Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 352 Li Feng defeats Zhang Quan, Xiangyu defeats

Chapter 352 Li Feng defeats Zhang Quan, Xiangyu defeats

Although Li Feng claimed that he had a tie with Zhang Quan, everyone present was a veteran of martial arts, and they knew that this kid in front of them was definitely not Li Feng's opponent based on Li Feng's previous performance, but since Li Feng said so, they were inconvenient to say more.

However, there were a few people who saw the two fighting each other, and the strange moves emerged endlessly in seconds, like passing through flowers and attracting butterflies. The boy gained the upper hand, and Li Feng couldn't help being dissatisfied. He thought that this boy was young, but in fact he was only a few years older than himself. How could he be praised by the heroes of the world? Gather here, but after all, Guo Daxia treated you quite politely just now, everyone respects Guo Daxia as a person, hehe, are you really afraid of you kid?It's just trying to save hero Guo's face. Thinking of the fight between Li Feng and Zhang Quan just now, I thought to myself, although Zhang Quan is very famous in Henan, few people have actually seen him make a move. On top of that, there are a lot of rumors and rumors, you kid is just lucky, you met Guo Daxia, you met Zhang Quan, it can be seen that it is hard to live up to the reputation.

Guo Jing saw that Li Feng had given up the fight, and he was giving face to Quan Ji in words, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Bi, in just two days, this kid's martial arts seems to have improved again, and he can't help thinking, could it be that this kid has some amazing situations in these two days.

But they don't know that Li Feng's Tianshen Zhemei Shou is a superb martial art based on the use of martial arts from all over the world. In the original book, Child Elder once said to Xu Zhu that in the future, you will only wait until you have enough knowledge and have a glimpse of the great way of martial arts. This folded plum hand can bring you into a whole new world, when the sky is high and the earth is wide, it is up to you to roam.

Although he felt that what Child Elder said was a bit exaggerated at the time, but these days, he has met more and more powerful masters one after another, especially since these days, he has successively fought with Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi, these two amazing masters Although there are victories and defeats in the battle of the top warriors, they have also gained a whole new experience, which is much better than before.

Seeing everyone looking at him with surprised eyes, Li Feng felt quite proud.

Seeing Guo Jing's approving gaze on him, Li Feng felt an indescribable sense of complacency, thinking about the general outline of martial arts in the world, but that's it, but thinking of Guo Jing's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palm, I still can't help but feel admiration.

After he rescued Qiao Feng back then, Qiao Feng also used the Dragon Subduing Palm to try out moves against him, but compared with Guo Jing's Dragon Subduing Palm at that time, although both of them were like gods of war, it was their turn. The strength and power of the palm are still somewhat inferior.

Just as he was surprised in his heart, he suddenly saw three women walking in the distance. Li Feng was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't take his eyes off for a moment. There was a sound, and then came out from the throat: "Xiangyu... you, where have you been?"

That woman was gold inlaid jade. After he came to Guo Jing's mansion, he met Huang Yaoshi first. Although he didn't make a move, Huang Yaoshi also saw that he was a woman. Since she claimed to be looking for Guo Jing, Huang Yaoshi was puzzled. , but it was inconvenient to ask more questions, so Guo Xiang took him to see Guo Jing.

I didn't expect to meet Huang Rong in the corridor. Jin Xiangyu thought that this is Guo Jing's residence, you are Guo Jing's wife, and the Huang Yaoshi you met just now is your father, so don't talk to him now, thinking , although Huang Yaoshi spoke politely to him, he still secretly informed his daughter.

Suspicious of them in his heart, he became rude when he spoke, and finally attracted the two to fight. He followed Li Feng for a long time, and he also learned a little martial arts such as the Nine Yin Manual. When he made a move, he looked after himself Huang Rong did it subconsciously. At first, Huang Rong didn't notice it, but at the end she suddenly noticed it and asked.

She still didn't know that she had used the martial arts of the Nine Yin Manual, but she still said: "What I used was only the martial arts passed down by me in the desert. Could it be that Chief Huang also knows it?"

Even though he said that, he thought about it in his heart. After thinking about it secretly, he came up with the palm technique he used just now. Seeing Huang Rong's suspicious look, he wanted to say it, but Huang Rong didn't care about him. , continue to attack.

Seeing this, she didn't care about anything else, and immediately fought back. The two fought for half an hour. Although Huang Rong had the upper hand, she could do nothing but he couldn't do anything. Luo San Shou and other martial arts were used suddenly, forcing Huang Rong to be overwhelmed, even if she was careless, she couldn't beat her.

When Li Feng was fighting with Huang Yaoshi that day, Huang Rong was at the side, fighting with gold inlaid jade for a long time, and realized that her martial arts were in the same way as Li Feng's, so she guessed a little bit in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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