Chapter 80 Embarrassment
Seeing everyone discussing in disbelief, Li Feng couldn't help his tone.


A roar like a lion's coax resounded throughout the hall.I saw Cha Meng standing on that tall and mighty body like an angry lion, which brought an invisible sense of oppression to people.

This sound like a lion's coax made the whole hall instantly lonely and silent, as if a needle could be heard.

"A group of guys with no eyesight, don't make noise anymore, and don't disturb the little brother talking. If anyone is born without authorization, he will make things difficult for me, Cha Meng, and I will ask if I will answer the big knife in my hand. Hmph... ..." Cha Meng couldn't help but slapped all the candies he carried on the table, and said angrily.

"Huh..." Hearing Zha Meng's words, the surrounding onlookers couldn't help shrinking their heads. Cha Meng is in the arena, but no one knows who doesn't know, a natural goddess. In addition, his martial arts are usually so good that most people are not his opponents.Thus created the present famous name.Now that he has established the rules, who among all the people can offend him?No one wants to touch this bad luck.

"Hmph, that makes sense."

"Little brother, just tell us what's right or wrong for you, we can judge for ourselves, don't pay attention to them." Yu Er said kindly to Li Feng.

Seeing this, Yifeng couldn't help but sigh, it seems that today is really a doomed event, originally he planned to spend a year in a low-key manner, but he didn't expect to make such a move now.Presumably it won't be long before my name will spread throughout the rivers and lakes.Li Feng couldn't help but sighed and shook his head helplessly.I felt a sense of loss in my heart, after all, this went against my original intention, but I still felt a burst of joy in my heart, my name would appear in the whole rivers and lakes if I didn’t need it, what an honor it must be.

Li Feng was thinking in his heart, but his face remained calm, he couldn't help but cupped his hands to the other people in the inn and continued: "I don't know whether you believe it or not, but this is indeed the case."

"At that time, I talked with Mr. Li for a while, and I mentioned a saying in my hometown, what can't be broken can't be built. Everything needs to be put to death to be reborn."

"If it can't be broken, it can't be built. Put it to death and then live?"

"If you don't break or stand, you will die and then live?"


What does this mean?It's very plain, why can't I hear what's going on?

"Even I can't hear these types, and there is any meaning that touches me."

"Yes, yes, my cultivation has not improved at all."

The onlookers heard what Li Feng said, and after thinking about it for a long time, they couldn't feel anything. They couldn't help frowning and asked each other.

After a while, Yu Er couldn't help sighing, shook his head and said, "These words have the Zen meaning of a Buddhist expert, but the Buddhism contained in it is not something we can comprehend."

The Miaojiang Five Poison Boys couldn't help but nodded in deep agreement. Although they were touched by what Li Feng said, these words still couldn't be useful to them.

"Yeah, my old Cha thinks so too." Cha Meng nodded involuntarily, and said to Wudu Boy and Yu Er.

Seeing Yu Er pretending to understand, Wudu Boy and Shenxing Wuying Yu Er couldn't help but look at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"In the whole rivers and lakes, who doesn't know who Zha Meng is. He has been a fool since he was a child. He doesn't know a single word. You rarely understand this sincere Buddhist verse. You really don't know what it means."

Looking at the disdainful expressions on the faces of the two, Cha Meng couldn't help but blushed with shame.Pretending to be calm, he said to the two of them, "What's the matter? Although my old tea doesn't know a single word, I still know a little bit about Buddhist gatha."

"Oh? Since Master Zha understands the meaning of these gatha, then Master Zha needs to explain it to us."

"Er..." When Cha Meng heard this, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Originally, I wanted to pretend to know what I knew, but I didn't expect that there would be people who would be so fussy. This time I really fell into my hands.

"Hehe. The sun today is really good, everyone, why don't we go out and have a look." Cha Meng said to everyone with a haha.


(End of this chapter)

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