Chapter 355 Recommended
Hearing Li Feng's words, all the heroes of the Central Plains applauded loudly, and shouted together: "Then ask Guo Daxia to be the leader of the heroes of the Central Plains, and lead everyone to fight against the Mongol Tartars."

The shouts were loud, even many people who hated Li Feng also shouted like this. Suddenly, the group of heroes shouted loudly, which made Guo Jing very embarrassed, so he had to turn his head to look at Huang Rong.

Huang Rong heard that everyone said this, and listened to Li Feng's words. She guessed a little bit in her heart, thinking that she and Guo Jing have been worrying about the candidate for the leader of the Beggar Gang for the past few days. After leaving the mountain, he will take over the power of the beggar gang, but firstly, I really don't like being the leader of those beggars, and secondly, the battle in Xiangyang is very tense, and I have to assist Guo Jing, so I really don't have time to manage them.

But despite this, the guards of Xiangyang still need these beggars' sects. The beggars' gangs have hundreds of thousands of disciples, and they are the capable candidates to guard Xiangyang among the martial arts people in the Central Plains, so it is not easy for him to refuse.

At this time, after listening to everyone's words, everyone wanted Guo Jing to be the leader of the martial arts alliance. Guo Jing was the same as himself. He thought that the deputy leader was in charge of the power, but he also knew that this was just an expedient measure. If he really became the leader, it would not be so easy to get on this boat and get off again, so he was very troubled.

16 years ago, when she was at the Dashengguan Heroes Conference, she wasted a lot of effort to pass the position of leader to Lu Youjiao. What happened in Xiangyang, I don’t want time to change. At that time, Guo Jing had become the Guo Juxia of today, and he also had two daughters and a son, but everyone let himself be the help of the beggar gang, and made Guo Jing the leader of the martial arts.

Although the original intentions of the two remained the same, but in this situation, they also felt that their fate was ridiculous, and it was so ridiculous.

Huang Rong has always been vigilant, after hearing Li Feng's words, she thought about it a few times, thinking that in recent days heroes from all over the world gathered in Xiangyang, and the Beggar Clan also wanted to elect a guild leader, and they wanted to elect a martial arts leader, these two things It must be done at the time of the hero meeting, otherwise it will hinder the great event of fighting against Mongolia. With this thought in mind, he paid attention. Dang smiled slightly, turned around and said loudly to the crowd: "Heroes!"

When everyone heard Huang Rong speak, they all stopped talking unconsciously, and looked at Huang Rong with a very respectful expression.

Huang Rong said indifferently: "All the heroes have come from afar to participate in the Idiot's Heroes Conference. The little girl thanked you here first."

After everyone heard this, they all said in unison: "Where is the words from Gang Leader Huang, what is the word from Mrs. Guo."

She used to be the leader of the beggar gang, and she was very powerful. Although she resigned 16 years ago, everyone still called her by the old name, but some people thought that she was a girl, even though she was strong in martial arts, she could not be called a hero. Only after years of guarding Xiangyang and working hard, she was called "Mrs. Guo".

Huang Rong listened to everyone addressing her like this, she smiled in her heart, but she was not upset, she said loudly: "Thanks to the love of all the heroes, I came to Xiangyang, today the leader of the beggar gang was killed by the dog thief Huo Dou, and the gang of beggar gangs has no leader..."

After saying these few words, many people in the audience who were on good terms with the beggar gang or admired Lu Youjiao were all very angry and cursed at Huo Dou, and all of them made an oath to kill him. Huo Dou took revenge for the leader of the Lu clan, what's more, he even cursed at Jinlun Fawang and the Mongol Tartars.

Huang Rong waited for them to finish cursing, gave a little light, and continued: "As the saying goes, a snake can't do without a head. You are right. If you want to lead the gang of beggars and jointly fight against the Mongolian Tartars, you must find someone who everyone can trust. , as the leader of the gang, leading everyone."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Beggar Clan applauded, but the hearts of the rest of the martial arts members sank secretly, thinking that what she said was to make Guo Jing the leader of the Beggar Clan?But he thought in his heart, even if Guo Jing became the leader of the beggar gang, he might not be unable to be the leader of the martial arts alliance. Thinking of this, he felt relieved, and stopped talking, looked at Huang Rong, and wanted to see her. something.

Huang Rong saw that everyone was just a little bit uproarious, but the reaction was not as big as before. She smiled in her heart, knowing that it was the Beggar Gang, after all, the largest gang in the Central Plains. Over the past few decades, Hong Qigong had been born one after another. She, Lu Youjiao, Three generations of powerful gang leaders, especially Hong Qigong, attracted all the heroes in the Central Plains to bow down, and they would not hesitate to become beggars and join the Beggars' Gang. But at the same time, she thought that it was also because of this that the Beggars' Gang had the division of dirty clothes and clean clothes. dark life.

(End of this chapter)

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