Chapter 558

Li Feng took his two daughters along and followed the traces left by the gold inlaid jade all the way. At first, he could still find the traces, but after a while, the traces of the gold inlaid jade suddenly disappeared. He wondered if Liang Xiao really attacked her here.

But when he thought of the time when he and Liang Xiao met before, Liang Xiao couldn't believe it from the standpoint of others, but now the truth was in front of him, but he couldn't tolerate him not believing it.

Feeling clueless, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious, not knowing where to look for gold inlaid jade, but Ruan Xingzhu was still careful, and suddenly said: "Look over there."

Li Feng turned his head to take a look, and saw that the trees were desolate, and there were tiny footprints of limbs and hooves on the ground, he understood it immediately, and said with a smile: "Good sister, you should be more careful."

But it turned out to be the footprints of the spirit pig.

At the moment, he thought to himself, although he also knew that Liang Xiaozhi was not in the spirit pig, but Jin Xiangyu went after the spirit pig. At this time, the trace of Jin Xiangyu had been lost, and the only way to start here was first.

After thinking about it in his heart, he also went straight to the print of the spirit pig's hoof.

At this time, he was even more anxious, so even though he was taking the second daughter with him, he tried his best to mobilize his true energy and ran even faster.

Seeing this, Li Ziling and Ruan Xingzhu knew that he was worried about gold inlaid with jade, but they didn't think it was a problem. Li Ziling thought that it was her sister-in-law after all, so she didn't think it was a problem. what.

It's just that it's his daughter's home after all, seeing Li Feng's eager expression at this time, he couldn't help but think of the time when Li Feng took him to the snow-capped mountains all night by the Tianshan Mountains, hoping to escape Child Elder's scouting, these things Originally, many long things have passed, but when I think about it now, it is vivid in my memory, like yesterday.

Naturally, Ruan Xingzhu didn't know what he was thinking at this time, he was unconsciously hit by the soul-absorbing technique that Child Elder used on her before, although it didn't work at that time, which made Child Elder very strange, but in the end it was It had some influence on Ruan Xingzhu, and because of this, Child Elder was able to find Li Feng again.

It's just that this matter is extremely secretive, and no one knows about it except Child Elder. Child Elder originally wanted to control Li Feng, so naturally she would not reveal it easily, and she was not able to use this wonderful method to control a person who did not know martial arts, did not cultivate Ruan Xingzhu, who has internal strength, has been regarded by her as an unprecedented scandal in her life, so naturally she will not expose her shame.

The three of them ran forward for a while, Li Feng was anxious, and before he knew it, his lightness kung fu was fully mobilized, Li Ziling had practiced internal kung fu for several years, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but Ruan Xingzhu's internal kung fu was mediocre, almost as good as It's no different from ordinary people. At this time, Li Feng's running like this has exceeded the load that her body can bear, and she is a little out of breath. , but can't say anything.

Li Feng was impatient, but he didn't think too much about it, besides, he already had preconceived notions in his mind, thinking that he ran away with her in the same way back then on the bank of Tianshan Mountain, so he didn't think it was a big deal.

But they didn't know that they were running at night, and they didn't want to avoid the investigation of Vulture Palace in Tianshan, so they walked very slowly. Even so, it still made Ruan Xingzhu a little unbearable, and it was only for Li Feng that he gritted his teeth and persisted. Yes, when I came back, I fell seriously ill.

Li Ziling was very obedient. Seeing Jin Xiangyu's face, she was slightly surprised, and guessed a little bit in her heart. Just looking at her brother's expression at this time, it was hard to tell him to slow down, but she could take it with her. Ruan Xingzhu asked his elder brother to go first, but thought of the child elder, after all he knew that his elder brother would not agree, so he didn't say anything.The most important thing is that he knew after all that with Ruan Xingzhu's temperament, he would never agree to it. She had already grasped Ruan Xingzhu's temperament through this journey.


Liang Xiao got the whereabouts of the herbal medicine, and was very happy in his heart. He stared blankly at Jin Xiangyu, and wanted to say a few words of thanks, but when he was about to speak, Jin Xiangyu had already ordered the spirit pig to take her Go find the little red lotus on the Buddha seat.

She ran a few steps, and saw the spirit pig running forward, while Liang Xiao stood there, looking at the herbs in her hands, with a strange expression, dazed, not knowing what she was thinking, and immediately exclaimed: "Brother Liang ,What's the matter?"

Liang Xiao suddenly came back to his senses, and stammered: "'s nothing, let's go quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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