Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 575 Whale’s Breath and Yu Linglong

Chapter 575 Whale’s Breath and Yu Linglong

Li Feng was stunned, knowing that Liang Xiao had already attached great importance to him, and also knew that Liang Xiao was already serious with him, and he was shocked at the moment, thinking that if he was thinking about his old love like this, he might be defeated by this kid Liang Xiao. Thinking this way in his heart, the strength in his hand gradually increased. Seeing Liang Xiao's palm hit him, he didn't dare to be careless, and quickly returned a palm to split the empty palm.

Liang Xiao saw that Li Feng's palm was serious, and he knew how powerful it was, so he didn't dare to be careless. Seeing Li Feng's palm strike, he didn't dare to be careless. He gathered Qi in his hand, and secretly used the whale's breath power in Whale Song's palm to fight with him. Li Feng countered with this move of chopping empty palm.

When Child Elder saw Liang Xiao's palm, she was secretly surprised, she couldn't help thinking that this kid's palm seemed to be quite different from what she usually saw, but she didn't know where Liang Xiao learned it from?
Thinking about this question in his heart, he couldn't help asking: "Boy Liang, grandma seems to have some skills in your trick. I don't know where you learned it from."

After hearing this question, Liang Xiao didn't think there was anything wrong with it. At this moment, he wholeheartedly dealt with Li Feng, and he didn't want to answer Child Elder's questions. It wasn't because he looked down on Child Elder, but because he was afraid that if he asked a wrong question, something might go wrong, and Li Feng would put him down. take.

On the other hand, Li Feng couldn't help being secretly surprised when he heard Child Elder's words, thinking carefully about Liang Xiao's move just now, he thought that it was just more focused than his Whale Song Palm, it might not be that great, but Seeing Child Elder's dignified expression, I knew that things would not be that simple. Looking at Child Elder, I couldn't help but think a lot in my heart, I couldn't help but think, I want to see how this Child Elder will be What can I say, what kind of trick does this kid have.

But although his martial arts are powerful, he dare not be half-hearted when facing such masters as Liang Xiao. Seeing that Liang Xiao was attacking at the right time, he didn't dare to be careless at the moment. Xiao fought back.

When Liang Xiao saw Li Feng's move, he knew how powerful it was. He said "hey" immediately, and immediately counterattacked with his palm.

And what he used was the "whale's breath" that surprised Child Elder just now.

Seeing this, Child Elder was even more surprised, she looked at Liang Xiao fixedly, and couldn't help asking the question she just asked again, Liang Xiao saw that she had been obsessing over this question, it seemed that this matter was of great importance, so she could not bear it now. He couldn't stop asking, "What's the point of all these things you keep asking?"

Seeing this, Li Feng had a vague guess, thinking that the old woman Yu is most related to Yu Linglong, and for other things, everything is like a strong wind blowing, so she pays so much attention to Liang Xiao's palm technique at this time , Could it be related to that? Thinking of this, I couldn't help sweating. I looked at Liang Xiao fixedly, and I couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise in my heart. I couldn't help thinking that Liang Xiao's whale breath was really related to Yu Linglong?

It's just that Li Feng is very clever, and he has the altar and other cheating artifacts, but facing this situation, there are still some monks who are confused, and don't know what's going on?

But facing the fact that Child Elder also attaches so much importance to it, Li Feng didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, he just stared fixedly at the altar, he couldn't help thinking about it, trying to think of a reason, but the situation is so special at this time , even if this kid wants to come up with a solution to the problem, he can't.

I couldn't help but feel a little resentful at the moment.

How shrewd Liang Xiao was, he observed his words and expressions, and saw that the zhenqi in Li Feng's body had secretly become a little weaker with the change of his emotions, and without making a fuss, he immediately struck out with a palm, and struck towards Li Feng.

It used the "whale's breath" that aroused the surprise of Child Elder and Li Feng.

Faced with such a situation, no matter how suspicious Li Feng was, the most important thing right now was to end up with Liang Xiao. He immediately shouted, pushed out his palm, and struck towards Liang Xiao.

Seeing this, Liang Xiao couldn't help being horrified, but the situation was very strange at this time, even though he was surprised, he didn't dare to say anything more, and immediately backed away, but the force in his hand still didn't stop at all, instead Because Liang Xiao valued himself so much, he felt a little aggravated.

(End of this chapter)

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