Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 481 How did you find out

Chapter 481 How did you find out

Jin Xiangyu heard Ji Yaohua's words, although she felt a little strange in her heart, wondering what kind of riddles this chick was playing with herself, but she still said with a smile on her face: "In that case, I will wait and see and see when the girl arrives." What else is there to say?"

It's just that even though he said so, deep down in his heart, he finally felt that something was wrong at this time, and that it was not the same thing.

But Li Feng didn't give him a chance to think about it at all. Seeing his doubtful expression, he smiled slightly and said, "Be careful, don't fall for this woman's tricks."

Jin Xiangyu felt strange, not knowing what Li Feng meant by being duped, and looked at Li Feng with a puzzled expression.

Li Feng didn't explain anymore, but looked at Ji Yaohua, and suddenly there was an expression on his face that a brother looked at a naughty sister, and said lightly: "At this time, don't you still believe that the old boy Huang Yaoshi will Are you coming?"

This made Jin Xiangyu even more strange. I didn't know what Li Feng knew, and I didn't know what Huang Yaoshi meant in his words, and what was the relationship with Ji Yaohua?
Ji Yaohua heard Li Feng's words, but suddenly a strange expression appeared on her face, as if she was extremely frightened, and suddenly asked, "You, how do you know this, who are you?"

Li Feng smiled slightly and said: "I am not anyone, and I don't know much, I just feel strange."

Ji Yaohua asked: "It's strange, what's so strange, what's so strange?"

Li Feng smiled and said, "Don't you think what happened just now is extremely coincidental?"

At this moment, a strange blood-red color suddenly appeared on the far horizon. At some point, the sunset had slowly covered layers of clouds, and the entire sky seemed to have suddenly turned a strange blood-red color.

At this moment, such a situation suddenly appeared, and everyone in Li Feng was very puzzled, and a strange expression gradually appeared on his face. Looking at Ji Yaohua, Jin Xiangyu hadn't thought of these things yet. , looked at Ji Yaohua, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ji Yaohua looked at Jin Xiangyu as if looking at a fool, sighed, and said, "I really don't know, with your IQ, how dare you follow this kid."

Jin Xiangyu was suddenly ridiculed by Ji Yaohua, and she was very angry in her heart, but after hearing Ji Yaohua's words, she still felt a little strange, and immediately controlled her angry atmosphere, and asked angrily: "What are you talking about?" mean."

Seeing the gold inlaid jade, Ji Yaohua had the nerve to ask herself this question, and suddenly smiled, very happily, as if she had suddenly received some extraordinary gift, looked at the gold inlaid jade, and then showed a look of disdain, Pointing to Li Feng, he said, "This kid knows everything I mean. If you want to ask, you can ask this kid. I believe this kid will be able to answer your doubts."

A strange look appeared on Li Feng's face, he also sighed suddenly, and said to Ji Yaohua, "Why do you have to say that?"

Hearing these two people playing charades like this, Jin Xiangyu was obviously treating herself as a fool, and she was very angry, but just like what Li Feng said just now, it was the situation, and she didn't understand these two people. What does it mean.

Immediately asked with a smile: "What do you mean by these words, but I don't understand them." Li Feng suddenly asked: "What don't you understand?" Ji Yaohua smiled and said: "I let her ask you From here on, she doesn't understand."

Jin Xiangyu was very angry at Ji Yaohua's situation of dismantling her, but the truth was just like what Li Feng said, and she was very puzzled at the moment, looked at Ji Yaohua, and asked: "How do you know? "

Li Feng sighed, walked forward, took the hand inlaid with gold, and suddenly sighed: "Don't you see it yet?"

Jin Xiangyu was about to answer, but Liang Xiao who was beside him already felt impatient, and said: "If you two still want to play charades, you might as well wait, we still have something to understand."

The three of them were shocked when they heard the words, thinking that this kid was also in a hurry, so a look of reproach appeared on their faces.

Liang Xiao saw it in his eyes, knowing that this matter of his own would eventually fall into this kid's hands, and at this moment he didn't want to offend Li Feng just because of it, so he didn't speak at the moment, but had a strange look on his face, as if a little remorse .

Li Feng looked at Liang Xiao and knew what was on his mind, but at this moment the matter became extremely delicate, and he didn't care about Liang Xiao anymore, so he turned his head and said to Jin Xiangyu, "Actually, you have seen her before?" As he spoke, he pointed to Ji Yaohua.

After hearing this, Ji Yaohua suddenly had a strange look on her face, looked at Li Feng, and after a while, said suddenly: "When did you find out?"

(End of this chapter)

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