Chapter 399 Attraction
On the way, Li Feng asked if he had heard of Zen Master Tianming, who is the head seat of Luohan Hall in Shaolin Temple today. On Guo Xiang’s birthday, he was invited by Yang Guo and gave Guo Xiang a gift. Afterwards, the fire in Nanyang had this monk’s share. credit.

Huang Yaoshi was quite surprised when he heard this, but although he had been to Shaolin three times before, he had never heard of it, let alone seen Zen Master Tianming's reputation, so he had to tell the truth.

After hearing this, Li Feng sighed secretly, thinking of the description of that person in the original book, he laughed dryly and stopped talking.

Seeing Li Feng's appearance, Huang Yaoshi felt a little relieved.

The two chatted all the way, and walked forward for more than an hour, but they still couldn't see the town. Li Feng immediately suggested that they rest in the forest, and they were on their way the next day.

Fortunately, the three of them are all from the world, and they have no objection, only gold inlaid with jade, looked at Li Feng and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of losing to others in the competition, do you still have this leisurely mind at the moment?"

Li Feng smiled and said: "If you really lose, then you have no choice but to admit defeat."

Although he said this in his mouth, but in his heart he was a little afraid that he would lose to Yang Guo, so he made up his mind to hurry up the next day.

The three of them had nothing else to say that night, although Li Feng wanted to ask Huang Yaoshi some anecdotes about the world, but when he ate the roasted rabbit, the words were exhausted, and there was nothing else to ask at this time, so he had nothing to say right now.

On the second day, the three of them got up early, Li Feng apologized to Huang Yaoshi, and then ran forward.

Seeing that he didn't say goodbye to her, Jin Xiangyu felt a little angry, but when she saw Li Feng disappearing in a flash, although she was angry, she knew that she would not be able to catch up with this kid, so she had to give up, thinking that sooner or later you would suffer of.

Thinking this way in my heart, I didn't say anything more, followed Huang Yaoshi, and went forward.

Although the two of them were not in a hurry, Huang Yaoshi didn't want to be too far away from them after all, so he walked very fast, and the gold inlaid jade couldn't keep up several times. Fortunately, Huang Yaoshi got Li Feng's hand. He took good care of him, so he didn't lose track of him, and several times Huang Yaoshi saw that he had no strength or was tired from walking, so he looked at him and walked forward.

Jin Xiangyu didn't notice it at first, but after having sex for a while, he realized that he was dragged by the old man, and he was really grateful to the old man in his heart.

Li Feng walked all the way forward, unfolding his posture, not standing upright at all, until noon, seeing the sun hanging high, the surrounding vegetation was slightly shivering under the sun's exposure at noon, and he himself felt a little uncomfortable under the sun, Immediately, he stopped rushing so fast, slowed down, picked some wild fruits in a forest, and took a rest by the way.

The forest is very large, and the fruit is not known what kind of flower or fruit it is, but it is very juicy. Li Feng ate three or four pieces in a short while, and suddenly felt very refreshed, so he couldn't help picking a few and hiding them on his body. I wanted to keep the gold inlaid jade, but then I thought about it, there are still three or four days, I can't wait for her here or keep it for three days, then let alone the fruit, I am afraid it will become a jam .

Thinking about it this way, I felt that I couldn't tell the funny, and when I thought about it incidentally, I felt that I couldn't tell the funny, thinking that since I followed that Ruan Xingzhu, I have been restrained in everything, and I am almost like a mother-in-law.

For a moment, I couldn't help but sigh secretly in my heart, knowing that I couldn't think any more.

Suddenly a strong wind blew up beside the road, sweeping away the hot air just now, Li Feng couldn't help but feel a burst in his chest, he let out a "hey" laugh, and rushed forward.

I thought to myself that I had delayed for a long time last night in order to ask Huang Yaoshi about the Shaolin Temple and the Wujue Huashan sword fight back then, Yang Guo's internal energy is superb, I don't know how far he has surpassed him, I can't do it now Delayed.

In this way, he ran forward and didn't dare to delay any longer. Even when he was eating and resting, he would deal with it hastily. He only rested for more than two hours a day, and ran forward without stopping.

After running like this for two days, at the middle of the day, he finally saw Yang Guo faintly in the forest ahead.

Li Feng was happy, seeing Yang Guo sitting there, seemed to be resting, he smiled slightly, took a long breath, and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, are you resting here?"

He spoke in his mouth, but his feet didn't stop at all, and he ran forward.

Hearing Li Feng's cry, Yang Guo was slightly startled, turned his head, but instead of running, he turned his head and continued to look forward, as if fascinated.

Li Feng felt strange, so he stopped in front of Yang Guo, and said: "Brother Yang let me like this, I am ashamed to accept your favor!"

Saying this in his mouth, he stopped on his feet and stopped to watch, wanting to see what attracted Yang Guo.

(End of this chapter)

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