Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 533 I Only Want To Believe In You

Chapter 533 I Only Want To Believe In You

Li Feng is currently fighting against Child Elder, although his martial arts are not as good as Child Elder, but for some reason, Child Elder has never been ruthless, nor has he used all the kung fu of his true nature, just constantly using Yang Ge Juntian competed with himself.

At first Li Feng thought that Child Elder was just trying to test himself, but after fighting with Child Elder for a while, he knew that was not the case, but he had seen Child Elder's full strength just now, and knew that if Child Elder was real If you make a move, you are definitely not its opponent.

But this made Li Feng even more confused, Child Elder obviously didn't want to explain the reason to Li Feng, he just kept probing with moves, attacking Li Feng, forcing Li Feng to be overwhelmed.

This situation is like a modern adult holding a modern portable hot weapon, who is about to playfully deal with an ancient minor, which makes Li Feng feel very aggrieved.

Even so, Li Feng was stubborn, seeing Child Elder's palm attack, he was startled but not flustered, suddenly he said "Hey", he slapped Child Elder with his backhand.

Child Elder was shocked, she couldn't figure out how Li Feng could suddenly use such a powerful move.

What's even more strange is that this guy's moves are so powerful, so he just paid it off. Just now, he was pressing Li Feng to hit him, and this kid was also beaten by himself. How can he fight back quickly? Child Elder was very puzzled.

Even so, she still had her own plan, seeing Li Feng attacking with a palm.

Suddenly he smiled slightly, and then looked towards Li Ziling seemingly intentionally or unintentionally. In an instant, Li Feng felt the hairs all over his body standing on end, as if he had fallen into someone else's scheme in an instant, and he was horrified. Suddenly, she saw that the child elder's lips and teeth moved, she seemed to be reciting some magic formula, and because Li Ziling was controlled by the child elder, she suddenly seemed to have lost her mind and went crazy, and rushed towards herself.

Seeing this, Li Feng was very surprised, he couldn't figure out what was going on, why the younger sister who was fine just a moment ago was controlled by this child elder?
His younger sister had obviously never been in contact with Child Elder, so he really couldn't understand how this old temptress controlled his younger sister?Seeing this, Jin Xiangyu suddenly turned pale, her teeth shuddered, and said in a trembling voice, could it be, could it be...

He said a few times in a row, but he couldn't say the rest.

Seeing this, Li Feng knew that Jin Xiangyu must know something. He was puzzled, a little unclear, but the situation was special at this time, and there was no more time left for him to think about it. Seeing this, Li Feng suddenly smiled and said : "In that case, let's compare."

Child Elder was surprised to hear what he said, and asked back: "Compared to what?"

Li Feng said: "Although I still don't know what you are doing here, I can guess that this matter must be related to me." He suddenly stretched out his left palm, put it on his left chest, and said: "If I'm dead or injured, I don't think your plan will work. Hey, I'm exchanging my own life for my sister's. What do you think?"

When he said these words, Child Elder immediately understood, heyed, and smiled softly: "Stinky boy, you are good at calculating, hehe, it's a pity, your calculation is wrong."

Li Feng was shocked in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face, and asked, "Is my calculation wrong?"

Child Elder said hesitantly: "That's right, first of all, I never came here for you, but for her." As she said that, she suddenly turned around, everyone felt a blur in front of them, and Child Elder was already behind Ruan Xingzhu, She touched Ruan Xingzhu's cheek with a smile, and then said: "Boy, do you really think that your charm is so great that you can make grandma make such a big trip for you?"

While talking, she looked at Li Feng again, and continued: "Secondly, grandma was never for you, but for her. The reason why she wanted you to go to heaven was also for this little girl."

Hearing this, Li Feng couldn't help recalling his experience on Tianshan Mountain in his heart, he couldn't help being shocked, thinking that he guessed wrong all along, Child Elder was always for Sister Ruan Xingzhu.

Thinking back when I rescued Child Elder for the first time, on the top of the snow mountain, and after I carried Boss Wu with me, there were only the two of them, and after that time, Ruan Xingzhu has been reluctant to pay attention to Child Elder because of that After this time, Ruan Xingzhu suddenly handed himself over to Li Feng. At that time, Li Feng was extremely suspicious, but because of the special circumstances at that time, and they were all women after all, and Li Feng had always trusted Ruan Xingzhu very much. Thinking of this episode, Li Feng felt that It's very strange, I don't know what is going on.

It's just that although things were strange, Li Feng still decided to choose to believe Ruan Xingzhu. He raised his head, stared at Ruan Xingzhu for a while, and suddenly said, "Good sister, is what she said true? I just want to believe you."

Ruan Xingzhu seemed extremely unbearable. At this time, she had already been told about this by Tianshan Child Elder, her face blushed immediately, she looked at Li Feng fixedly, and after a long while, she nodded slowly, but still said in a trembling voice : "But, but I always love you, otherwise, otherwise I wouldn't have been with you for so long."

When Child Elder heard this, she suddenly laughed, then let go of Ruan Xingzhu, and said with a smile: "Sister Xing, you should come with me, for you, I have cultivated Beiming Duoshe **, destroyed Xingxiu Sea, If I find Yu Linglong, I will be able to be reborn soon. Now Ah Zi has joined my sect. As long as I can refine Yu Linglong, I can save Ah Zhu. But the four of us will live together forever, so how can we still live together? Isn't it good?"

What she said was so sincere that even Li Feng gave a little gasp, thinking that at some point, she actually passed on her feelings for Li Canghai to Sister Ruan.

But Li Feng is confident that Ruan Xingzhu will not leave him. How many times of common experiences let him know that Ruan Xingzhu is definitely not the kind of hard-hearted person, and the relationship between them will never deteriorate because of another woman.

Li Feng has calculated everything, but he forgot that Ruan Xingzhu is not only a woman, a woman who likes her, but at the same time, Ruan Xingzhu is also a mother, the mother of two young girls.

(End of this chapter)

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