Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 52 Zhou Huaian Appears at the Dragon Inn

Chapter 52 Zhou Huaian Appears at the Dragon Inn

Li Feng, who was far away in the desert, didn't know at all, because he didn't kill the white bear at that time, it would cause him such a big trouble.

Now it has been spread throughout the Jianghu, not only the golden silk armor, the treasure of the Jianghu, is in his hands.Now even the treasure of the ancient country that has disappeared in Mobei for a long time is in his hands.

Now Li Feng lives very chicly every day, accompanied by a beautiful woman in this life, serving him with good wine and good food all day long.Only by living that day can you be comfortable.

When I am free, I will follow Xi Buyu from the back chef, and practice Paoding Jie Niu Knife together.I had a good time.

It's just a pity that the good days are always short-lived.

On this day, when Li Feng was contemplating how to solve the Oxen Knife Technique, suddenly, a customer walked into the lobby.

Originally, Li Feng didn't pay much attention to it, because in the past two days, the people who came to the Longmen Inn were too chaotic, too complicated, and the flow of people was really too big.Li Feng was determined but powerless.Staring carefully at the personnel in the Longmen Inn, staring at them for two days and then giving up, was really powerless.

Originally, Li Feng didn't intend to pay attention.Because the person who just came in is so frequent that I don't even know that he has any characteristics. Ordinary, it's like you throw it in the crowd.You don't even know who he is.

He was like a drop of water melting into the sea, disappearing without a trace, inconspicuous, unable to attract anyone's attention.

It's just that Li Xunhuan, who was sitting in the corner drinking, saw this inconspicuous person.But his eyes are wide open.It seemed as if he would rush over and kill him in the next moment.

Qiu Moyan, who was sitting in Li Xunhuan's Shengpeng, was also excited to hold the long sword when he saw this ordinary person.

Seeing such a big reaction from the two of them, Li Feng couldn't help looking at this ordinary person again.Who on earth could arouse the wrath of these two? How could such an ordinary and unremarkable person be able to catch their eyes.

Li Feng looked at the ordinary person in front of him carefully, and saw that every step he took was like a needle that fixed the sea. Although he was thin, he still couldn't shake him at all.

I saw him in gray clothes.It seems to have walked a long distance.The dusty atmosphere of the whole body can be felt from a long distance.

You don't need to show your face.The eyes are dull.No matter how Li Feng looked at him, he didn't look like a great master.

But think about the attitudes of Li Xunhuan and Qiu Moyan.This made Li Feng have to look at the person in front of him differently. Who is so sacred that Qiu Moyan can treat him like this.

"Eh, no, Zhou Huai'an is the only person in this world who can make Qiu Moyan look at you differently. Could it be that this person in front of you is Zhou Huai'an?" Li Feng couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw her expressionless eyes. Unexpectedly, the extremely ordinary person in front of him would be the famous Zhou Huai'an.

It shouldn't be, Zhou Huaian is a famous person, how could he be like this person now?
"No, I still didn't observe carefully. Although this person's eyes look dull, there is an incomprehensible feeling in his eyes. Is this the so-called restraint?"

"And seeing that she doesn't send out documents, it definitely doesn't look like an ordinary person saying that there are no ordinary people who come to Tombstone Longmen Inn now."

"Xiao Er, bring me two catties of beef, a jug of good wine, and two steamed buns."

"Okay. Guest officer, wait a moment, drink a cup of tea to warm yourself up." Listening to Zhou Huai'an's voice coming to Zhou Huai'an, Hong respectfully poured a cup of tea and said to Zhou Huai'an.

Looking at Zhou Huai'an, who was eating and drinking in a leisurely and unhurried manner.Li Feng couldn't help showing his calmness and gave him a thumbs up. You must know that Zhou Huaian is a criminal from Chaoping Qingdian. Anyone who can provide information about him can get a reward.Now the whole rivers and lakes are looking for her. What he didn't expect was that he would sit here so majesticly eating meat and drinking heavily. With this concentration, Li Feng had to admire him.

(End of this chapter)

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