Travel through the world of martial arts

Chapter 94 Li Xunhuan's Thanks

Chapter 94 Li Xunhuan's Thanks
"Hahahaha, what little brother Li said is absolutely true. Mo Yan should stop messing around here." An ethereal voice suddenly rang out from everyone's ears.

Hearing such a familiar voice, everyone couldn't help being taken aback.This voice is too familiar. A few days ago, he was one of the best characters in the entire Longmen Inn. In the past few days, the legend about him flew all over the Central Plains as if he had grown wings.

"This~this's him. Xiao Li Feidao, Li Xunhuan."

"What is Li Xunhuan, didn't he find a place to go to retreat? Why dare to dedicate himself to this Longmen Inn now? Could it be that she has already finished her retreat? Doesn't it mean that she has broken through the innate realm?"

"What's the matter with Li Xun Huan? She only worked hard for a few days, but has he already consolidated his current cultivation?"

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, I must have heard it wrong, hehe, I must have heard it wrong, it is absolutely impossible to be Li Xunhuan's."


When Li Xunhuan's voice resounded throughout the Longmen Inn, all the people in the inn couldn't help expressing a burst of emotion, they all firmly refused to believe that this was Li Xunhuan.He didn't believe that Li Xun Huan could consolidate his innate realm in just a few days.

After Li Feng heard Li Xun Huan's words, his face turned cold instantly, and he sighed in his heart that it was terrible. Li Xun Huan has returned, so it can prove that he has completed his retreat after this trip, and his innate realm has been consolidated.In this arena, no one can do anything to him.

My mission this time is to take Zhou Huai'an's head, but the relationship between Li Xunhuan and Zhou Huai'an is not trivial, how can Li Feng get Zhou Huai'an's head?
A ghost-like speed suddenly appeared in front of Li Feng, and he said to Li Feng: "Your brother, I still want to thank your brother for your kind words once again. Without your brother's words, I really don't know what to do." What year and month will he be able to break through the innate realm." After Li Xun Huan broke through the innate realm, he was in high spirits.

Li Feng couldn't help but sighed and accepted the fact helplessly, seeing this trip that exudes a different kind of charm in every gesture.

"Ah! It's really Li Xunhuan, I didn't expect him to make a breakthrough."

"Hmph, it's not bad that he's married on a trip, but it's still unknown whether he has broken through this matter. Maybe it's just a scam."

"That's what you said. After all, no one has broken through to the realm of immortality for many years. Why can he be said to be a fake?"

"That's impossible. You know Li Xun Huan is a first-class person, so how could he lie."

"Hey, it's wrong for you to say that. Although he is one of the best figures in the Jianghu, his heart is deep in his stomach. How can he know exactly what kind of person each person is? Don't you think so?"

"What you said is very true."

"That's right. As the saying goes, the heart is separated from the belly, and people know the face but not the heart. How can we know what kind of character he is?"


A series of ridicule suddenly appeared in Li Feng's ears. Looking at the expressionless Li Xun Huan in front of him, Li Feng couldn't help scratching his head and asked Li Xun Huan, "Brother Li, are you okay..."

Li Feng looked at Li Xun Huan worriedly, afraid that if she got excited and slapped the nonsense people in the inn to death, it would be a big deal.

"Hahahaha, Brother Li, don't worry about me. I haven't seen any scenes of your brother. And these are just cranes in the hills." Li Xunhuan explained to Li Feng without turning his head.He didn't care about what other people in Longmen Inn said.

The parties have already said so, what else can Li Feng say?Nodding helplessly, he asked Li Xunhuan: "Brother Li, didn't you go to consolidate your current state two days ago? Why did you come back now? Has it been consolidated now?" Li Feng couldn't help but to Li Xunhuan asked.

Hearing what Li Feng said, Li Xunhuan couldn't help but burst out laughing, while laughing, he patted Li Feng on the shoulder and said to him: "Hahahaha, I should also thank my little brother, because I felt something at that time, so I was in a hurry I found a place to break through first, so I ignored the little brother saying that it should be damned, little brother, please don't blame the brother and come to make amends for you now." Li Xunhuan patted Li Feng's shoulder and said to Li Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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