i can eat tips

Chapter 10 How is it possible!

Chapter 10 How is it possible!

"Boss be careful—"

Hearing Cai Ke's panicked cry next to him, Xu Bao was about to show a grin on his face when a rapidly growing fist appeared in front of him.


The air roared, and Xu Bao flew out like a cannonball. He flew seven or eight meters in a row, fell heavily on the cold muddy ground, and rolled several times on the ground until his castration stopped.

Although Xu Bao's skin was thick and fleshy, this punch made his eyes stare, his nose was salty and hot, and hot liquid continued to flow out, the whole nose was actually collapsed.

Xu Bao's face was deformed from the pain, and his nose was bleeding profusely. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Lu Shaoxi, his eyes were full of horror and pain, mixed with fear from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't even see where Lu Shaoxi's fist came from before he was blown away, hard!Not even the slightest strength to fight back!Even if he competes with his master, Fatty Hu, he has never seen such a terrifying speed!

Last night, Lu Shaoxi was beaten so badly by his master that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but today he suddenly became so violent, this...how is this possible!

Cai Ke's exclamation stopped abruptly in the middle of his shout, and he looked at Lu Shaoxi with a face of shock, disbelief and surprise.

"I've said it a long time ago, the third level of body training is nothing special, and it's not invincible. What's there to be proud of?" Lu Shaoxi walked up to Xu Bao with his hands behind his back, and sneered.

Xu Bao was so frightened that his face paled, he struggled to back away desperately, and exclaimed: "Lu Shaoxi, you...you dare to hurt me, my master will not let you go!"

As soon as he heard Fatty Hu mentioned, Lu Shaoxi became angry: "Oh? Don't worry, Fatty Hu won't be more comfortable than you. I'll break his dog legs in a while!" He looked at Xu Bao, his eyes became more and more serious. Ice-cold: "Xu Bao, remember, this is the Tianyangshu Martial Arts Gym, the Tianyangshu Martial Arts Gym founded by my father! No one is allowed to play wild at will, let alone anyone who wants to play tricks on it!"

He stomped down hard with both feet, "Crack!" Immediately, he stepped on Xu Bao's left and right arms into fractures: "Get out! Let me see you appearing near Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall next time, and I will connect your two legs Step on it too!"

Xu Bao screamed twice, his forehead was covered in cold sweat from the pain, but seeing Lu Shaoxi let him go, how could he dare to say another word, struggled to get up and run away with a mournful face.

Lu Shaoxi said calmly from behind: "One more thing, it's best to go to the hospital immediately, if you rush back to Changfengshu Martial Arts Hall to report, I'm afraid you will be permanently disabled."

Xu Bao staggered, and immediately turned his head and ran towards the main road of the main street - there was the nearest hospital there.For a person like Xu Bao who is ruthless and ungrateful, compared to having his hands disabled for life, the master and the like are naturally in the back row.

"Boss, you... when did you become so powerful?"

Lu Shaoxi turned around and saw Cai Ke looking at him with mixed surprises, so he smiled and said: "As long as you work hard, you can also have my strength."

As soon as he heard the four words of working hard to practice, Cai Ke smirked perfunctorily.

Lu Shaoxi checked the injury on Cai Ke's hand, and saw that it was just a bruise, not serious. It must be that Xu Bao was afraid of Cai Qun, so he didn't dare to do anything cruel.

Lu Shaoxi nagged Cai Ke a few words, and said: "Cai Tou, you rest here first, there is medicinal wine in my room, you should know where to put it, wipe it yourself. And this is the key to the door, if you have If you leave in a hurry, lock the door, put the key back in the bottom of the original flower pot, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

Lu Shaoxi handed the key to Cai Ke, turned around and was about to leave.

Cai Ke grabbed him with one hand, and said nervously: "Boss, you don't really want to go to Changfengshu Martial Arts Hall?"

"Yes!" Lu Shaoxi's eyes flickered coldly: "Fatty Hu dares to send someone to bully you, and he targets me everywhere at Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall. How can you relieve your hatred if you don't teach him a lesson?"

"But...But Fatty Hu is much better than Xu Bao. He is the fifth level of body training! How about...how about you wait for my brother to come and discuss it?" Cai Ke was obviously a little cowardly at the end stand up.

It's no wonder he is, now Fatty Hu is very powerful in the two nearby streets, he is almost invincible, the hooligans almost listen to him, and even the small gangs of the underworld are trying to win him over.Cai Ke was severely punished by Fatty Hu, leaving a deep psychological shadow. He also knew that Lu Shaoxi had also been defeated by Fatty Hu several times. Even though he had just seen Lu Shaoxi defeat Xu Bao, he still didn't have much confidence in him.

Seeing that Cai Ke was always thinking of himself, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help being moved. He patted Cai Ke on the shoulder: "Don't worry, since I dare to go to Changfengshu Martial Arts Hall, I'm sure I can deal with Fatty Hu. Besides, this is my Tianyang The grievances between Shuwuguan and Changfengshuwuguan must be resolved by me, the owner!"

The fighting spirit in Lu Shaoxi's eyes is burning. This is his book martial arts gym, and it is also where his father's painstaking efforts have been for many years. Fatty Hu, who has been coveting to target Tianyang Shuwuguan, let the aggressive Shuwuguan in the same district know that Tianyangshu Wuguan is not easy to mess with!
When Cai Ke heard Lu Shaoxi speak with arrogance, his blood surged in his heart, he was so bold and heroic!That's right, what are you afraid of, at worst, you will be beaten up together with the boss, anyway, your eldest brother is coming soon, forgive this fat man who doesn't dare to be cruel.Thinking of this, Cai Ke raised his head: "Boss, I'll go too, Fatty Hu beat me so badly before, I want to see how you beat him!"

Seeing his firm attitude, Lu Shaoxi agreed.

Cai Ke followed Lu Shaoxi and walked towards Changfengshu Martial Arts Hall, but took out his mobile phone in his hand, and quietly sent a message to his brother Cai Qun.

No matter what, when his elder brother Cai Qun comes, even if the boss can't beat Hu Fatty, he won't be afraid!

Changfeng Shu Wuguan is the same as Tianyangshu Wuguan, the front is for selling books, and the back is the martial arts dojo.The business of Fat Beard's bookstore is not much better than that of Tianyang Martial Arts School, but it is better because there are seven or eight disciples, and the tuition fees are enough to cover daily expenses.Moreover, these disciples also took turns to serve as the employees of the bookstore in front of them, so Fatty Hu even saved the cost of recruiting people.

In the martial arts dojo in the backyard, there are usually seats in the corner. At this time, Fatty Hu is sitting on the desk, drinking tea and chatting with a 24-year-old young man, and let several disciples perform martial arts to add to the fun.

Several disciples knew that the master was next to an honored guest, so they all performed boxing and kicking sparring with great effort, and the fight was vigorous.

Fatty Hu secretly glanced at the young man next to him, refilled him with tea, and said with a flattering smile, "Master Kuan, how about some more tea?" He is a junior of the younger generation, but his strength is better than that of Fatty Hu. Fatty Hu finally got into this relationship, and he is trying his best to curry favor with him. If he can get the approval and even protection of that martial arts family because of this, he can be regarded as a hermit in the martial arts in Yuanzhou City The world has found a big backer!

Kuan Shao responded lightly, but did not move his hand.

Seeing that he lacked interest, Fatty Hu knew that he was getting impatient, so he turned his head and called a disciple over.

Facing his disciple Hu Fatzi, he immediately changed his face, he raised his eyebrows, squinted and said: "Go to Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall to see what's going on, that kid Xu Bao is procrastinating, he just went to invite a practitioner The double-heavy trash has yet to come back!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud "pop!" from the door of the dojo, and the door had been kicked open forcefully.

"Fatty Hu, I heard you were looking for me?"

Amidst the faint voice, two young people strode in. The first person was Lu Shaoxi with good features and handsome appearance, followed by Cai Ke who was anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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