used his old moves and it was too late for him to change his moves, so he retreated and took advantage of the momentum to charge forward.

But as soon as he made three moves, Li Feng sneered and slashed at him with his palm.

Zhang Quan was amazed by Li Feng's move, but he had never seen it before. For a while, he was very annoyed, but at this time, the matter was rushed, and he didn't have time to think about it. He was afraid that if he was not careful, he would be taken advantage of by Li Feng. It's a trivial matter, if he loses to such a bratty yellow-haired kid in front of everyone, it will kill him, so he tried his best to resist.

The sharp-eyed onlookers, seeing this, also know that although Li Feng is young, he is really powerful, and his strange moves are emerging endlessly. It's just relying on all the way, the boxing technique is exquisite, and it's hard to suffer hundreds of times, but at this time he has used up all the moves, and he has to use new moves again, but Li Feng is still using all kinds of palm techniques, boxing techniques, kick techniques, focusing on It doesn't matter if it's serious, in this way, the two will be judged against each other.

Seeing the two fighting faster and faster, Li Feng's moves became more and more subtle, and the various boxing and palm techniques were never seen before. Everyone couldn't help but think in their hearts: "Who the hell is this kid? His martial arts are so amazing!" , Gao Chao, although there are many sects in this world, there may not be any sect that can teach such an all-encompassing and omnipresent young hero.

(End of this chapter)

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