Chapter 86
The sentimental swordsman Wuqingjian would have his throat cut by someone without knowing it, which really shocked all the people present.You must know that the swordsmanship of the passionate swordsman Wuqingjian is very fast, and it is even faster than his sword. Who is it?
This passionate swordsman, the ruthless sword in the Longmen Inn, only offended a young man in front of him.Could it be that it is impossible for him to be so young, he seems to be at his age, and he has only just stepped into the rivers and lakes, how could he have such a high level of cultivation?One must know how much hard work one must practice in order to achieve such speed, which is not only a matter of talent, but also inseparable from the usual hard work and hard work.

"You~you..." The amorous swordsman Wuqing Jian pointed and squatted there, quietly eating his plain noodles Yuhuatian.She couldn't say a word, not because she didn't want to say it, but because the swordsman whose throat was cut couldn't say anything.Just about to open his mouth, but a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

"Ugh... poof."

Yu Huatian looked at the passionate swordsman Wuqingjian kneeling in front of him and couldn't help sighing, shaking his head.Helplessly said to him: "I didn't hear what you said just now, why don't you say it again."


What was waiting for Yuhuatian was a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

Looking at Yu Huatian whose whole body was dyed red, he couldn't help but sighed, and helplessly said loudly to everyone in the inn: "I'm here today, please forgive me, heroes. I don't I like him, and from now on, I would like to ask all heroes to rest well during this course, and if you don’t argue and make noise with the kite, I will definitely let him survive and die.”

"Young master is used to being unrestrained, so I would like to ask you heroes to make it easier. I don't know if anyone has any different opinions. Bring it up as soon as possible, so that everyone can solve it early." Yuhuatian couldn't help but wiped his face. The blood on the hand said to everyone.

"Hmph, you are just a pampered young master. Strength is what matters in this desert. In this desert, if you don't have kung fu, you will definitely not be able to survive for three days. When you are away from home, tell me about your young master's temper. I still think that everyone in the world is your father, and I'm still used to you. But if you call me father, then maybe I can help you. Everyone, do you think so? Ah, hahahaha..."

"It's just you two brats. If you come and call us daddy, we won't bother with you. Maybe we will need a card for the two of us. Hurry up and call us daddy."


Seeing the appearance of these two people who don't know the so-called table, the surrounding onlookers couldn't help sighing, the guy in front of them is definitely not ordinary, otherwise the passionate swordsman Ruqingjian just now wouldn't be cut off suddenly , I still don't know who killed it, but there is a [-]% chance that it was the boy in front of me.

Looking at the way the two of them were dying.Yu Huatian couldn't help but sighed, raised his hand to beckon someone, and instantly lost his head.

"What's going on? What's going on here."

"Yeah. What's going on. Who made the sword? It's so fast."


In the entire lobby, a pot exploded in an instant.

Yu Er and Wu Du couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see the disbelief in each other's eyes at a glance. They really didn't expect that there would be someone in this world who practiced swordsmanship to such an extreme level.

Yu Er couldn't help but looked at Yuhuatian who was squatting aside and eating plain noodles, and couldn't help asking him: "Little brother, please don't be so violent in the Longmen Inn, can you?"

Yuhuatian couldn't help but took a sip of the soup, pouted quietly, nodded and said, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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