Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 66 The reason for being hated

Chapter 66 The reason for being hated
Li Xun Huan really didn't know what to do. Should he explain to Li Feng in front of him? Although he had a good impression of Li Feng, this little guy in front of him seemed to be the same as himself back then, so smart, it's just a pity Unfortunately, they just met by chance.

And the reason why Qiu Moyan turned into a male student was just to save some troubles in the arena.You know, the current Qiu Moyan is wanted by the entire imperial court, if the current rationale can't withstand the temptation of the imperial court's Xuan Sheng to inform the government leaders to save money, it will be terrible.

It's just that now Li Feng's misunderstanding of Qiu Moyan and Zhuang Xin is getting deeper and deeper because of some of his own words. If there is no explanation, then there may still be Qiu Moyan and Zhuang Xin Where are the two of Xin?

"Sir, are you okay? Why did you cough so badly all of a sudden, do you want me to call a doctor for you?" Li Feng couldn't help but teased Li Xun Huan.

I couldn't help laughing, hahahaha!Li Xunhuan, you also have today, let's see if I don't disgust you to death today.

Li Xun Huan coughed, waved his hands, shook his head helplessly, and said to Li Feng: "I'm sick to death, I'm fine, don't worry, I just have a little cough, I feel cold occasionally, it's fine, in two days Enough."

Seeing this, Li Feng couldn't help but nodded, and continued to say to Li Xun Huan: "Sir, what you said is very true. If this is the case, then if the two of them are really good friends of Long Yang, then I will not bother you. What Zhuang Xin said is What? I'm willing to bow down, please tell Zhuang Xin that someone like Li admires you." Li Feng cupped his hands in embarrassment and said to Li Xun Huan.

"Cough cough cough..." As soon as Li Feng's words fell, Li Xunhuan coughed more violently, and hurriedly stepped forward to Li Feng's hand and said to Li Feng while coughing: "Li~Li...cough cough~ Mr. Li, don't misunderstand, There is nothing between the two of them, just let me explain to you." Li Xun Huan held onto Li Feng's hand tightly.This matter must be explained clearly, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Still don't understand what Li Xunhuan said?Li Feng suddenly looked at Li Xun Huan in horror, and couldn't help but point at Li Xun Huan tremblingly and said, "Um... Could it be that you, sir, are also... huh~uh...uh"

"Cough cough cough..., I am not, don't talk nonsense, be careful that this old man will cut you off with a knife." Whatever you like, you quickly stepped forward and covered Li Feng's mouth, threatening Li Feng.


Li Feng couldn't help but nodded, he had to bow his head under the eaves.

Seeing Li Feng nodded, Li Xunhuan let go of Li Feng's mouth after he coughed, and said to Li Feng, "Young Master Li, don't get me wrong, and that is also a girl, he is just a girl disguised as a boy." That's all." Li Xun Huan shook his head and said to Li Feng.

"What? That guy is actually a woman?" Li Feng pretended to be shocked, and said to Li Xun Huan.

Looking at Li Feng who was extremely surprised, Li Xunhuan couldn't help but nodded happily, and continued to explain to Li Feng: "Of course, you have to be careful when you are out and about in the rivers and lakes." Li Xunhuan pretended to sigh, Helplessly explained to Li Feng.

Hearing that Li Xun Huan's words were fake, and couldn't be more fake, Li Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart, and tried his best to complain in his heart: "Who are you, Li Xun Huan? It's amazing that someone can get more people from your side. It's an incredible thing. Are you stupid or I am stupid."

Li Feng couldn't help showing that it was true, and continued to say to Li Xun Huan: "Mr. Li, it turned out to be like this, no wonder he treated me like that, it turned out it was because he offended his little lover here. Let me tell you, why did you treat me like this for no reason? It seems to be my fault." Li Feng scratched his head and explained to Li Xun Huan.

(End of this chapter)

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