Chapter 423 She is kind
Although Jin Xiangyu really wanted to go back here, but thinking of Huang Yaoshi's and Liang Xiao's faces, he still felt a little embarrassed to face it, and said, "I'd better go with you!"

After hearing this, Li Feng guessed a little bit, and said: "You don't have to worry about it. Although Liang Xiao's martial arts is high, I am not his opponent. I don't think it will be much worse."

Jin Xiangyu said "hmm", seeing her like this, Li Feng knew that he didn't want to go back alone, so he had to say: "Okay, then you wait here for a while, I will go to the front to search, listen to the sound, the mountains, rivers and rivers should be clear It's near here." Jin Xiangyu nodded and said, "Then go and come back quickly, I'll wait for you here."

She knew that Li Feng was trying to save her energy, so she felt a little joy in her heart, and she waited here with a smile on her face.

Li Feng didn't say much, and immediately stretched out his body and walked into the distance.

Seeing Li Feng's skill, Jin Xiangyu couldn't help thinking: "From now on, this kid's skill seems to have improved again."

Li Feng ran towards the distance for a while, listening intently, seeing that the sound from Li Feng's side was getting smaller and smaller, but no matter how intently he listened, in short, he couldn't hear any sounds from mountains, streams and rivers, and couldn't help feeling in his heart. Think, could it be that I went to the wrong place?
It's just that no matter how he went forward, he still couldn't find the trace of the mountain stream and river channel. For a moment, he couldn't help but sweat in his heart, thinking that I really couldn't find it?

But at this time, the matter was in a hurry, besides, he had already said that to Jin Xiangyu, and Jin Xiangyu was already waiting outside, so he was going to go back in such a despondent way, Li Feng felt a bit unacceptable when he thought of this, and now So he headed for the distance, determined to find a river.

Going forward for a while, Li Feng suddenly saw a river in front of him, hanging like a horse on the cliff, the waterfall hit the river on the ground, and there was a rumbling sound. He didn't hesitate even now, knowing that it must be the search place.

So he went back full of joy, intending to go back like this, called gold inlaid jade, and went to the forest with him.

Jin Xiangyu didn't know that Li Feng had found the river at this time, she was standing by the wild boar, seeing the appearance of the big wild boar, she was very angry, she couldn't help scolding Li Feng, wondering where this kid was going Well, why can't I wait and wait but can't wait for this kid?
I waited for a while with all my heart, but still couldn't wait for Li Feng, and felt even more sad in my heart. Thinking of going this time, I couldn't help but scold Li Feng loudly. At this moment, I suddenly heard a rumor in the grass There was a hissing sound, Jin Xiangyu was startled, and hurried to look, only to see a wild boar in the grass, looking at him, a pair of big copper bell-like eyes showed a fierce light.

Jin Xiangyu was shocked, but then relaxed, because the wild boar was actually just a not-so-big beast, but seeing that the wild boar was small, she looked at the big beast beside her. The wild boar was always refusing to leave, and was taken aback, knowing that the two wild boars must be related in some way.

Jin Xiangyu looked at the wild boar and said, "Is this your mother?"

For some reason, the little boar seemed to understand her words, and went straight forward, came to her feet, and arched the soles of her feet.

Jin Xiangyu smiled slightly, looking at the big wild boar, she couldn't bear it in her heart, thinking that it was his child, and she killed her by herself, this is the little wild boar but she will never have a mother again.

As soon as I thought this way in my heart, I felt a little funny. Actually, I don't know whether this big wild boar is a male or a female, but looking at his appearance, it should be a female pig without a doubt.

At this moment, I heard a sound coming from the forest, I knew that Li Feng had come back, and immediately pulled the little wild boar back behind him, Li Feng also came back at this moment, seeing her with a strange expression, Asked: "What's the matter with you, I found a waterfall, let's go."

Jin Xiangyu gave an "um" but didn't move.

Li Feng was surprised, picked up the body of the big wild boar, and walked forward.

After walking a few steps, seeing Jin Xiangyu still not moving, I felt even more strange in my heart, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter with you, why don't you leave?"

Suddenly hearing the sound coming from under Jin Xiangyu's feet, Jin Xiangyu was startled. Seeing Li Feng's expression, Jin Xiangyu knew that she could no longer hide it from him, so she had to step back, revealing the little wild boar behind her.

Li Feng said with a smile: "This wild boar can be made into a roast suckling pig, it's the most delicious." He was about to make a move, Jin Xiangyu was shocked, and quickly stopped Li Feng, saying: "No."

Then he said: "We have already killed her mother, why should we kill him again?"

When Li Feng heard this, he found it funny, and said, "What mother, this is a male." He was carrying the wild boar, and asked Jin Xiangyu to go to see Xia Ti, Jin Xiangyu blushed, and spat: "You What are you doing, no matter if it is a male or a female, we already have one, so why kill the little one?" Li Feng wondered, but he didn't want to argue with her, and said, "What's wrong with you today? Wild boar, fight with me for this?"

As soon as these words came out, even Jin Xiangyu felt strange, thinking: "It's me, what's wrong with me, I usually kill people without blinking an eye, why did I have such thoughts today because of this little wild boar?" What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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