Chapter 379 Birthday
Seeing Jin Xiangyu's strange expression, Li Feng felt a little unsure about his attention for a while, so he asked with a smile, "What's the matter, early in the morning, who offended you."

Jin Xiangyu thought of his weird dream just now, and thought of the boy's playful smile, he felt a little angry, sneered, and said: "You don't care who offends me, anyway, it's not you, a bratty brat."

Since they fell in love, she has never said that about him, because she knows that there is a certain age between them, some people can say some things, but some people can't say it, such as their intimate relationship Some people, once said, can never be taken back.

At this time, Li Feng's face sank when he heard the words "Jin Xiangyu", he stopped talking, got up without saying a word, and went to the outer room.

Thinking of what she said just now, Jin Xiangyu secretly regretted it, but if she asked him to apologize at this time, she would not be able to, so the two of them stalemate.

After a while, Jin Xiangyu saw that Li Feng had gone out and never came back, and there was no sound in the outer room. For a moment, she was really scared, not knowing what this kid was doing.

Immediately, he got up lightly, put on a piece of clothing, and then went to the outer room.

In the outer room, the washing utensils had been set up, but Li Feng was not there, Jin Xiangyu felt a little strange, but stopped talking, washed his cheeks, then turned and left the room.

Li Feng was standing outside the house, staring blankly at the rising sun that was about to appear in the distance, he was lost in thought, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Seeing this situation, Jin Xiangyu smiled in her heart, came to Li Feng, took a look at Li Feng, and suddenly stretched out her hand, wanting to hold Li Feng's hand, Li Feng felt it, but did not avoid it.

Jin Xiangyu said: "Okay, don't be angry, I said something wrong, and I will never dare again."

Li Feng didn't speak, Jin Xiangyu suddenly took off his outer shirt, only the white inner shirt was left, lying in Li Feng's arms, he said angrily: "Good brother, I don't dare anymore, please forgive me."

These few words were as numb as bones, Li Feng suddenly felt his blood was boiling, his whole body was sore and limp, and his body was a little weak. He looked at the two in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jin Xiangyu smiled slightly, saw Li Feng's weird expression, and said, "Okay, didn't Guo Daxia say he wanted to see you in the morning? Xiang'er is so weird, he will definitely come to see us, and let everyone see us like this, What's that like, let's go for a walk."

Saying this in his mouth, he entered the house and put on his clothes.

Li Feng was helpless, and he really couldn't get angry anymore, so he turned around and went into the room, and put on his clothes.

The two came outside the courtyard again and saw the flowers blooming like brocades and everything growing, they couldn't help being shocked, but then they thought that the war was imminent, and this bustling world would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Li Feng looked at the bustling world carefully, thinking of what Guo Jing said to him, and thinking that since then, he would no longer be able to understand the bustling world. I thought to myself: "Guo Daxia is right. A man was born between heaven and earth, and he will definitely do great things for the country and the people. Now that the battle in Xiangyang is imminent, it is a great opportunity for us to make contributions." Thinking of following Guo Jing and others to fight with the Mongols, and thinking of what Guo Jing said, he wanted to participate in the sword competition and win the position of deputy leader.

Jin Xiangyu didn't know what Li Feng was thinking at this moment, but when he thought of this change, he was really depressed.

The two of them left the yard and came to the outside room. Today is the first day of the hero meeting.

Last night Guo Jing had already discussed with Huang Rong, and today they will have a martial arts competition to choose the leader of the Beggar Clan, and now they are in Xiangyang City, all the heroes from all over the world who participated in the hero meeting gathered in the square to the west of Guo Mansion.

Watching these people come and go, Li Feng felt filled with emotion for a moment.

Suddenly remembered that since today is the hero meeting, Yang Guo must have arrived, and it was also Guo Xiang's birthday, so he told Jin Xiangyu immediately, hearing that Li Feng remembered Guo Xiang's birthday so clearly, Jin Xiangyu couldn't help showing a smile on his face With a strange look, he sneered and said, "You remember the girl's birthday very clearly."

Li Feng smiled and said: "Don't you know that the matter of time travel is written in the original book?"

Jin Xiangyu thought it was right, so he gave up, turned his anger into joy, and said with a smile: "Since it is Miss Guo Er's birthday, how about we go to congratulate Er Miss Guo?"

Suddenly he said: "It's just someone's birthday, but I didn't prepare a birthday present, it's a bit bad."

Seeing Li Feng looking at him with a smile, he immediately explained: "Xiang'er is a straightforward person, I hit it off with her immediately, I like this innocent and lovely little girl very much."

(End of this chapter)

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