Chapter 396 Competition
Yang Guo ran forward for more than [-] miles, and then took a breath, thinking of Li Feng's words just now, he felt that he was a little too impulsive just now, but now that he has been running for so long, and he has noticed that Li Feng and Huang Yaoshi are in the same place. Followed, my heart relaxed a little, and then slowed down.

Not long after, Li Feng followed with gold inlaid jade.

Seeing this, Yang Guo thought that he was too anxious to leave just now and didn't have time to ask clearly, but now that he has come here, he didn't say any more, nodded to Li Feng, and still headed towards the Valley of Unrequited Love go.

The four of them went forward like this, and within a day they came to the vicinity of Lin'an.

Li Feng thought of the vicinity of Niujia Village recorded in the original book. Li Feng remembered that it was here that Yang Guo learned the truth about his father in the original book. He wondered if the matter was urgent and he wanted to teach Yang Guo to meet Ke Zhen'e.

Then she remembered that Guo Xiang had met Yang Guo in advance because of her own reasons this time, and she had a strange relationship with Yang Guo, and wondered if she would run away from home like in the original book, and then meet Jinlun Fawang, leading to the later Things.

Thinking like this, there was a trace of hesitation in my heart, I don't know if I should take Yang Guo and leave here, or enter the Iron Spear Temple in Niujia Village?

For a moment of doubt in my heart, I walked slowly.

The three of them noticed Li Feng's abnormality. Yang Guo was only concerned with his aunt at this time, but he didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, Huang Yaoshi was quite hesitant about Li Feng's previous words. It's nonsense, the liar Yang Guo wouldn't commit such short-sightedness, I thought you knew this earlier, why didn't you complete Rong'er's lie with the old man at that time, although he, a great master of his generation, felt bad about deception after all, But it was all for Yang Guo, and he felt that it was okay to do so, and there was nothing wrong with it.

With this thought in mind, he walked a little slower.

The four of them walked for a while, seeing that going on like this, they would have to spend tonight in Niujia Village, but Li Feng didn't want to waste any more time on Na Ke Zhen'e, so he said: "Brother Yang, let's go to the Valley of Unrequited Love It's still some time, so we won't rest here tonight, let's drive through the night, is it like trying to compete with lightness of foot?"

Yang Guo heard it, but he also found it interesting, thinking of the comparison with Li Feng before, the young man's palm skills were amazed, he opened and closed, but he was not as powerful as himself, but he was firm but soft, obviously he had a good burden Martial arts, I secretly paid attention to it, when I heard Li Feng's words, I smiled slightly, and said: "It's just right, I'm going to ask Brother Li for advice."

He is conceited in martial arts, although seeing that Li Feng is more than ten years younger than himself, it is not easy to practice to the current level, so he immediately agreed to compete with Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled slightly, then smiled slightly at Jin Xiangyu, and then said to Huang Yaoshi: "I'll ask Island Master Huang to take care of it."

However, Huang Yaoshi also wanted to compete with these two young men, upon hearing this, he said: "In this case, we have to look at the methods of the only two young men in today's Jianghu."

Li Feng laughed and said, "Brother Yang, please!"

Yang Guo also didn't give in, so he jumped to prepare and said: "I'll count to three, let's end at the Izumo River in front, whoever arrives first will be the winner!"

Li Feng said good and agreed.

Yang Guo smiled and said, "One."

Seeing that Li Feng was waiting attentively, he smiled slightly, and he also took a deep breath, and then said: "Two."

Then he silently poured his true energy into his legs, gathered his energy into the spring, and shouted, "Three, brother Li, please!"

As soon as the word "please" came out, his body rushed out like an arrow from the string. Li Feng saw it and was secretly startled, but he didn't show any weakness, so he rushed out and ran forward.

Huang Yaoshi was behind him, and saw that these two young men had superb physical skills, and they were also full of energy. Although he had fought with Li Feng before, he knew Li Feng's internal strength, and he also knew that when he was in Xiangyang City, Yang Guo used his supernatural powers to flick his fingers. When saving Guo Fu and killing Huo Dou, Yang Guo's internal strength was seen from the stones, but now seeing how these two people used their true energy, they were still very surprised, thinking that these two people deserved to be extremely outstanding in the world Judging from the situation at this time, even the old man, compared to them, is somewhat inferior.

Thinking of this in my heart, my competitive heart also arises, I think that after all, I am the one among the older generation, if I just admit to cowardice like this today, I will feel a little too sorry for the word Wujue. Thinking back to when Huashan was discussing swords back then, my own pride and ambition were even more agitated by the situation of the two of them. With a "hey", he grabbed the gold inlaid jade and said with a smile: "Let's go and see too."

Then he jumped up and followed the two of them.

The golden inlaid jade was carried by Huang Yaoshi, at first he could see the figures of Yang Guo and Li Feng in front of him clearly, but after a while, he could only see two black spots jumping forward, after a while, he couldn't see anything up.

The only thing left in my ears was the sound of the whistling wind, and the clothes of the two of them. Because the speed was too fast, the sound of "hunting" blown by the wind made my heart feel very ups and downs. The mellowness, the second of the movement, is so unbelievable, and he was surprised for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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